diff --git a/data/fr/story.json b/data/fr/story.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae2cc8e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/fr/story.json @@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@ +{ + "0": [ + { + "date": "AU COMMENCEMENT", + "event": "Il n'y avait que l'Aether et les Gardiens. Parmi eux, il y avait deux êtres qui seraient connus plus tard par de nombreux noms. L'un sera connu sous le nom de Docteur Monty, l'autre sous le nom du Shadowman" + }, + { + "date": "3 SEPTEMBRE, 5AP Jésus-Christ", + "event": "Sachant que la planète a une porte d'entrée sur Agartha, les Apothicons envoient des météorites de l'élément 115 à la Terre. Ils croient que l'humanité utilisera un jour l'élément 115 pour faire la guerre entre eux, ouvrant une faille qui permettra aux Apothicones d'échapper à l'Aether Noir." + }, + { + "date": "15 JANVIER 1292", + "event": "La Grande Guerre entre l'humanité et les Apothicones commence" + }, + { + "date": "14 Avril 1294", + "event": "Sir Pablo Marinus est sauvé des griffes d'un Margwa par quatre héros inconnus. Ils seront plus tard connus sous le nom de Primis." + } + ], + "1": [ + { + "date": "31 Décembre 1299", + "event": "Ensemble avec les Gardiens, Primis bat les Apothicons, mettant fin à la Grande Guerre." + }, + { + "date": "1er Janvier 1300", + "event": "Avant qu'ils ne disparaissent apparemment de l'histoire, Primis demande au Roi-Loup de commencer à construire Le Château \"Der Eisendrache\"." + }, + { + "date": "19 Septembre 1318", + "event": "En honorant la demande de mort du Roi-Loup, son fidèle serviteur, Arthur, se répand et enterre ses os dans le domaine de Der Eisendrache, accompagné du Roi-Loup." + }, + { + "date": "20 Septembre 1318", + "event": "Des fissures dans l’espace-temps téléporte Arthur à la Résolution 1295 en 2025 en Angola." + }, + { + "date": "30 Juin 1908", + "event": "Un météore contenant l'élément 115 s'écrase près de la rivière Stony Tunguska." + } + ], + "2": [ + { + "date": "30 Aout 1925", + "event": "Le docteur Edward Richtofen rejoint les Illuminati." + }, + { + "date": "4 Février 1931", + "event": "De grands gisements de l'élément 115 sont découverts près de Breslau, en Allemagne. Le docteur Ludvig Maxis, un scientifique allemand, est envoyé pour enquêter." + }, + { + "date": "10 Mai 1931", + "event": "Maxis forme le groupe 935, une organisation internationale dédiée à l'étude de l'élément 115. Maxis dit à ses scientifiques qu'ils \"représentent l'avenir de l'avancement technologique\" et seront \"les pionniers de la découverte humaine\". Le groupe jure de travailler dans le secret de leurs gouvernements respectifs. Comme le dit Maxis, \"nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de laisser ce pouvoir tomber dans les mauvaises mains\"" + }, + { + "date": "5 Novembre 1934", + "event": "Samantha Maxis née. Sa mère meurt lors de l’accouchement." + } + ], + "3": [ + { + "date": "11 Aout 1936", + "event": "Maxis invite Richtofen à rejoindre le Groupe 935. Il est d'accord, agissant en secret sur les intérêts des Illuminati." + }, + { + "date": "10 Avril 1937", + "event": "L'armée japonaise impériale découvre des fragments de météorite de l'élément 115 dans un marais dans un territoire japonais. Ils construisent l'installation de “Rising Sun” pour continuer la recherche. La division 9 est créée pour surveiller son fonctionnement." + }, + { + "date": "14 Juin 1957", + "event": "Le gouvernement des États-Unis découvre les dépôts d'élément 115 au Lac Groom." + }, + { + "date": "2 Juillet 1939", + "event": "Maxis et Richtofen commencent des expériences de téléportation avec le Prototype de transfert de matière, avec un faible succès. Les sujets sont téléportés, mais leur composition chimique est modifiée en les laissant catatoniques et changés" + } + ], + "4": [ + { + "date": "5 Aout 1939", + "event": "En utilisant l'élément 115, Maxis et Richtofen ressuscitent un des cadavres téléportés pour la première fois. Au départ, il obéit, mais bientôt devient enragé et les attaque. Le sujet de l'examen est euthanasié." + }, + { + "date": "3 Septembre 1939", + "event": "Richtofen commence le développement du Wunderwaffe DG-2." + }, + { + "date": "2 Novembre 1939", + "event": "Maxis se tourne vers le Reichstag pour un financement supplémentaire. L'Allemagne accepte la demande, exprimant son intérêt pour la recherche sur les armes, la technologie de téléportation et les sujets non-disparus réanimés." + }, + { + "date": "4 Décembre 1939", + "event": "Pendant le Test Trial 151, Richtofen et le docteur Schuster se téléportent avec succès un noyer. C'est le premier test réussi où la composition chimique de l'objet est maintenue tout au long du processus." + } + ], + "5": [ + { + "date": "4 Décembre 1939", + "event": "Pendant le Test Trial 151, Richtofen et le docteur Schuster se téléportent avec succès un noyer. C'est le premier test réussi où la composition chimique de l'objet est maintenue tout au long du processus." + }, + { + "date": "5 Décembre 1939", + "event": "\"Edward's Walnut Delivery\" ne parvient pas à impressionner Maxis, qui déclare une perte de temps. Il révèle à Richtofen que le groupe 935 sera prochainement financé par l'Allemagne. Les inquiétudes de Richtofen entraînent des défections massives: lui et Schuster décident de poursuivre leurs expériences de téléportation derrière le dos de Maxis" + }, + { + "img": "
" + } + ], + "6": [ + { + "date": "4 Janvier 1940", + "event": "Richtofen et Schuster mènent leur premier test de téléportation humaine, Richtofen est tellement confiant dans son succès, il se bénévole lui-même. Téléporté vers la Lune, il rencontre le MPD, la Pyramide de l'Éther cachée par les Apothicons. Lors de l'inspection de l'appareil, Richtofen est électrocuté et commence à entendre les nombreuses voix de corruption, y compris celle du Shadowman. L'appareil le téléporte ensuite à Shangri-La. Corrompue par l'Éther Noire, Richfoten est progressivement possédé par une obsession de trouver Agartha." + }, + { + "date": "5 Janvier 1940", + "event": "Richtofen est adoré par les indigènes de Shangri-La: un autel est construit en son nom. Richtofen rencontre la Focusing Stone pour la première fois." + }, + { + "date": "23 Janvier 1940", + "event": "Après près d’un mois d'absence de Richtofen retourne à Schuster avec un plan pour construire la Station Griffin." + } + ], + "7": [ + { + "date": "24 Janvier 1940", + "event": "Richtofen renonce à sa participation aux Illuminati. Lorsqu'on lui a demandé comment il pouvait abandonner son obligation envers l'Ordre, il dit: \"Teddy était un menteur.\"" + }, + { + "date": "13 Mars 1940", + "event": "La construction de la Station Griffin Station sur la Lune commence. Frustré par l'alignement de Maxis avec l'Allemagne, d'autres chercheurs mécontents du groupe 935 se joignent à la cause." + }, + { + "date": "13 Juillet 1940", + "event": "Maxis demande à son assistant Sophia d'écrire une lettre au Haut Commandement du Reichstag demandant des fonds supplémentaires. Bien qu'il rapporte que la production en série sera prochainement en cours, Der Reise manque non seulement du financement, mais aussi une quantités insuffisantes de l'élément 115." + }, + { + "date": "1er Aout 1940", + "event": "En réponse à la demande de Maxis, l'Allemagne crée deux nouvelles installations pour le Groupe 935. Ils sont la Facilité à Kino, un théâtre réutilisé et le l’Asile à Wittenau Sanatorium à Berlin." + } + ], + "8": [ + { + "date": "18 Aout 1940", + "event": "Selon la demande de l'Allemagne, l'Armée impériale japonaise remet la centrale du Rising Sun au groupe 935. La 9eme division reste impliquée sur le site." + }, + { + "date": "3 Octobre 1940", + "event": "Le groupe 935 établit un centre de recherche en Sibérie près de la rivière Tunguska." + }, + { + "date": "6 Novembre 1940", + "event": "Le groupe 935 établit un centre de recherche au Château \"Der Eisendrache\"" + }, + { + "date": "24 Juin 1941", + "event": "L'épouse de Nikolai Belinski est tuée lors de l'avance allemande dans l'Union soviétique. Dans un effort pour engourdir la douleur, Nikolai se tourne de plus en plus vers la vodka." + }, + { + "date": "11 Janvier 1942", + "event": "Maxis donne Fluffy à Samantha. Le chien attend une portée." + }, + { + "date": "20 Janvier 1942", + "event": "Maxis teste le premier fichier pour le stockage sur le serveur de données." + } + ], + "9": [ + { + "date": "26 Janvier 1942", + "event": " +Sur le serveur de données, Maxis catalogues les sites de dépôts importants de l'élément 115. Il comprend des informations sur ses diverses applications et villes selon lesquelles la réanimation des cellules mortes est un effet secondaire possible." + }, + { + "date": "30 Janvier 1942", + "event": "Richtofen complète le prototype de Wunderwaffe DG-2." + }, + { + "date": "1er Février 1942", + "event": "Avec la finalasation de la Station Griffin, Richtofen nomme le scientifique principal Docteur Groph et retourne sur Terre pour continuer la charade avec Maxis. Travaillant aux côtés de Schuster, Groph est laissé pour découvrir le pouvoir du MPD." + }, + { + "date": "2 Février 1942", + "event": "Dans