Inspired by matter
A simple, no-dependency library for separating YAML or TOML frontmatter from some text.
For example, Let's say you have a markdown document:
title = "TOML Frontmatter"
list = [
contentType = "audio/mpeg"
This is some content.
use frontmatter::split_matter;
fn main() {
let example_text = r#"+++
title = "TOML Frontmatter"
list = [
contentType = "audio/mpeg"
if let Some((frontmatter, content)) = split_matter(&content) {
// Do something, probably deserializing the frontmatter in to YAML/TOML
assert_ne!(f.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(c, "This is some content.");
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
frontmatter = { git="", branch="master"}