custom artwork message templates that can be used with localytics in-app messaging
- For iphone messages work within the folder iphone-center-modal-template
- For iPad messages work within the folder ipad-center-modal-template
Inside this folder you will find a file called index.html. Within this file you will need to edit the following:
- Title
- Message
- Button text
Enter your text between the
with your text.
Enter your text between the <div id="message"></div>
<div id="message"> Apple pie sweet...... </div>
ReplaceApple pie sweet.....
- For the dismiss button replace the text between
<button id="red_button></div>
<button id="red_button" class="red" type="dismiss">some text here</button>
Replacesome text here
- For the Ok button replace the text betewen the
<a>Do you mean this?</a>
<a>[Your Text here]</a>
- we can set an external site to be opened when the button is clicked
- visited_getDrop is the keyword that will appear in in the Events Dashboard of localytics. You may change that keyword to an event keyword of your choice.
- this must be set to allow the external browser to open.
Once you have finished editing this file, you should include an image within the template by deleting the current image and adding a new image of your choice named sampleImage.png
- Open the file index.html in Chrome Browser.
- Right-Click and select 'Inspect Element'
- Set the device to either 'iPhone' or 'iPad' and the orientation to 'landscape'
![chrome] [chrome]: (
Zip the folder for upload to Localytics by selecting all the files included in the folder:
- Museo_Slab_900.otf
- OpenSans-CondLight.ttf
- OpenSans-Regular.ttf
- index.html
- localytics.css
- sampleImage.png
right click and select 'Compress 6 items'.
When you have created the new archive upload the archive to the message builder according to localytics instructions here
- Once you have uploaded the artwork to Localytics Dashboard you will have the opportunity to preview the work. The preview is not 100% reliable, so the only reliable way to test the artwork is on an actual device
- Currently Test Mode is not working so you must [at the moment anyway] test on a live campaign. You should create an audience that includes only yourself so that while you are testing only you will receive the in-app message.
- According to Localytics "With regards to the in-app timing, when choosing an "Audience" of everyone, the message will send immediately. It can take a bit time if you are not choosing an Audience of "everyone" as we have a segmenter that has to filter through the data and pull out the particular users you are filtering for." This means that you may wait up to 30 minutes after the campaign has been scheduled to go live to see the message appear on your device. ****NOTE *** Old messages will still appear during this time.