Library and tools written in CircuitPython to control flexible organic displays from PlasticLogic. Welcome to the docs!
Feather Wings with flexible 2.1" and 1.4" E Ink display
This is the first, and shortest possible demo and shows how to address the ePaper:
# import digitalio
import busio
import board
from pl_uc8156 import PL_UC8156
# define the pins we will need
clk = board.SCK # clock
mosi = board.MOSI # MOSI
miso = board.MISO # MISO
cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5) # chip-select
rst = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D12) # reset
busy = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D9) # busy
# create the spi-device
spi = busio.SPI(clock = clk, MOSI = mosi, MISO = miso)
# give them all to our driver
display = PL_UC8156(spi = spi, cs_pin = cs, rst_pin = rst, busy_pin = busy)
display.begin(reset = False)
display.text(string = 'Hello world!', x = 1, y = 1, color = BLACK, font_name = 'font5x8.bin')
You should now be able to see the ePaper screen updating. Congratulation! If you feel more like a pro’ this is now the time for the next examples.
This library is open source!
Author: Andreas Boenicke based on 'adafruit_epd.epd' by Dean Miller
License: MIT License (
We invested time and resources providing this open source code, please support open source hardware by purchasing this product @Adafruit and @Plasticlogic.