VHDL Implementation of Modulo2 Line by Matrix Multiplication (with Tutorial Series on Steemit)
- https://steemit.com/programming/@drifter1/logic-design-implementing-modulo2-multiplication-of-line-with-matrix-in-vhdl-part1
- explaining the problem
- analyzing it
- creating a software model (c-code)
- setting up an architecture that can solve it in hardware
- https://steemit.com/programming/@drifter1/logic-design-implementing-modulo2-multiplication-of-line-with-matrix-in-vhdl-part2
- explaining how our architecture works
- splitting the implementation in steps
- implementing the storage step of vector A (step 1)
- https://steemit.com/programming/@drifter1/logic-design-implementing-modulo2-multiplication-of-line-with-matrix-in-vhdl-part3
- implementing the calculation step of the result vector R (step 2)
- https://steemit.com/programming/@drifter1/logic-design-implementing-modulo2-multiplication-of-line-with-matrix-in-vhdl-part4
- implementing the FSM as a component (step 3)
- writing a testbench