Add MediaBundle to your src/Bundle dir
git submodule add git@github.com:sonata-project/MediaBundle.git src/Sonata/MediaBundle
Add the AdminBundle if not yet installed
git submodule add git@github.com:sonata-project/AdminBundle.git src/Sonata/AdminBundle
Add the EasyExtendsBundle if not yet installed
git submodule add git@github.com:sonata-project/EasyExtendsBundle.git src/Sonata/EasyExtendsBundle
Add the Imagine bundle (image management) and follow ImagineBundle README
git submodule add git://github.com/avalanche123/Imagine.git src/vendor/imagine
Add MediaBundle to your application kernel
// app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Sonata\EasyExtendsBundle\SonataEasyExtendsBundle(), new Sonata\MediaBundle\MediaBundle(), // ... ); }
Run the command easy-extends:generate to generate the main model files
php kooqit/console sonata:easy-extends:generate
Add these lines into your config.yml file
sonata_media: class: Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\Service settings: cdn_enabled: false cdn_path: http://media.sonata-project.org public_path: /uploads/media private_path: /web/uploads/media providers: image: class: Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\ImageProvider formats: small: { width: 100 } big: { width: 500 } youtube: class: Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\YouTubeProvider formats: small: { width: 100 } big: { width: 500 } dailymotion: class: Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\DailyMotionProvider formats: small: { width: 100 } big: { width: 500 }