un discours à son équipe, Groph parle avec optimisme de l'établissement de la Station Griffin comme base permanente d'opérations." + } + ], + "10": [ + { + "date": "17 Avril 1942", + "event": "Maxis développe le prototype Ray Gun à l'installation Rising Sun. H. Porter travaille sur le développement du modèle de 2ème génération." + }, + { + "date": "13 Juin 1942", + "event": "Suite de fissures temporelles en 1963, Kino, Monty traverse le temps et offre de petits coup de pouces. Un des coup de pouce étant de développer les élixirs fusionnés aux éléments 115 du Groupe 935. Ils créent quatre boissons médicinales connues sous le nom de Mastodonte, Réanimation rapide, Cola énergisant et Double Coup." + }, + { + "date": "28 Juin 1942", + "event": "Le groupe 935 poursuit le développement d'une machine d'amélioration des armes." + } + ], + "11": [ + { + "date": "18 Juillet 1942", + "event": "Groph et Schuster découvrent involontairement comment charger le MPD. Lorsque Schuster tue un rat à proximité de l'appareil, son décès inexplicablement commence à remplir le réservoir, en chargeant l'appareil. Ils rapportent leurs résultats à Richtofen." + }, + { + "date": "20 Juillet 1942", + "event": "Richtofen commence à envoyer des soldats et des scientifiques sur la lune pour être sacrifiés; Leurs âmes servaient à charger le MPD." + }, + { + "date": "5 Novembre 1942", + "event": "Takeo Masaki est envoyé par l'empereur pour superviser le travail du groupe 935 et de la division 9 à l'installation de Rising Sun." + }, + { + "date": "8 Décembre 1942", + "event": "Richtofen partage les recettes Elixir à base d'élément 115 avec la Station Griffin. Ils développent Coup de pied arrière." + } + ], + "12": [ + { + "date": "9 Décembre 1942", + "event": "Le frère de Nikolaï est tué dans la bataille de Stalingrad." + }, + { + "date": "14 Décembre 1942", + "event": "Richtofen crée le Singe Farceur." + }, + { + "date": "16 Décembre 1942", + "event": "Dans un journal personnel, Maxis exprime sa préoccupation face à l'impact de l'élément 115 sur le comportement de Richtofen. Ne lui fesant plus confiance, il se demande si c'est une erreur de l'inviter au groupe 935." + }, + { + "date": "20 Décembre 1942", + "event": "Accompagné de Sophia, Maxis est transféré à l'installation de Kino pour se concentrer sur la création de l'armée allemande des morts-vivants. Samantha est laissé chez Richtofen." + }, + { + "date": "8 Janvier 1943", + "event": "Maxis s'inquiète que lui et Sophia se soient devenus trop proches. Il considère l'envoyer quelque part." + } + ], + "13": [ + { + "date": "16 Janvier 1943", + "event": "Nikolai est capturé par les forces allemandes pendant la bataille de Stalingrad. Il devient un sujet dans les expériences du groupe 935." + }, + { + "date": "27 Janvier 1943", + "event": "Maxis rapporte le succès avec le sujet Deux-Six, dont les \"explosions violentes ont été considérablement réduites.\" Maxis croit que \"cette méthode de traitement sera 100% efficace dans la plupart des cas.\"" + }, + { + "date": "2 Février 1943", + "event": "La bataille de Stalingrad se termine." + }, + { + "date": "10 Février 1943", + "event": "Maxis rapporte que le traitement a été perfectionné. Il croit que si \"le sujet Deux-Six peut conserver les impressions de plus de vingt-six heures, la livraison de l'armée zombie peut être accélérée.\"" + } + ], + "14": [ + { + "date": "12 Février 1943", + "event": "Après avoir attaqué un gestionnaire, le sujet Deux-Six est tué et considéré comme un \"autre retard.\"" + }, + { + "date": "18 Mai 1943", + "event": "Harvey Yena commence son travail avec le Groupe 935." + }, + { + "date": "4 Juin 1943", + "event": "Primis arrive depuis la Dimension 63. Afin de prévenir les événements qui se déroulent, ils formulent un plan pour arrêter Richtofen de cette dimension." + }, + { + "date": "11 Juin 1943", + "event": "Richtofen est contacté par Maxis, qui avertit que \"les sujets de test ne doivent jamais être réveillés, les ravages qui pourraient être réveillés sur le futur par des individus aussi simples seraient catastrophiques.\"" + } + ], + "15": [ + { + "date": "15 Juin 1943", + "event": "Takeo rapporte à l'empereur que le travail effectué à l'installation Rising Sun est \"inacceptable\"." + }, + { + "date": "19 Juin 1943", + "event": "Primis Richtofen est téléporté à la maison à Agartha, le réunissant avec Maxis." + }, + { + "date": "24 Juin 1943", + "event": "Sur les ordres de l'Empereur, Takeo est fait prisonnier par le Groupe 935 et la Division 9. Il est utilisé comme sujet d'essai pour des expériences." + }, + { + "date": "14 Juillet 1944", + "event": "Après les revers avec le sujet Two-Six, Maxis signale de nouveaux succès avec l'armée des morts-vivants. Cependant, il constate sa conviction que les morts-vivants ne peuvent être contrôlés ou maintenus." + }, + { + "date": "2 Septembre 1944", + "event": "Pablo Manius, un espion mexicain, est capturé par le groupe 935 au Chateau \"Der Eisendrache\"." + } + ], + "16": [ + { + "date": "*9 Mai 1945", + "event": "Dans sa cellule, Pablo écrit les visions d'une grande guerre. Il décrit une \"grande bataille contre d'étranges créatures démoniaques qui essayaient de dévorer la Terre\". Dans sa vision, il voit quatre chevaliers le protéger contre une mort certaine. Il note que les chevaliers portaient des tuniques semblables à celles de \"Der Eisendrache\"." + }, + { + "date": "4 Juin 1945 - NATCH DER UNTOTEN", + "event": "Un dysfonctionnement de l'avion allié sur un aérodrome et s'écrase. Les camions de l'armée allemande, transportant des morts-vivants et l'élément 115 entre les installations du groupe 935 sont frappés dans l'accident. Les Marines qui survivent à l'accident résistent aux morts-vivants aussi longtemps qu'ils le peuvent." + }, + { + "date": "17 Juin 1945", + "event": "Peter McCain s'infiltre dans le groupe 935 chez \"Der Riese\"." + } + ], + "17": [ + { + "date": "29 Juin 1945", + "event": "Groph et Schuster développent le Wave Gun." + }, + { + "date": "15 Juillet 1945", + "event": "Richtofen se rend à la facilité en Sibérie pour faire d'autres recherches sur les \"spécimens vivants\". En tant que gardien temporaire, il prend Samantha avec lui. Le groupe 935 commence à transférer trois sujets d'essai pour l'expérimentation: Nikolai, Pablo et Takeo." + }, + { + "date": "29 Juillet 1945", + "event": "Alors que Richtofen travaille à la Facilité de Sibérie, le Groupe 935 commence le développement du Daiquiri mortel." + }, + { + "date": "1er Aout 1945", + "event": "Les sujets de test arrivent à la Facilité de Sibérie pour les expériences de Richtofen." + } + ], + "18": [ + { + "date": "31 Aout 1945", + "event": "Un gestionnaire de la CIA, Cornelius Pernell, confirme que Peter McCain a infiltré avec succès le groupe 935 et qu'il a été transféré à la facilité de l'Asile. Cornelius soupçonne que le Groupe 935 perd le contrôle de leurs expériences et a envoyé une unité Marine Recon pour extraire McCain. Tank Dempsey est le chef de file de l'escouade." + }, + { + "date": "1er Septembre 1945", + "event": "Peter est expulsé en tant qu'espion et capturé par le groupe 935." + }, + { + "date": "2 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Richtofen rapporte que Pablo est mort suite à une suppression de la rate. Il révèle aussi qu'il effectue des expériences sur Samantha. La Seconde Guerre mondiale se termine. Le groupe 935 poursuit ses recherches. Des fissures temporelles commence à affecter l'installation a l'Asile. Un rapport ordonné augmente les problèmes avec les sujets de test." + } + ], + "19": [ + { + "date": "2 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Beaucoup dans l'établissement ont commencé à entendre des voix venant des murs, y compris les sanglots d'un garçon et une fille, criant, et \"un homme criant pour que les enfants fermes les fenêtres.