For GLPK all SolverConfigs set presolve to true. If set to false, an error occurs because GLPK expects the problem object to contain an optimal solution to the LP relaxation.
See GLPK documentation of glp_intopt:
glp intopt — solve MIP problem with the branch-and-cut method
int glp_intopt(glp_prob *P, const glp_iocp *parm);Description
If the presolver is disabled (see paragraph “Control parameters” below), on entry to the routine glp_intopt the problem object, which the parameter mip points to, should contain optimal solution to LP relaxation (it can be obtained, for example, with the routine glp_simplex). Otherwise, if the presolver is enabled, it is not necessary.
Espilon and the tolerance had to be changed for this test case.
The values for psi and psi_prime in the substitution of != otherwise were so close to zero, that the constraints did not work as intended.
The optimized value for i1 was 5 (c1: i1 != 5) and for r2 was 100 (c2: r2 != 100).
Experimental values that worked:
- tolerance = 1.0E-8
- tolerance = 1.0E-6 and epsilon = 9.9999E-2
For this testcase the tolerance of the solver had to be changed.
tolerance = 1.0E-6
For this testcase the tolerance of the solver had to be changed.
tolerance = 1.0E-6
Remember: Depending on the solver a license is necessary (e.g., for Gurobi).
- Run all tests:
$ mvn clean verify
- Run a specific test class (e.g.,
$ mvn -Dtest=GlpkTest -DfailIfNoTests=false verify
Before running tests with the CPLEX solver, it might be necessary to add the following Run Configuration to the VM Arguments (Eclipse: right click on the project -> Run as
-> Run Configurations
-> Arguments
tab), replace with the appropriate path, for example:
This example can be found in the Test Class
There is a set of items, which all have a weight and a value. The goal is to determine a collection of items, for which the profit is maximized but the capacity constraint is satisfied.
// Amount of items
int I = 6;
// Profit
int[] p = { 10, 13, 18, 32, 7, 15 };
// Weight
int[] w = { 11, 15, 20, 35, 10, 33 };
// Capacity
int c = 47;
// Create variables:
// 0 -> item i not put in knapsack
// 1 -> item i put in knapsack
List<BinaryVariable> x_i = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < I; i++) {
x_i.add(new BinaryVariable("x_" + i));
// Objective: maximize the total price of selected items
// maximize SUM(p_i * x_i)
Problem problem = new Problem();
LinearFunction lin = new LinearFunction();
for (int i = 0; i < I; i++) {
lin.addTerm(x_i.get(i), p[i]);
// Constraint: Total weight must be equal or less than the capacity
// SUM(w_i * x_i) <= c
LinearConstraint c1 = new LinearConstraint(Operator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, c);
for (int i = 0; i < I; i++) {
c1.addTerm(x_i.get(i), w[i]);
// Model
// Optimize
SolverConfig config = new SolverConfig(SolverType.GLPK, false, 0.0, true, 42, false, 0.0, false, 0, 0, true, false, false, null);
Solver solver = (new SolverHelper(config)).getSolver();
SolverOutput out = solver.solve();
// Prints the result of the objective
// Sets the values for the Variables
// Do something, e.g. print