It would be useful to be able to use declarative macros inside the bridge. In my use case, I have a large number of formulaic types and methods to declare in the bridge. (The blocks below are untested but should convey the general idea.)
macro_rules! declare_ffi_handle_type {
($t:ident) => {
struct $t {
raw: u32,
extern "C" {
paste! {
type [<Cxx $t>];
type [<Unowned $t>];
fn [<get_handle_ $t:lower>](handle: &[<Cxx $t>]>) -> u32;
fn [<get_unowned_handle_ $t:lower>](handle: &[<Unowned $t>]) -> u32;
I have 30 such blocks to define, and was actually going to use another declarative macro to invoke the first macro, e.g.:
macro_rules! invoke_for_handle_types {
($m:ident) => {
invoke_for_handle_types! { $m, Handle, Process, Thread, Vmo, Channel, Event, Port, Interrupt, PciDevice, DebugLog, Socket, Resource, EventPair, Job, Vmar, Fifo, Guest, Vcpu, Timer, Iommu, Bti, Profile, Pmt, SuspendToken, Pager, Exception, Clock, Stream, MsiAllocation, MsiInterrupt };
($m:ident, $t:ident, $($ts:ident),+) => {
invoke_for_handle_types! { $m, $t }
invoke_for_handle_types! { $m, $(ts),+ }
($m:ident, $t:ident) => { $m! {$t} };
Obviously this would be/is going to be very tedious to expand manually, never mind that it will be much less maintainable that way.
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