\"" + }, + { + "date": "3 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Une épidémie survient à l'Asile. Peter McCain s'échappe." + }, + { + "date": "6 Septembre 1945 - VERRUCKT", + "event": "Dempsey, John Banana, Smokey et une quatrième marine arrivent à l'Asile pour le trouver envahie par des zombies. Ils se battent hors de la horde aussi longtemps qu'ils le peuvent. Dempsey est appréhendé par le groupe 935." + }, + { + "date": "7 Septembre 1945", + "event": "John Banana écrit des messages et enregistre ses derniers mots tout en étant mangé vivant par un Smokey morts-vivant." + } + ], + "20": [ + { + "date": "10 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Richtofen rapporte qu'un autre espion a été capturé et sera introduit pour remplacer \"le mexicain\". Le sujet est Dempsey." + }, + { + "date": "13 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Cornelius Pernell tente d'envoyer une transmission à Peter McCain, en lui disant de se rendre à l'installation Rising Sun." + }, + { + "date": "17 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Dempsey arrive à la Facilité en Sibérie." + } + ], + "21": [ + { + "date": "20 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Richtofen documente les traits de personnalité de ses sujets de test. L'esprit de Dempsey semble faible, mais sa volonté est forte. \"Takeo est\" encore fixé a regardé le sol, murmurant ce qui ressemble à une sorte de proverbe encore et encore. \"Nikolai a récemment commencé à répondre aux stimuli, Mais seulement après les injections d'un nouveau sérum fabriqué principalement à partir de la vodka. \"Richtofen note que leurs esprits ont été presque entièrement brisés, sans mémoire restante de ce qu'ils étaient autrefois." + }, + { + "date": "27 Septembre 1945", + "event": "Richtofen retourne à Der Riese avec Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo Samantha." + }, + { + "date": "1er Octobre 1945", + "event": "Maxis reports on Richtofen’s findings with his live test subjects, noting that while their baseline psyche remains intact, all specific memories have been lost." + } + ], + "22": [ + { + "date": "1er Octobre 1945", + "event": "Infuriated to learn that Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would, Richtofen revels in his plot to destroy Maxis and Samantha, vowing that he will no longer continue to work his undead army." + }, + { + "date": "8 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Groph reports to Richtofen the MPD is nearly ready." + }, + { + "date": "12 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Grophs radios Richtofen to inform him that the device has been powered up and is awaiting the conduit. Richtofen says he will proceed with Operation Shield and dispose of Maxis and Samantha." + } + ], + "23": [ + { + "date": "13 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Though frustrated that the “matter transference tests… have been largely unsuccessful,” Maxis acknowledges that the test subjects departure from their original point of origins is undeniable.” However, Richtofen’s suggestion that the subjects have been transported not through space, but time itself causes Maxis to worry if his “irrationality Mai soon prove a liability to our endeavors." + }, + { + "date": "13 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Maxis and Richtofen perform teleportation test trials on Test Subjects Number 3, 4, and 5. All fail, including Test 5, where Maxis uses Fluffy. As Test 6 chamber. Samantha sees fluffy and runs into the teleporter. Maxis chases after her. Richtofen seals them both in the test chamber and teleports all three of them." + } + ], + "24": [ + { + "date": "13 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Samantha is teleported to the moon while Groph and Schuster work on the MPD. Running into the MPD, she is drawn inside of it, where she becomes corrupted by the Dark Aether. Maxis is teleported to the Crazy Place and develops the power to merge with electricity. Richtofen returns to the moon. Learning Samantha is trapped in the MPD, he orders Groph to teleport Maxis there to coax her out of the device. He also warns Groph to keep an eye out for an \"evil looking dog.\" Richtofen returns to the moon. Learning Samantha is trapped in the MPD, he orders Groph to teleport Maxis there to coax her out of the device. He also warns Groph to keep an eye out for an \"evil looking dog.\"" + } + ], + "25": [ + { + "date": "13 Octobre 1945", + "event": "In an effort to free Samantha, Maxis approaches the MPD and persuades her to come out. Once she does, Maxis gives her an instruction, \"Kill them... all.\" Maxis kills himself and merges with the technology of Griffin Station, while Samantha unleashes the undead upon the base." + }, + { + "date": "14 Octobre 1945", + "event": "H. Porter activates the alarm as an outbreak occurs at Der Reise. Before taking a cyanide capsule, he says he's \"all out of hope... god forgive us all.\"" + }, + { + "date": "14 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Richtofen returns to Der Reise and awakens Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai. With no recollection of who they are or who Richtofen is, they agree to help him. The four would become known as Ultimis." + }, + { + "date": "18 Octobre 1945", + "event": "Peter McCain parachutes over the Rising Sun Facility. He dies shortly after." + } + ], + "26": [ + { + "date": "Janvier 27TH 1946", + "event": "The Pentagon hires many former Group 935 scientists in an effort to replicate their work." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 29TH 1946", + "event": "As with their US counterparts, the Soviets hire many former Group 935 scientists. Among them is Harvey Yena, who forms the Ascension Group." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 29TH 1952", + "event": "The Pentagon begins experiments involving their own versions of the undead." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 12TH 1955", + "event": "The US Government transfers a number of Element 115 experiments to the Groom Lake Facility." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 19TH 1955", + "event": "Gersh and Yuri Zavoyski begin working for the Ascension Group." + } + ], + "27": [ + { + "date": "Avril 25TH 1956", + "event": "Explorers Brock and Gary discover Shangri-La. During an eclipse, they're unwittingly trapped in a time loop. Sally, sent back in time from 2011, is trapped in the same loop. Ultimis arrives in Shangri-La. With the help of Brock and Gary, they acquire the Focusing Stone." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 3RD 1959", + "event": "The Pentagon constructs their own prototype teleporter, and commence experimentation." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 15TH 1962", + "event": "Studying Group 935's medicinal elixir research, The Ascension Group develops PhD Flopper and Stamin-Up." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 11TH 1962", + "event": "Gersh begins work on Project Thunder." + } + ], + "28": [ + { + "date": "Décembre 12TH 1962", + "event": "Gersh and Yuri begin work on the Gersh Device, codenamed Project Mercury." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 15TH 1963", + "event": "The Pentagon begins development on their own version of the Wunderwaffe DG-2." + }, + { + "date": "Aout 17TH 1963", + "event": "The Pentagon begins development on their own version of the Winter's Howl." + } + ], + "29": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 28TH 1963 - KINO DER TOTEN", + "event": "From Der Reise, Ultimis teleports to Kino. This marks the first time Ultimis travels across space and time. Temporal Rifts occur across dimensions. In light of these developments, Monty feels obligated to step in, and begins to make changes in the background across time. He helps Group 935 invent Perk machines. He adds chalk drawings to walls. Little nudges. Ultimis locates a Lunar Lander and fly to the Ascension Facility." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 29TH 1963", + "event": "Gersh informs the senior staff that Yuri has been removed from Project Mercury and has been transferred to Rocket Research." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 29TH 1963", + "event": "Yuri begins to notice the appearance of children's toys around the facility." + } + ], + "30": [ + { + "date": "Novembre 1ST 1963", + "event": "Upon reading Richtofen's diary, Yuri begins to hear Samantha's voice. Over several days, her voice will consume him, driving him to resume work on the Gersh Device. He obeys." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 4TH 1963", + "event": "Gersh announces to the Committee that Project Thunder is nearing completion. gersh reveals Yuri Mai need to be removed from Ascension entirely, having observed his being \"hostile towards other scientists... and frequently observed muttering to himself.\"" + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 5TH 1963", + "event": "Obeying Samantha's wishes, Yuri tricks Gersh into activating the Gersh Device. The rift created absorbs him and allows Samantha to travel through. Yuri is also absorbed and transported to the Pentagon." + } + ], + "31": [ + { + "date": "Novembre 6TH 1963 - ASCENSION", + "event": "Ultimis arrives at the Soviet Cosmodrome and free Gersh from the Casimir Mechanism. Richtofen recovers his diary, and learns that they need the Vril Device from the Siberian Facility for his plan. Maintaining his ethereal form, Gersh sends them into a rift to their next destination before beginning his travels across space and time." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 6TH 1963 - FIVE", + "event": "In the Pentagon, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Robert McNamara meet with Fidel Castro in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Due to the events at the cosmodrome, a zombie outbreak occurs. Samantha sends Yuri to the Pentagon to thwart their survival. After Gersh is freed and Ultimis departs from the Cosmodrome, the outbreak ends at the Pentagon. All four survive." + } + ], + "32": [ + { + "date": "Novembre 19TH 1963", + "event": "In an effort to avoid another undead outbreak, the US Government creates the Broken Arrow program, establishing several facilities across the country. The Groom Lake Program is folded into Broken Arrow." + }, + { + "date": "Aout 11TH 1973", + "event": "Broken Arrow recovers a shard of Element 115 from Division 9." