networks/: networks' architectures
utils/: various utilities
eval/: all evaluation scripts are defined here
datasets/: specific dataset models
loss_criterions/: gan loss criterions. Whether they are "basic" (MSE...) or more model specific (AC-GAN)
merics/: metrics used to estimate the quality of the trained models
trainer/: wrappers used to handle the GAN's training. Things like: number of iterations, logging, visualization... will be handled here. : the reference structure for GANs. All GANs must inherit from this class.
This mother BaseGANs handles:
- the GAN training sequence as described in Generative Adversarial Nets
- GPU and multi-GPU
- saving and loading into a file
- gradient penalty
- nature of the loss
- conditional generation (ACGAN)
What should be handled in a child class
- nature of the G and D networks
- kind of optimizers used (will be moved in BaseGAN)
- and other functions model specific an implementation of NVIDIA's progressive gan. This class inherits from the BaseGAN abstract class. an implementation of DCGAN a very simple and basic GAN structure. This class inherits from the BaseGAN abstract class.
Among other things, it gives the user the possibility to add new layers to the model during the training.
trainer/ standard configuration for a ProgressiveGAN training. trainer/ standard configuration for a DCAGN training.
All possible configuration parameters for ProgressiveGANTrainer are described here.