A Sketch Plugin to export artboards to a PDF document.
- Export all pages
- Export current page
- Export selected artboards
Note: This plugin is no longer actively maintained; whilst functionality should still work, don't expect it to be updated in the future.
🔥 | Description |
Artboard Export Order | Easily set the export order of the artboards when running the plugin. |
Export as PNGs into PDF | This will export each artboard first into a PNG, then place those PNGs together into a single PDF document. This is extremely helpful for things such as 'images with fills', 'gradient fills', 'some shadows' that sometimes don't render well into a PDF.You can also specify the export size for the PNGs — same as the typical Sketch export; 200w = width of 200px, 100h = height of 100px, 3x = 3 times artboard size |
Ignore Artboards/pages with prefix | Do you sometimes have those few artboards you still want to keep around, but don't necessarily want to export? Or maybe a page that is an archive? Then this is perfect for you. When checked, you can specify a prefix. Every artboard or page with that prefix will be excluded when exporting. |
Include 'Symbol Master' Artboards | Perhaps you use Symbols and wish to include the 'Symbol Master' artboards in your export... now you can. |
Too often, I found myself going 'File > Export Artboards to PDF', then opening up the PDF and deleting pages I didn't actually want.
Sometimes I would duplicate a page in Sketch as a new iteration on the design. I would then want to export the single iteration—consisting of multiple artboards—into a PDF for distribution and printing purposes; so having a 'Export current page into PDF' option is a real lifesaver!! 😍
- Download the plugin
- Double-click the file, 'PDF Export.sketchplugin'
- That's it...
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Check out my other Sketch Plugins:
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