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 19TH 1979", + "event": "Russman begins work at Broken Arrow. Over the course of his employment, his extensive exposure to Element 115 leads to significant memory loss." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 20TH 1983", + "event": "Broken Arrow begins live animal experiments with the shard, creating Bios." + } + ], + "33": [ + { + "date": "Juin 24TH 1986", + "event": "A containment breach involving the Bios occurs at one of the Broken Arrow facilities. Russman is one of the few to escape alive. The facility is shut down and abandoned. Its projects are transferred to other locations." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 24TH 1996", + "event": "Victis arrives at the abandoned Broken Arrow facility. Still being pursued by undead Richtofen, they recover the Element 115 Shard and depart through another rift." + } + ], + "34": [ + { + "date": "MARCH 17TH, 2011 - CALL OF THE DEAD", + "event": "After entering the rift, Ultimis arrives at the Siberian Facility in 2011, where they find themselves trapped in a closet while George A. Romero films his latest project at the location. Samantha, in her pursuit of Ultimis, unleashes an undead outbreak. The film's stars fight the undead horde, ultimately recovering the Vril Device for Richtofen. Ultimis teleports to Shangri-La in an effort to acquire the next artifact required to defeat Samantha: The Focusing Stone." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 11TH, 2011", + "event": "Following the disappearance of the Call of the Dead cast and crew, Romero's assistant Sally begins the search for her boss. Her journey leads her to Shangri-La during an eclipse, which sends her back in time to Avril 25th, 1956." + } + ], + "35": [ + { + "date": "Avril 10TH, 2023", + "event": "Broken Arrow creates the Denizens." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 8TH, 2025", + "event": "Broken Arrow accidentally creates Avogadro." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 1ST, 2025", + "event": "In desperate need of more Element 115, Broken Arrow uses an excavator to drill near the Nuclear Testing Facility known as Nuketown." + } + ], + "36": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 13TH, 2025 - MOON", + "event": "Using the Vril Device and the Focusing Stone, Richtofen completes his Grand Scheme and swaps bodies with Samantha on the Moon, giving him full control of the zombies and the Aether. Maxis contacts the remaining members of Ultimis through the station's electronics and asks for their help to defeat Richtofen. They agree. they launch missiles at Earth, leaving it fractured and broken. They sever Richtofen's connection with the Aether, but he maintains control over the zombies. Once Maxis controls the Aether in 2035 he returns to the Moon and plucks Samantha from Richtofen's body to join him in Agartha." + } + ], + "37": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 13TH, 2025 - NUKETOWN ZOMBIES", + "event": "A nuclear bomb explodes outside of Nuketown as a result of Broken Arrow's drilling. CIA and CDC operatives arrive to find an undead outbreak already in progress. One of the missiles from the moon hits Nuketown, killing all on site... except for Marlton Johnson, who survives by hiding in a nuclear bunker." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 13TH, 2025", + "event": "The Earth fracturing triggers further Temporal Rifts, teleporting an 1800s American Western Town underneath a Mining Facility in Angola. Arthur is pulled through the rift from 1318, arriving in the now buried town." + } + ], + "38": [ + { + "date": "Novembre 5TH, 2025", + "event": "Broken Arrow is disbanded after the primary facility is lost in a fire. It is later believed to be an act of arson committed by employees destroying evidence implicating them in the outbreak. Russman, his mind broken after over forty years of exposure to Element 115, begins to wander the Earth." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 18TH, 2027", + "event": "In a distress call, Former CDC Assistant Director George Barkley reveals that the infectious contaminants have gone airborne. He advises caution regarding any allies showing signs of \"short term memory loss, psychosis, delusion, and paranoia.\"" + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 27TH, 2027", + "event": "A society of survivors who eat the undead is formed. They are The Flesh." + } + ], + "39": [ + { + "date": "Mai 12TH, 2027", + "event": "Samuel J. Stuhlinger joins The Flesh." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 18TH, 2027", + "event": "Through the consumption of the undead meat, The Flesh begin hearing Richtofen's voice. He tries to persuade them to build global polarization devices for him in pursuit of his new plan: to mend the Rift in space time and acquire full control over the Aether." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 28TH, 2027", + "event": "Maxis begins communicating to survivors on Earth, telling those willing to listen to build global polarization devices for him in pursuit of his new plan: to open Agartha and reunite him with Samantha, even though it will result in the destruction of the Earth." + } + ], + "40": [ + { + "date": "Avril 4TH, 2028", + "event": "The Flesh broadcast their message across all frequencies. They tell others to \"heed our call\" and that the \"path to enlightenment\" can be achieved by consuming the undead." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 9TH, 2028", + "event": "Maxis' followers begin constructing a spire near the Hanford Site Facility." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 3RD, 2029", + "event": "Maxis' followers begin to doubt him, believing he Mai in fact be evil. They destroy their electronics." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 2ND, 2029", + "event": "Maxis' followers attempt to speak to him again. Many have begun to hear Richtofen... and those loyal to Maxis eagerly await further instruction." + } + ], + "41": [ + { + "date": "Aout 15TH, 2029", + "event": "A broadcast is sent out confirming the fall of \"The Flesh\" and Maxis' followers. With each group hearing the voice of Richtofen or Maxis, a battle broke out between them. As they fought, a zombie horde moved in and destroyed all who remained. Stuhlinger is one of the few to escape. Richtofen and Maxis are left with no one to communicate near Green Run, where the first polarization device must be constructed." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 13TH, 2035", + "event": "Stuhlinger bumps into Russman, who has stolen a bus from an abandoned Broken Arrow facility." + } + ], + "42": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 21ST, 2035 - TRANZIT", + "event": "Stuhlinger and Russman run into Marlton and Abigail \"Misty\" Briarton at a diner near the Hanford Site facility. Maxis asks them to complete the polarization device in his favor. Stuhlinger, having consumed zombie meat, is contacted by Richtofen, who orders Stuhlinger to construct the device for him instead. The crew constructs the device for Maxis. The four would become known as Victis." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 22ND, 2035 - DIE RISE", + "event": "Still hoping to regain control, Richtofen teleports Victis to Province 22, where he demands that Stuhlinger activate the second polarization device. Once again, the crew sides with Maxis. The voices cease for some time, leaving Victis to wander the earth." + } + ], + "43": [ + { + "date": "Décembre 31ST, 2035 - BURIED", + "event": "Victis arrives at an old western town now located beneath a mining facility in Angola. They discover Arthur in a jail cell; he assists them on their journey. The voices of Maxis and Richtofen return. They activate the final polarization device in Maxis' favor. Now corrupted by the Dark Aether, he reveals his true intentions to Victis and punishes Richtofen by trapping his soul in a zombie. Drawn into Agartha by her Father, Samantha witnesses the evil that has corrupted him. When a rift opens in Dimension 63 in 1918, she reaches out to that timeline's Maxis for help." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 10TH, 2036", + "event": "Richtofen instructs undead Richtofen to pursue Victis and recover their blood vials." + } + ], + "44": [ + { + "date": "Janvier 19TH, 2036", + "event": "Primis Richtofen begins to manipulate Stuhlinger, opening a rift for Victis to begin their new journey. Pursued by undead Richtofen and an army of the undead, Victis enters the rift." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 19TH, 2036", + "event": "Maxis destroys Earth and all its surviving inhabitants." + }, + { + "date": "DIMENSION 63", + "event": "" + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 15TH, 1292", + "event": "The great war between humanity and the Apothicon begins." + } + ], + "45": [ + { + "date": "Avril 14TH, 1294", + "event": "Sir Pablo Marinus is saved from the clutches of a Margwa by four unknown heroes. They would later become known as Primis." