This page is cdpfgl's doxygen's @mainpage.
With this project you can backup and restore files in a live and continuous
way. Compile the project and put cdpfglserver
on the machine where you want to
save your files. Let cdpfglclient
crawl your files to save them (on your client).
If needed use cdpfglrestore
to restore files or directories.
This is free software and real open source as GPLv3 is used for this collection of programs and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 is used for the artwork. You'll find a LICENSE file in this directory for the programs (GPL v3) and one in the pixmaps directory for the artwork (CC-BY-SA 4.0).
Feel free to contribute to cdpfgl's project and/or give help to the projects used here (see dependencies section below).
You can download the source code from github or get a packed defined version at
This project depends on the following projects (minimum version required is stated between () and recommended version between []):
(0.9.5) [0.9.46]libcurl
(2.5) [2.7]zlib
jansson's library version is quite recent but it compiles nicely and depends on nothing (as far as I know). Compiling cdpfgl also needs gnutls development files (used by libmicrohttpd). Please have a look at .travis.yml file in order to see how to compile dependencies before compiling cdpfgl.
cdpfgl's project is known to compile (sometimes at the expense of recompiling and installing newer versions of dependencies) and run under Centos 7, Debian Jessie, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, VoidLinux, raspbian 3 and on x86_64 and arm7l architectures. Please let me know if you have compiled cdpfgl successfully in a system that is not listed here.
(1.6.1) is used to generate code's documentation.gnuplot
(4.6) is used to generate graphs for the documentation.gource
(0.43) is used to generate the video about project's life in gitpandoc
( is used to generate a .tex and then a .pdf from .md manual files. It is also used to generate man pages from .md files in 'man' directory.
If you had the code from the git repository you may generate the configure
script by invoking ./
script. It will execute aclocal, libtoolize
automake, autoconf, glib-gettextize and intltoolize for you. If everything
went ok you should have an executable configure script that you may use
in the classic way:
./configure --prefix=/my/local/install --enable-debug
make install
If you need more information about how to install cdpfgl you can also have a look at the installation manual.
First you need to run the program cdpflgserver
on a machine that will act as
a server. You can configure options in server.conf
(located by default
in {prefix}/etc/cdpfgl/
) or use the command's line options as shown in
cdpfglserver man page.
Then you may use cdpfglclient
program to report modified files to the server
and save them accordingly. Configuration file is named client.conf
command line options are documented in cdpfglclient man page.
At a time you may need to restore a file then you'll have to use cdpfglrestore
program. Configuration file is named restore.conf
and command line
options are documented in cdpfglrestore man page.
If you need more than the above hints, please have a look at the user manual.
I am coding on spare hours so I may not tell any release dates and you should consider that "It ships when its ready".
- 0.0.12 Use compression in file_backend.
- 0.0.13 Add some security between clients and server to avoid sending plain clear text messages.
- 0.0.14 Modify file_backend to store meta data into a database
- 0.0.15 Add a new backend that will store things into an object storage.
- 0.0.1 [07.08.2015] First usable version
- 0.0.2 [08.15.2015] client redesigned
- 0.0.3 [08.21.2015] saves and restores links
- 0.0.4 [09.06.2015] new server url to post a bunch of hashs and associated data. Clean the answer list of needed hashs to avoid having duplicated hashs into it.
- 0.0.5 [10.04.2015] fanotify's code reviewed. Avoid having one entire file in memory.
- 0.0.6 [11.02.2015] restore to some specific place. client adaptive blocksize with option to choose fixed or adaptive. Add options to choose CLIENT_MIN_BUFFER.
- 0.0.7 [01.03.2016] Ability to exclude some files by extension or path. Caching mechanism in client in case the server is unreachable. Change GSList hash_data_list from meta_data_t structure to something that allows deletion of elements while walking through it.
- 0.0.8 [04.27.2016] restore the latest version of a file before a specific date. Add a new post url such as (Hash_Array.json) to submit an array of hashs to server that will say which hashs are needed. Avoids sql injection in sqlite queries.
- 0.0.9 [08.24.2016] New GET url in order to get a bunch of hashs and their associated data to go quicker when restoring files. Restore all the versions of a file. Now cdpfglclient handles signals and should close its database connection cleanly.
- 0.0.10 [11.29.2016] restore a directory and it's subfiles and directories at a specific date. Write a man page for each programs.
- 0.0.11 [09.10.2017] have some statistics with the server.
If you are interested in helping the project please have a look at file. Some inside insights are in the infrastructure documentation as well for the API part.