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vDDoS Auto Switch

vDDoS Auto Switch is a addon support for vDDoS Proxy Protection - Automatically identifies overloaded websites and changes their Security Mode.

1/ Install vDDoS Proxy Protection:

To install vDDoS Proxy Protection please visit this site:

2/ Install vDDoS Auto Switch:

curl -L -o ; unzip ; rm -f
mv vDDoS-Auto-Switch-master /vddos/auto-switch
chmod 700 /vddos/auto-switch/*.sh
ln -s /vddos/auto-switch/ /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch
ln -s /vddos/auto-switch/ /usr/bin/vddos-switch
ln -s /vddos/auto-switch/ /usr/bin/vddos-sensor

3/ Config vDDoS Auto Switch:

nano /vddos/auto-switch/setting.conf

# This is the default configuration for "" and ""

hostname="vDDoS Master"							#(Name this server, it will show up in Email notifications)

vddos_master_slave_mode="no"					#(Turn on "yes" if your system has slave servers, want to sync affter switch like master)
backend_url_check="no"			#(Put the URL of the backend. Ex: (make sure Backend status response is "200"))

send_notifications="no"						#(Turn on "yes" if you want receive notification)
smtp_server="smtps://"		#(SMTP Server)
smtp_username=""				#(Your Mail)
smtp_password="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" 				#(Get your Apps password for Gmail from
send_notifications_to=""		#(Your Email Address will receive notification)

maximum_allowable_delay_for_backend=2 			#(Means: If Backend (status response "200") is slower than 2s, vDDoS will enable challenge mode)
maximum_allowable_delay_for_website=2 			#(Means: If Website (status response "200") is slower than 2s, vDDoS will enable challenge mode)

default_switch_mode_not_attack="no"				#(Default Mode vDDoS use when it's not under attacked)
default_switch_mode_under_attack="high"			#(Default Mode vDDoS use when it's under attack)
default_waiting_time_to_release="60"			#(For example 60 minutes, release time from challenge)

4/ Using vDDoS Auto Switch:

/usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch automatically identifies overloaded websites (if the website can not respond 200 HTTP Status after 2 seconds - it mean they are too slow or high load...) And after that vddos-autoswitch will changes their Security Mode in /vddos/conf.d/website.conf:

WARNING: Please remove [...] in all the below commands!

Auto check/switch for a domain:

Auto check/switch security mode for a domain (already in the website.conf file) to 5s mode (if it is being slow/high load):

/usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch [checkdomain] 5s

Auto check/switch for a list domains:

Auto check/switch security mode for each all domains (already in the website.conf file) to 5s mode (if it is being slow/high load):

/usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch [checkalldomain] 5s

Auto check/switch security mode for each domain in the list domains to 5s mode (if it is being slow/high load):

/usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch [checklist] /etc/listdomains.txt 5s

Flush all security mode for all domain (already in the website.conf file) if they are not slow/high load:

/usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch [flushalldomain] /etc/listdomains.txt no

5/ Crontab vDDoS Auto Switch:

If you want to automate the inspection and changes website's Security Mode. You can configure vDDoS Auto Switch to crontab as follows:

For example, check the status of every website every 3 minutes and automatically flush all security mode for them (if their security mode have been switch) every 30 minutes:

echo '*/3  *  *  *  * root /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch checkalldomain high' >> /etc/crontab
echo '*/30  *  *  *  * root /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch flushalldomain /vddos/conf.d/website.conf no' >> /etc/crontab
echo '*  *  *  *  * root /usr/bin/vddos-sensor' >> /etc/crontab

Or you have a list of special domains that need to check the status of every website every 3 minutes and automatically flush all security mode for them every 30 minutes:

echo '*/3  *  *  *  * root /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch checklist /etc/listspecialdomains.txt captcha' >> /etc/crontab
echo '*/30  *  *  *  * root /usr/bin/vddos-autoswitch flushalldomain /etc/listspecialdomains.txt no' >> /etc/crontab

6/ More Config:


Still in beta, use at your own risk! It is provided without any warranty!