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 31ST, 1299", + "event": "Together with the Keepers, Primis defeats the Apothicon, bringing the great war to an end." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 1ST, 1300", + "event": "Before they seemingly disappear from history, Primus instructs the wolf King to begin building Der Eisendrache." + }, + { + "date": "Février 18TH, 1300", + "event": "Pablo begins documenting the Great War, including all he has learned about the Keepers, Apothicons, and Element 115. Regarding Element 115’s power, he notes that a site in Northern France contains massive deposits of the element." + } + ], + "46": [ + { + "date": "Juin 4TH, 1300", + "event": "In Northern France, a tomb is constructed to honor the fallen soldiers of The great War. Within it, statues of Primis are constructed to symbolize the hope that if one day a great evil falls upon mankind, they Mai return." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 17TH, 1898", + "event": "Edward Richtofen’s parents die." + }, + { + "date": "Février 20TH, 1905", + "event": "Takeo Masaki fights the battle of Mukden." + }, + { + "date": "Aout 11TH, 1906", + "event": "Richtofen begins his studies at Heidelberg University under the tutelage of Doctor Ludvig Maxis. Having lost his parents, Richtofen comes to view him as a father figure." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 3RD, 1912", + "event": "Richtofen and Maxis join group 935." + } + ], + "47": [ + { + "date": "Juin 4TH, 1914", + "event": "Richtofen is visited by another version of himself. Handing him some blood vials, he explains - \"you will need this blood. When the time comes, it will protect you.\" before stepping back through the rift." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 5TH, 1915", + "event": "Maxis invents the Mauser Prototype." + }, + { + "date": "Aout 28TH, 1916", + "event": "The Journal of Sir Pablo Marinus, knight of the great war, is discovering by group 935." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 23RD, 1917", + "event": "Using information gathered from Pablo’s Journal, group 935 begins work at dig site in northern France, where they discover a series of underground tombs." + } + ], + "48": [ + { + "date": "Avril 21ST, 1917", + "event": "Group 935 discover what appears to be the entrance to the tomb’s main chamber. They struggle to gain access." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 11TH, 1917", + "event": "Unable to access the main chamber, soldiers listen to a gramophone to alleviate their frustration when listening to a recording of \"La Source Noire\", the entrance to the main chamber unexpectedly opens. The camp’s exposure to Element 115 begins." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 21ST, 1917", + "event": "Using information from Pablo’s journal and the tomb’s main chamber, Maxis draws schematics for the creation of four Elemental Staffs and instructs Richtofen to begin their construction." + } + ], + "49": [ + { + "date": "Mai 29TH, 1917", + "event": "The more Maxis reads of the great war, the more he begins to question his understanding of the scientific world, and the true nature of the universe itself. He \"finds himself open to the possibility of a higher power…\"" + }, + { + "date": "Juin 11TH, 1917", + "event": "As group 935 experiments with Element 115, they successfully create create \"localized energy fields which appear to function as portals,\" Nothing that objects can pass through them, Maxis speculates that he rifts Mai have have opened gateways across space and time. The rifts allow Samantha to reach out to Maxis from Agartha. She begs for his help and ultimately reveals she is his daughter." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 15TH, 1917", + "event": "An \"ancient box\" with the power of manifest weapons from different eras arrives through a portal. Maxis fears that Element 115 is disrupting the space time continuum." + } + ], + "50": [ + { + "date": "Juillet 1ST, 1917", + "event": "Following the installation of Element 115 powered generators, reports surfaced regarding \"ancient figures emerging\" from the dig site, corresponding with the mysterious deaths of a number of group 935 soldiers. The ancient figures are undead knights from the Great War." + }, + { + "date": "Aout 3RD, 1917", + "event": "Nikolai Belinski is sent into exile." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 10TH, 1917", + "event": "Using Element 115, group 935 constructs Freya, Odin, and Thor - giant robots who they believe will secure victory for the Central Powers." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 22ND, 1917", + "event": "Richtofen notes that inspite group 935’ progress at the dig site he is troubled by Maxis’ growing obsession with Pablo’s diary." + } + ], + "51": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 6TH, 1917", + "event": "Takeo Masaki is dispatched to France by the Emperor to gather intel on group 935’s weapon technology." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 19TH, 1917", + "event": "Following reports of \"prototype armored weaponry…strange lights in the sky… a mysterious plague… and even giant metal men,\" Tank Dempsey is deployed in northern France to assess the extent of group 935’s capabilities." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 10TH, 1917", + "event": "Already exiled in Europe, Nikolai receives new orders from the Imperial Russian Army to investigate the enemy \"War Machine.\" Still loyal to the motherland, he willing obliges." + }, + { + "date": "FEBURARY 23RD, 1918", + "event": "Nikolai writes of the ongoing civil war in his homeland. He does not expect peace to last long, but is he enjoying his time in France…" + } + ], + "52": [ + { + "date": "MARCH 2ND, 1918", + "event": "Learning that the Emperor wishes to meet him to discuss a \"matter of great importance to our Nation,\" Takeo writes that he feels a \" growing sense of dread\" in the wake of his recent dark, twisted dreams." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 14TH, 1918", + "event": "Despite ongoing battles, Dempsey fares well in northern France. In a personal letter, he reveals that both the Japanese and Russian Armies have also sent spies to investigate the activities of group 935." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 1ST, 1918", + "event": "Maxis is obsessed with the voice of Samantha, who now speaks to him constantly. He believes her to be \"the key to everything.\"" + } + ], + "53": [ + { + "date": "Mai 12TH, 1918", + "event": "Believing that his mentor has been affected by Element 115 like other at the dig site, Richtofen reports Maxis’ erratic behavior to group 935’s senior staff." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 13TH, 1918", + "event": "Richtofen learns from Pablo’s journal that the northern France dig site Mai be the single largest deposit of element 115 on Earth. He believes this explains why it has affected so many at the site." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 14TH, 1918", + "event": "Now completely consumed by Samantha’s voice, Maxis swears he will no longer serve group 935’s mission." + } + ], + "54": [ + { + "date": "Juin 4TH, 1918 - ORIGINS", + "event": "Element 115 awakens the undead knights from the Great war and quickly consumes the camp. Maxis is rendered catatonic by the the element, Richtofen removes his brain before he turns. Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo unite with Richtofen on the battlefield and help free Samantha from her imprisonment in Agartha. Primis has been reunited. Samantha send Primis to their next destination. Maxis’ brain arrives in Agartha and Doctor Monty decides to step in. Monty brings Maxis’ brain to the house and wipes Maxis corrupted by Dark Aether form existence." + }, + { + "date": "MOB OF THE DEAD", + "event": "" + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 18TH, 1922", + "event": "Salvatore \"Sal\" DeLuca opens gambling houses across Chicago. This marks the beginning of the Deluca crime family." + } + ], + "55": [ + { + "date": "Février 17TH, 1923", + "event": "Billy handsome joins the Deluca crime family as a hitman. Sal will come to look at Billy as the son he never had." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 18TH, 1923", + "event": "An expert in gambling and rigging sporting events, Michael \"Finn\" O’leary begins working for Sal." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 23RD, 1924", + "event": "Finn marries Angelina Bow, an aspiring starlet with delusions of grandeur." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 1ST, 1929", + "event": "Sal writes of his frustration with \"Chicago's Finest\". After many years of successful bribes with the city, it becomes clear that is no longer an option." + } + ], + "56": [ + { + "date": "Mai 11TH, 1930", + "event": "Sal begins to work with Albert \"Al\" Arlington, an associate in Los Angeles known for being a \"master schemer and bank robber\"" + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 14TH, 1930", + "event": "Finn informs his lawyer he will not accept divorce from Angela, saying \"she can leave this marriage the day she leaves this Earth\"" + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 11TH, 1931", + "event": "After an LA heist for Sal goes wrong, Al wakes up in the hospital." