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Bruce Mitchener edited this page May 15, 2013 · 1 revision

Our numerical models could use substantial improvements.


The Hacker's guide should be updated to include a description of:

  • our numerical classes and how they relate to each other
  • how / where they are implemented
  • how to add a new one

Improving Type Names

Having names like <integer> which may be 30 bits or 62 depending on architecture, or <double-integer> (always 64 bit, but not valid for values that fit into an <integer>) and so on gets very confusing.

It would be nice to consider at least having the raw types correspond to how large they are in bits, like <raw-32-bit-integer>.

This is an open question and not a certainty.

Native / Raw 64-bit Integers

It would be nice if we had a working <raw-double-integer> that was a 64 bit value and that we could use with <double-integer> in the future.

64-bit Integers and the C-FFI

Related to the above, but we need an easy way to pass 64 bit integers in and out of the C-FFI for interop with C APIs.

Performance with Doubles

We suspect that using <double-float> has more overhead when storing values back to slots than when using <float>.

This needs investigation.

Arbitrary Precision Values

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