We highly recommand that you use Anaconda for Installation
conda create -n simswap python=3.6
conda activate simswap
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
(option): pip install --ignore-installed imageio
pip install insightface==0.2.1 onnxruntime moviepy
- We use the face detection and alignment methods from insightface for image preprocessing. Please download the relative files and unzip them to ./insightface_func/models from this link.
- The pytorch and cuda versions above are most recommanded. They may vary.
- Using insightface with different versions is not recommanded. Please use this specific version.
- These settings are tested valid on both Windows and Ununtu.
There are two archive files in the drive: checkpoints.zip and arcface_checkpoint.tar
- Copy the arcface_checkpoint.tar into ./arcface_model
- Unzip checkpoints.zip, place it in the root dir ./
[Google Drive]
[Baidu Drive] Password: jd2v
We expect users to have GPU with at least 8G memory. For those who do not, we will provide Colab Notebook implementation in the future.