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 28TH, 1931", + "event": "While in the hospital, Al submits \"Icarus from Mars\" for publication as a comic strip. It is his third attempt - it is denied again." + } + ], + "57": [ + { + "date": "Novembre 11TH, 1931", + "event": "Angry and frustrated with his collapsing empire Sal kills a prostitute. No longer willing to turn a blind eye, Chicago PD arrests him." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 1ST, 1931", + "event": "In an operation against the Deluca Crime Family, Billy is arrested for multiple homicides." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 19TH, 1931", + "event": "In an operation against the Deluca Crime Family, Finn is arrested by Chicago PD when his wife offers evidence against him." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 19TH, 1932", + "event": "Al is arrested for his role in the LA heist." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 14TH, 1932", + "event": "Sal is found guilty of murder. He is sentenced to life in prison at Alcatraz." + } + ], + "58": [ + { + "date": "Mai 16TH, 1932", + "event": "Billy is found guilty 116 counts of murder. He is sentenced to life in prison at Alcatraz." + }, + { + "date": "Mai 30TH, 1932", + "event": "Finn is found guilty of 16 counts of gambling fraud. He will serve his sentence at Alcatraz." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 13TH, 1932", + "event": "Sal and Billy arrive at Alcatraz Island." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 30TH, 1932", + "event": "Finn arrives at Alcatraz Island." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 1ST, 1932", + "event": "Al is found guilty of grand larceny, grand theft auto, arson, conspiracy and battery. He will serve his sentence at Alcatraz." + }, + { + "date": "Aout 3RD, 1932", + "event": "Al arrives at Alcatraz Island." + } + ], + "59": [ + { + "date": "JANURARY 1ST, 1933", + "event": "Stanley Ferguson begins working at Alcatraz Island." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 1ST, 1933", + "event": "Al convinces Sal, Finn, and Billy that they can build a plane and escape Alcatraz." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 2RD, 1933", + "event": "Realizing the plane will never be completed and embittered with rage, Sal, Finn and Billy plot to get revenge on Al." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 31ST, 1933", + "event": "Finn, Sal and Billy lure Al to the roof and kill him." + }, + { + "date": "MOB OF THE DEAD", + "event": "Sal, Finn, Billy and Al battle waves of undead as they find themselves trapped in a seemingly endless cycle." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 11TH, 1934", + "event": "Stepping through a rift, Richtofen secures the blood samples of Sal and Finn." + } + ], + "60": [ + { + "date": "Janvier 19TH, 1934", + "event": "Found guilty of Al’s murder, Sal, Finn and Billy are executed by electric chair." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 16TH, 1940", + "event": "Richtofen arrives in Dimension 63, where he contacted members of the illuminati and enlists their help to build a laboratory facility beneath Alcatraz." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 18TH, 1940", + "event": "Richtofen meets with Stanley Ferguson and convinces him to assist with the illuminati's construction of the alcatraz laboratory." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 3RD, 1941", + "event": "Stanley Ferguson reports that the laboratory has been completed, and that the subjects will be placed in the stasis chambers upon arrival. " + } + ], + "61": [ + { + "date": "Juillet 4TH, 1941", + "event": "Richtofen returns to the lab under Alcatraz where we meet Victis, arriving from the empty earth with the kronorium. Upon reading the kronorium, Richtofen discovers numerous timelines documenting their fates and learns about the blood vials. He would later write on the page \"I know what I must do - E.R. 4/7/41.\" Richtofen enters a rift to acquire the blood of Sal and Finn After delivering the blood to his younger self and recovering the blood vials belonging to Victis he returns. Victis is placed ‘on ice’, to be kept safe until they are needed next." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 4TH, 1941", + "event": "Primis arrives to collect the Victis blood samples from Richtofen, Following Primis departure, Richtofen learns the location of the summoning key and travels to his next destination." + } + ], + "62": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 1ST, 1942", + "event": "Stanley Ferguson leaves employment at Alcatraz." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 21ST, 1943", + "event": "Posing as Mr. Rapt the Shadowman hires the reporter to recover artifacts from the South Pacific and Russia." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 14TH, 1943", + "event": "The reporter recovers the artifacts from the South Pacific and Russia among them is the Summoning key." + }, + { + "date": "Décembre 25TH, 1943", + "event": "As per Mr. Rapt’s request the reporter speaks to Stanley Ferguson, a retired guard from Alcatraz, Stanley gives a detailed account of the deaths of Al Arlington, Bill handsome, Finn O’Leary and Sal Deluca." + } + ], + "63": [ + { + "date": "Décembre 31ST, 1943", + "event": "At Mr. Rapt’s request the reporter arrives in Morg City to take in the sights, sounds and smells." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 15TH, 1943", + "event": "A meteor shower rains over Morg city." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 30TH, 1944", + "event": "The reporter notes strange mold now growing all over the city. He also notes people are getting sick and acting delirious." + }, + { + "date": "Février 13TH, 1944", + "event": "A fruit vender tells the reporter about the ancient order of the keepers, and how they’re the only ones holding back the forces of the apocalypse. He talks of the people hearing chantin... From beneath the city." + }, + { + "date": "MARCH 30TH, 1944", + "event": "The reporter sends Mr. Rapt a telegram providing details and contact information for Nero, Jessica Rose, Floyd Campbell, and Jack Vincent." + } + ], + "64": [ + { + "date": "Avril 5TH, 1944", + "event": "Aware of the Shadowman’s actions, Monty writes to the reporter, warning him to not give the summoning key to anyone." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 10TH, 1944", + "event": "Jessica Rose learns a photographer is in possession of compromising pictures of her." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 20TH, 1944", + "event": "Pretending to be a company executive, the Shadowman tells Nero’s Lawyer that Nero’s wife has taken out substantial loans in his name, Nero has 15 days to settle before the company seeks reparation, Facing multiple debts due to his wife’s spending habits, Nero decided to kill his wife and get life insurance to pay off the debt. Masquerading as an Internal Affairs officer, the Shadowman tried to convince Jack Vincent’s partner to admit that Jack plots to kill the snitch who could provide evidence against him." + } + ], + "65": [ + { + "date": "Avril 20TH, 1944", + "event": "The Shadowman poses as a film director interested in hiring Jessica for a leading role. He tells her producer the part is her’s. Afraid that the photographer could jeopardize her chance at stardom, she asks him to meet her, so they can \"sort stuff out\"" + }, + { + "date": "Avril 20TH, 1944", + "event": "Posing as a journalist the Shadowman suggests Floyd Campbell is a \"journeyman fighter\" to Floyd’s Promoter. Wanting to guarantee his shot at the title, Floyd decides to wear brass knuckles under his gloves for his fight with Tony King." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 21ST, 1944", + "event": "Nero misses a call from his lawyer, informing him the documents were forged and there is nothing to worry about. Jack misses a call from his partner he has his back with internal affairs and has nothing to worry about. Floyd misses a call from his promoter that the fight was a success and that he has a shot at the title." + } + ], + "66": [ + { + "date": "Avril 21ST, 1944", + "event": "Jessica misses a call from her producer. He says he didn’t have a good feeling about the director and it didn’t work out. However he scored her a lead in a musical he and his partner are financing." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 21ST, 1944", + "event": "Jessica misses a call from her producer. He says he didn’t have a good feeling about the director and it didn’t work out. However he scored her a lead in a musical he and his partner are financing." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 21ST, 1944", + "event": "Jessica kills the photographer and secures the incriminating photographs. Jack Kills the snitch who could turn him over to International Affairs. Floyd kills Tony the King in the boxing match and cash on his winnings. Nero Kills his wife in a \"work accident\", cashing in her life insurance policy to square away the debts." + } + ], + "67": [ + { + "date": "Avril 21ST, 1944", + "event": "Richtofen arrives in Morg City to secure the Summoning Key." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 22ND, 1944", + "event": "Richtofen learns The Reporter has the Summoning Key and confronts him. The Reporter waves Monty’s letter at Richtofen and orders him to stay away before attacking him. Richtofen kills the Reporter in self-defense." + }, + { + "img": "
