Inplace Edit Form is a Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database
It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License <>
Video Demo, of django-inplaceedit and Django-inlinetrans (Set full screen mode to view it correctly)
{% load inplace_edit %} {% inplace_static %}
INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.admin', #.....................# 'inplaceeditform', )
And uncomment the request context processor:
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( #...# 'django.core.context_processors.request', #...# )
urlpatterns = patterns('', #...# (r'^inplaceeditform/', include('inplaceeditform.urls')), #...# )
If you use the date adaptor or datetime adaptor also:
js_info_dict = { 'packages': ('django.conf',), } urlpatterns = patterns('', #...# (r'^inplaceeditform/', include('inplaceeditform.urls')), (r'^jsi18n$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict), )
{% inplace_edit "OBJ.FIELD_NAME" %} {% inplace_edit "OBJ.FIELD_NAME|FILTER1|FILTER2|...|FILTERN" %}
{% load inplace_edit %} <html> <head> ... <script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> {% inplace_media %} </head> <body> ... <div id="content"> ... {% inplace_edit "" %} ... <div class="description"> {% inplace_edit "content.date_initial|date:'d m Y'" %} {% inplace_edit "content.description|safe" %} </div> <div class="body"> {% inplace_edit "content.body|safe|truncatewords_html:15" %} </div> </div> ... </body> </html>
Just pass the cursor above the field and double click, authenticated with a super user
- Inplaceedit has some optionals parameters that the templatetag can receive to change its behavior:
- auto_height: Adapt the height's widget to the tag container.
- auto_width: Adapt the width's widget to the tag container.
- class_inplace: Add a class to edit inline form.
- tag_name_cover: The value is covered for a span. But it's possible to change it.
- filters_to_show: The server filters the value before to save. List separate for "|"
- loads: If you use some filter that need a load, you set this option. List separate for ":"
{% inplace_edit "content.description|safe" auto_height=1, auto_width=1 %} {% inplace_edit "content.title" class_inplace="titleFormEditInline" %} {% inplace_edit "content.description|safe" filters_to_show="safe|truncatewords_html:30", tag_name_cover="div" %} {% inplace_edit "content.description|my_filter" loads="my_template_tag" %}
You can create a adaptor to work with inplace edit form, the behavior is fully customizable. To default inplaceedit has 8 adaptors. These use the api, overwriting some methods for them.
In your settings:
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'myadaptor': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptor'}
In app_name.fields.MyAdaptor:
class MyAdaptor(BaseAdaptorField): @property def name(self): return 'myadaptor'
- loads_to_post: It returns the value of the request (normally request.POST)
- classes: Classes of tag cover. By default "inplaceedit" and "myadaptorinplaceedit"
- get_config: Preprocessed of the configuration. By default, it does nothing.
- get_form_class: It returns the form class.
- get_form: It returns a instace of form class.
- get_field: It returns a field of instance of form class.
- render_value: It returns the render of the value. If you write {% inplace_edit "|filter1" %} it returns something like this {{|filter1 }}.
- render_value_edit: It returns the render value if you can edit. It returns by default the same of "render_value", but if the value is None call to empty_value
- empty_value: It returns an empty value for this adaptor. By default, 'Dobleclick to edit'.
- render_field: It returns the render of form, with a field.
- render_media_field: It returns the media (scripts and css) of the field.
- render_config: It returns the render of config.
- can_edit: It returns a boolean that indicate if this user can edit inline this content or not.
- get_value_editor: It returns a clean value to be saved in DB.
- save: Save the value in DB.
- get_auto_height: Returned if the field rendered with auto height
- get_auto_width: Returned if the field rendered with auto width
- treatment_height: Special treatment to widget's height.
- treatment_width: Special treatment to widget's width.
If you want to use own options in your adaptor, you can do it. These options will be in self.config in the adaptor. {% inplace_edit "obj.field_name" my_opt1="value1", my_opt2="value2" %}
Exist there hooks,
getValue: if the value is componing for various widgets, you can set the function getValue, to these DOM elements. Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function () { function myGetValue(form, field_id) { return ""Something"" } $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("getValue", myGetValue); }); })(jQuery); </script>applyFinish: if you need/want to do some action after the value be saved. Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function () { function myApplyFinish() { return ""Something"" } $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("applyFinish", myApplyFinish); }); })(jQuery); </script>cancelFinish: if you need/want to do some action after the cancel the edit. Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function () { function myCancelFinish() { return ""Something"" } $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("cancelFinish", myCancelFinish); }); })(jQuery); </script>
For example the adaptor datetime use these hooks.
To overwrite a adaptor add in your settings something like this:
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'text': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptorText'}
For this case you overwrite the AdaptorText with MyAdaptorText.
By default you can inline edit a field if you are authenticated with a superuser. But it's customizable:
This package have two inplementations:
- SuperUserPermEditInline (by default): Only you can edit if you are super user
- AdminDjangoPermEditInline: Yo can edit the content if you have a permission edit for that model. If you want enabled this, write in your settings:
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'inplace_edit.perms.AdminDjangoPermEditInline'
You can create a specify adaptor. MyAdaptorEditInline is a class with a single class method, this method receives a adaptor field
# in your settings ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'app_name.perms.MyAdaptorEditInline' # in app_name.perms class MyAdaptorEditInline(object): @classmethod def can_edit(cls, adaptor_field): return True # All user can edit
class MyAdaptorEditInline(object): @classmethod def can_edit(cls, adaptor_field): user = adaptor_field.request.user obj = adaptor_field.obj can_edit = False if user.is_anonymous(): pass elif user.is_superuser: can_edit = True else: can_edit = has_permission(obj, user, 'edit') return can_edit
This django application has been tested on severals browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer on versions 7 and 8, to ckeck javascript actions.
Also, exists a django project to test inplaceeditform. This project can use as demo project, because inplaceeditform is totally adapted to it.
This egg is compatible with Transmeta But it is not a requirement
If you want to get more download Django Inplace Edit Extra Field
You can get the last leading edge version of inplaceedit by doing a checkout of its subversion repository:
git clone git://