dubbo protocol v3 (alias: triple) in Go
Triple-go is a golang network package that based on http2, used by Dubbo-go 3.0.
It is an amazing (grpc+) protocol, compatible with Dubbo 3.0 and grpc-go. has great interoperability with grpc-go and Dubbo 3.0.
- Use standard proto IDL to define your dubbo-go service and realize cross-language intercommunication with dubbo-java.
- Perfect interoperability with your existing grpc services, allowing you to experience a framework with both dubbo service management capabilities and grpc compatibility.
- Provide two-way streaming RPC calls and communicate with grpc.
Alibaba Cloud official introduction article: 《Dubbo 3.0-Open the next generation of cloud-native microservices》
Http2 protocol header extension fields:
Requeset header
tri-service-version: dubbo app version
tri-service-group: dubbo app group
tri-req-id: request id
tri-trace-traceid: trace id
tri-trace-rpcid: span id
tri-trace-proto-bin: trace context binary data
tri-unit-info: cluster information
Response header(trailer fields)
grpc-status: grpc status code
grpc-message: error message
trace-proto-bin: trace binary data