" + } + ], + "68": [ + { + "date": "Avril 25TH, 1944 - SHADOWS OF EVIL", + "event": "Nero, Jack, Floyd and Jessica are knocked unconscious at the Blake Lake Burlesque club. They wake up in a twisted version of Morg City, Shifted slightly from reality. Told they can atone for their sins by the Shadowman, all four are tricked into performing rituals. Jessica sacrifices her producer, Jake sacrifices his partner, Floyd sacrifices his promoter, and Nero sacrifices his lawyer. Completing the required rituals, the Apothicons are given access to Dimension 63. Realizing they’ve been duped, the four work with the Keepers to defeat the Shadowman. They trap him in the summoning key, but before they can hand it over to the Keepers, Primis Rictofen arrives and steals the key. Rictofen travels to Dimension 2210 to secure an innocent Rictofen soul. He delivers the soul to the House. From within the Summoning Key the Shadowman states, \"I’ll be seeing you…\"" + } + ], + "69": [ + { + "date": "AGARTHA", + "event": "" + }, + { + "date": "THE SUMMONING KEY", + "event": "The keepers crafting the Summoning Key. A device that allows them to manipulate the Aether. Holding power to alter reality itself, they use it to create Agartha." + }, + { + "date": "THE FIRST TRANSFERENCE DEVICE", + "event": "The Keepers master the ability to travel between Dimensions." + }, + { + "date": "THE DARK AETHER", + "event": "Some Keepers begin to experiment with the Dark Aether, Which corrupts and corrodes their souls. Among them is the Shadowman." + }, + { + "date": "THE AETHER PYRAMID", + "event": "The corrupted Keepers create the Aether Pyramid, a device capable of absolute power. A Schism forms between them and the keepers untainted by the Dark Aether." + } + ], + "70": [ + { + "date": "THE WAR OF AGARTHA BEGINS", + "event": "War breaks out between the corrupted and uncorrupted keepers." + }, + { + "date": "THE WAR OF AGARTHA ENDS", + "event": "Facing defeat, the Corrupted Keepers hide the Aether Pyramid on a moon within one of the newly discovered dimensions. After banishing the Corrupted Keepers to the Dark Aether beneath creation, the remaining Keepers take on the mantle of Guardians. Trapped in the Dark Aether, The Corrupted Keepers contort and evolve over Eons, ultimately becoming the Apothicans. They desire, above all else, to return to Agartha." + }, + { + "date": "THE FIRST ARRIVAL", + "event": "With Doctor Montys help the Maxis Drone arrives at the house in Agartha. Despite the absence of his soul, Monty recreates a physical manifestation of his Dimension 63 form." + } + ], + "71": [ + { + "date": "THE ARRIVAL OF SAMANTHA", + "event": "Monty brings Samantha to the House, reuniting her with the Dimension 63 incarnation of the father." + }, + { + "date": "SAMANTHA'S CORRUPTION", + "event": "Knowing that Samantha is corrupted by the Dark Aether, Monty takes her away from Maxis and the house." + }, + { + "date": "THE ISOLATION OF MAXIS", + "event": "Alone in the House and missing his daughter, Maxis worries if Richtofen will have the courage to fulfil the vow he made all those years ago." + } + ], + "72": [ + { + "date": "THE REDISCOVERY OF THE EMPTY EARTH", + "event": "Having observed Monty for some time. Maxis uses the Teleporter in the basement of the House to study and explore other dimensions. Among them is the Empty Earth, where an alternate Maxis had constructed Zero Base, a facility that houses artifacts and replicas collected from a multitude of different timelines. However, his attempts to manipulate The Empty Earth create a reality too fragile to be sustained." + }, + { + "date": "THE RESTORATION OF INNOCENCE", + "event": "Monty returns Samantha to Maxis, her innocence restored." + }, + { + "date": "MONTYS PLAN", + "event": "Monty explains to Maxis that the paradox wrought by a multiverse must be resolved. A new reality can be created – one free of the Apothicans – but only if they enlist the aid of souls who had lived through and survived the fracturing." + } + ], + "73": [ + { + "date": "THE KRONORIUM SECURED", + "event": "Among the Artifacts that Maxis collected in Zero Base, is an ancient book known as the Kronorium – a complete chronicle of the entire history and future of all reality. Protected by various countermeasures, the facility can only be accessed by those possessing a soul…" + }, + { + "date": "RICHTOFENS JOURNEY BEGINS", + "event": "Maxis tells Richtofen the plan to secure the Kronorium and locate the Summoning Key. Hearing the echoes of his other selves, Richtofen discovers his connection with Samuel Stuhlinger and decides to use Victus to acquire the Kronorium." + }, + { + "date": "THE MANIPULATION OF STUHLINGER", + "event": "Having overseen the construction of a laboratory beneath Alcatraz, Richtofen returns to the house where he begins to communicate with Stuhlinger. Together, they persuade Victus to travel to a variety of locations in order to Recover the Kronorium." + } + ], + "74": [ + { + "date": "THE KRONORIUM RETRIEVED", + "event": "Upon arriving at Zero Base, Victus provides blood samples that allow them to access the Empty Earth and recover the Kronorium." + }, + { + "date": "THE BLOOD ACQUIRED", + "event": "Richtofen collects the Victus blood sample from Undead Richtofen." + }, + { + "date": "THE ARRIVAL OF EDWARD", + "event": "Richtofen collects Eddies innocent soul from Dimension 63 and Monty gives him a physical form in the House." + }, + { + "date": "SAMANTHA MEETS EDWARD", + "event": "Eddie and Samantha meet each other for the first time. Samantha writes in her diary that Edward \"doesn’t like to share toys.\"" + }, + { + "date": "THE HAPPINESS OF THE CHILDREN", + "event": "Monty Brings Eddie and Samantha more toys." + } + ], + "75": [ + { + "date": "THE FRAGILITY OF MEMORY", + "event": "Maxis notes that teleportation and travel between dimensions could have a profound impact on the mind. He fears that the confusion caused by the collision of memories past,present and future could lead to the collapse of reality itself." + }, + { + "date": "THE ARRIVAL OF THE SOULS", + "event": "The souls arrive. Maxis tells Samantha and Eddie to “Put the toys away…. And to make sure the windows are locked before they come down to the basement." + }, + { + "date": "THE ARRIVAL OF PRIMIS", + "event": "Now soulless, Primis brings the summoning key to the house, Where Maxis unwittingly release the Shadowman. Who in turn frees the Apothicons from the Dark Aether. Unaware that they would be wiped from existence once they have served their purpose, Primis battles alongside Monty in his final battle against the Shadowman." + } + ], + "76": [ + { + "date": "REVELATIONS", + "event": "With the Shadowman and the Apothicons vanquished Monty Discovers that Primis has consumed the blood of souls from dimensions that no longer exist. The paradox must be resolved." + }, + { + "date": "FRACTURES:", + "event": "" + }, + { + "date": "Proditione Fracture", + "event": "" + }, + { + "date": "Avril 12TH, 1942", + "event": "Over ran by the undead, the rising sun facility is lost." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 8TH, 1942", + "event": "Division 9 begins construction of the island facility." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 5TH, 1942", + "event": "Takeo is dispatched by the emperor to oversee the work of Division 9 at the Island Facility." + } + ], + "77": [ + { + "date": "Agonia Fracture", + "event": "" + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 11TH, 1942", + "event": "Groph confirms that Division 9 has \"completed the resurrection of the ancient beasts for the battle on the eastern front.\" \"Reports suggest that the specimens are still extremely dangerous but the germans stalemate on the eastern front with the Russians will soon come to an end thanks to their involvement.\"" + }, + { + "date": "Février 2ND, 1943", + "event": "The battle of Stalingrad doesn’t end. Thanks to technological advancements on both sides, world war 2 continues indefinitely." + }, + { + "date": "Février 6TH, 1943", + "event": "Division 9 expands experimentations to include use of prisoners of war, Division 9 staff, arachnids, and mystical beasts." + } + ], + "78": [ + { + "date": "Février 13TH, 1943", + "event": "Working with maxis at the Kino Facility. Sophia reveals she was attacked by subject two-six." + }, + { + "date": "Février 14TH, 1943", + "event": "Having learned Sophia was attacked by subject two-six, Maxis kills her and transfers her brain into a machine, the strategic operations planning heuristic intelligence analyzer." + }, + { + "date": "Juin 15TH, 1943", + "event": "Takeo reports to the emperor the work being done at the Island Facility is unacceptable." