title | summary | category | aliases | |
Testing Deployment from Binary Tarball |
Use the binary to deploy a TiDB cluster. |
how-to |
This guide provides installation instructions for all TiDB components across multiple nodes for testing purposes. It does not match the recommended usage for production systems.
See also local deployment and production environment deployment.
Before you start, see TiDB architecture and Software and Hardware Recommendations. Make sure the following requirements are satisfied:
For the operating system, it is recommended to use RHEL/CentOS 7.3 or higher. The following additional requirements are recommended:
Configuration | Description |
Supported Platform | RHEL/CentOS 7.3+ (more details) |
File System | ext4 is recommended |
Swap Space | Should be disabled |
Disk Block Size | Set the system disk Block size to 4096 |
Configuration | Description |
Firewall/Port | Check whether the ports required by TiDB are accessible between the nodes |
Configuration | Description |
Nice Limits | For system users, set the default value of nice in TiDB to 0 |
min_free_kbytes | The setting for vm.min_free_kbytes in sysctl.conf needs to be high enough |
User Open Files Limit | For database administrators, set the number of TiDB open files to 1000000 |
System Open File Limits | Set the number of system open files to 1000000 |
User Process Limits | For TiDB users, set the nproc value to 4096 in limits.conf |
Address Space Limits | For TiDB users, set the space to unlimited in limits.conf |
File Size Limits | For TiDB users, set the fsize value to unlimited in limits.conf |
Disk Readahead | Set the value of the readahead data disk to 4096 at a minimum |
NTP service | Configure the NTP time synchronization service for each node |
SELinux | Turn off the SELinux service for each node |
CPU Frequency Scaling | It is recommended to turn on CPU overclocking |
Transparent Hugepages | For Red Hat 7+ and CentOS 7+ systems, it is required to set the Transparent Hugepages to always |
I/O Scheduler | Set the I/O Scheduler of data disks to the deadline mode |
vm.swappiness | Set vm.swappiness = 0 in sysctl.conf |
net.core.somaxconn | Set net.core.somaxconn = 32768 in sysctl.conf |
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies | Set net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0 in sysctl.conf |
Configuration | Description |
LANG environment | Set LANG = en_US.UTF8 |
TZ time zone | Set the TZ time zone of all nodes to the same value |
Before you deploy a TiDB cluster, see the required components and optional components.
See the following table for the default ports for the TiDB components:
Component | Default Port | Protocol | Description |
ssh | 22 | TCP | the sshd service |
TiDB | 4000 | TCP | the communication port for the application and DBA tools |
TiDB | 10080 | TCP | the communication port to report TiDB status |
TiKV | 20160 | TCP | the TiKV communication port |
PD | 2379 | TCP | the communication port between TiDB and PD |
PD | 2380 | TCP | the inter-node communication port within the PD cluster |
See the following table for the default ports for the optional TiDB components:
Component | Default Port | Protocol | Description |
Prometheus | 9090 | TCP | the communication port for the Prometheus service |
Pushgateway | 9091 | TCP | the aggregation and report port for TiDB, TiKV, and PD monitor |
Node_exporter | 9100 | TCP | the communication port to report the system information of every TiDB cluster node |
Grafana | 3000 | TCP | the port for the external Web monitoring service and client (Browser) access |
alertmanager | 9093 | TCP | the port for the alert service |
Log in to the machine using the
user account and create a database running user account (tidb
) using the following command:# useradd tidb -m
Switch the user from
by using the following command. You can use thistidb
user account to deploy your TiDB cluster.# su - tidb
# Download the package.
$ wget https://download.pingcap.org/tidb-latest-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ wget https://download.pingcap.org/tidb-latest-linux-amd64.sha256
# Check the file integrity. If the result is OK, the file is correct.
$ sha256sum -c tidb-latest-linux-amd64.sha256
# Extract the package.
$ tar -xzf tidb-latest-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ cd tidb-latest-linux-amd64
If you want to test TiDB but have a limited number of nodes, you can use one PD instance to test the entire cluster.
Assuming that you have four nodes, you can deploy 1 PD instance, 3 TiKV instances, and 1 TiDB instance. See the following table for details:
Name | Host IP | Services |
Node1 | | PD1, TiDB |
Node2 | | TiKV1 |
Node3 | | TiKV2 |
Node4 | | TiKV3 |
Follow the steps below to start PD, TiKV and TiDB:
Start PD on Node1.
$ ./bin/pd-server --name=pd1 \ --data-dir=pd \ --client-urls="" \ --peer-urls="" \ --initial-cluster="pd1=" \ --log-file=pd.log &
Start TiKV on Node2, Node3 and Node4.
$ ./bin/tikv-server --pd="" \ --addr="" \ --data-dir=tikv \ --log-file=tikv.log & $ ./bin/tikv-server --pd="" \ --addr="" \ --data-dir=tikv \ --log-file=tikv.log & $ ./bin/tikv-server --pd="" \ --addr="" \ --data-dir=tikv \ --log-file=tikv.log &
Start TiDB on Node1.
$ ./bin/tidb-server --store=tikv \ --path="" \ --log-file=tidb.log
Use the MySQL client to connect to TiDB.
$ mysql -h -P 4000 -u root -D test