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 7TH, 1943", + "event": "Sophia is transferred to Stalingrad to oversee group 935s operations." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 16TH, 1943", + "event": "Sophia Confirms the existence of project Rasputin, the Russian Mangler Soldier." + } + ], + "79": [ + { + "date": "Janvier 11TH, 1944", + "event": "Sophia confirms the Russian Gigant Robot has set back the german advance." + }, + { + "date": "Janvier 3RD, 1945", + "event": "The Russians use stolen group 935 research to create the Russian Gigant, The Russian Mangler, and the Ray Gun Mark 3." + }, + { + "date": "Avril 4TH, 1945", + "event": "Sophia declares the battle of Stalingrad is nearing victory for German forces and that Valkyrie Drones have been deployed to locate any resistance strains and attempt capture. After the release of large concentrations of element 115 by German forces the city becomes largely populated by the undead. Nikolai and his comrades continue to fight for what remains of Stalingrad." + } + ], + "80": [ + { + "date": "Juillet 24TH, 1945", + "event": "On the orders of the emperor Takeo is taken prisoner by Division 9. He is used as a test subject for their Organic Plant based experiments." + }, + { + "date": "Juillet 24TH, 1945", + "event": "On the orders of the emperor Takeo is taken prisoner by Division 9. He is used as a test subject for their Organic Plant based experiments." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 2ND, 1945", + "event": "WW2 still rages on, Stalingrad has turned into a three way conflict between dragon, machine, and the undead. Without any remaining human survivors, Sophia is now trapped in the city." + }, + { + "date": "Septembre 2ND, 1945", + "event": "Harvey Yena reports the dragons have proven beneficial to the war effort at stalingrad. He confirms that Die Glocke research continues to explore time displacement and movement across dimensions." + } + ], + "81": [ + { + "date": "Septembre 13TH, 1945", + "event": "Cornelis attempts to send a transmission to Peter Mccain. Telling him to rendezvous at the abandoned Rising Sun facility." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 13TH, 1945 - THE GIANT", + "event": "As a zombie outbreak occurs, Primis Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai confront Ultimis Richtofen moments after he teleports Maxis and Samantha. As they try to reason with him to wake their counterparts. Primis Richtofen arrives through the teleporter and kill his Ultimis self, Triggering fractures across space and time. As Primis fights the undead, group 935 secure the Dempsey test subject and transport him to Der Eisendrache. Primis Pursues them in a German Giant." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 9TH, 1945", + "event": "With construction complete, Division 9 Continue their projects at the Island Facility." + } + ], + "82": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 18TH, 1945 - ZETSUBOU NO SHIMA", + "event": "Primis secure Takeos soul after they help him commit Seppuku. Richtofen takes the crew to dimension 63 to collect their blood. For the insurance policy, they return to the island before traveling to their next destination." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 18TH, 1945", + "event": "Peter Mccain makes his jump into Shi No Numa as a temporal rift opens below him as a result of Primis Universe Fractures, the rift teleports him to Gorod Krovi." + }, + { + "date": "Octobre 29TH, 1945", + "event": "Doctor Groph takes control of group 935 in Richtofen's absence not realizing his fate at the hands of Primis." + } + ], + "83": [ + { + "date": "Octobre 31ST, 1945", + "event": "In the wake of haunted dreams and rumors that Samantha Mai be roaming Griffith station, Groph worries the MPD Mai be corrupting the facility." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 5TH, 1945 - DER EISENDRACHE", + "event": "Recovering the Dempsey test subject from a rocket bound for the moon, Richtofen secures his soul and reveals to primus his intention to set things right. Primis destroys Griffin Station and the Moon." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 6TH, 1945", + "event": "Drifting through space and time in his surreal form, Gersch arrives in the fracture." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 6TH, 1945 - GOROD KROVI", + "event": "Primis arrives and frees Sophia and acquires Nikolais soul. Richtofen teleports the soul. Richtofen teleports the souls of Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai to Maxis at the house. Monty announces his existence to primis for the first time." + } + ], + "84": [ + { + "date": "Avril 25TH, 1953", + "event": "While traveling to Shangri La, Brock and Gary's Plane crashes in the mountains as a result of a freak atmospheric event. Another side effect of temporal rifts created by Primis while traveling to Gorod Krovi." + }, + { + "date": "Novembre 6TH, 1963", + "event": "Hiding in a closet at the Pentagon, Mcnamara records a message confirming that John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Fidel Castro have died as a result of a zombie outbreak. He dies moments later." + } + ], + "85": [ + { + "date": "TANK DEMPSEY - ULTIMIS", + "event": "Tank Dempsey: American hero. Hand him a loaded weapon, a good woman, and something to shoot at and he is happy. Enrage him and he will rip your guts out and use them as a bandolier. Dempsey was selected for this mission after he showed his true grit during the Battle of Peleliu. Remarkable though it Mai seem, his unit was captured during the early raids before the main invasion, and he spent 2 weeks in a rat infested bamboo cage submerged in malarial water. Well that did not stop The Tank. After he gnawed his way through the cage, he then gnawed his way through his captors armed only with a Bobby pin and his Medal of Honor which he keeps secreted in various body cavities. Now you know there is no before the war for Dempsey, and there is no after. There is only the legend of Tank Dempsey, and how he will win the war for the rest of us." + } + ], + "86": [ + { + "date": "EDWARD RICHTOFEN - ULTIMIS", + "event": "\"Beware The Doc\". A message that was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation Mai cripple you, dysentery Mai wreck you, and gunfire Mai rip the flesh from your bones, but \"Beware the Doctor\". This is Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as \"The Butcher\" to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. All through his career, Richtofen has been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Richtofen is an incurable sociopath and sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder; the victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself. Doctor Richtofen has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them posed in positions of terror at the instant of their death." + } + ], + "87": [ + { + "date": "NIKOLAI BELINSKI - ULTIMIS", + "event": "Stalin himself cannot stare Nikolai in the eye, no one can. There, in his eyes, you will see the soul of a man burning with the hatred of all things living. His closet is full of skeletons, many of them with the flesh still attached. Early in his career, Nikolai had quickly made his way up through the party ranks by killing the next man in line, and by marrying politically. Ultimately, his aspirations all came crashing down after his fifth wife mysteriously died while cleaning his axe with her neck. Little did he know that she had been sleeping with a high ranking party official on the side. This made Nikolai infamous, and his reputation spread quickly through the party. It was not long before Stalin himself had heard about Nikolai. More importantly, he feared Nikolai. As soon as the war started, our hero was dropped on the front lines and forgotten about, where he wallowed in self pity and vodka for several years. There are many weapons in his arsenal, not least of which is his breath." + } + ], + "88": [ + { + "date": "TAKEO MASAKI - ULTIMIS", + "event": "Enter Takeo, for whom life has no meaning if not to perfect your discipline and to reveal true character and honor. Perhaps he ponders this and other philosophical questions as his Katana slices through the flesh and sinew of his enemy. Our hero was born into wealth; his family dynasty dates back several centuries, and throughout that time they have been highly decorated Samurai and Bushido. Well Takeo is no exception to this celebrated bloodline. Even when the family first saw the young, life-filled 5 year old Takeo playing in the street with his Katana and slicing the tails off terrified kittens. It was obvious he was destined to bring honor to the Masaki name. Reserved and reflective, the war is a perfect opportunity for Takeo to explore his blood lust and study the nature of those less honorable than himself, so if you fall victim to his swift action and might know that you have helped a man better than you reach enlightenment." + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file