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A script to download tumblr chat messages
Usage: ./tumblr.php -u username -p password -b blog [-c conversation] [-f filename] [-s] [-d YYYYMMDD]
First, run the script just with your Tumblr username, password and the URL for the specific blog without the "" portion. (The blog must be associated with your Tumblr account.)
You will get a list of all available conversations, which will appear as follows:
111111111 username <=> chatuser1
222222222 username <=> chatuser2
333333333 username <=> chatuser3
Once you have acquired this list, run the script again, this time using the number of the conversation you want to download:
Usage: ./tumblr.php -u username -p password -b blog -c 111111111
Messages will be displayed in the terminal.
If you want the messages to be saved to a file, use a file name, as shown below:
Usage: ./tumblr.php -u username -p password -b blog 111111111 -f file.txt
If -s option is supplied log file will be splited in multiple files (one for each day) and date will be added to file name (file-YYMMDD.txt).
If -d option is supplied then only chat messages from specified date will be downloaded (YYYYMMDD format).
WARNING: If the filename you have chosen already contains content, its original contents will be overwritten without warning.
This script has not yet been tested very well, so it may have bugs, or not work at all. For instance, it handles cases where the blog password is incorrect very badly, as there are no relevant checks.
Full help message (displayed if no or invlid options are supplied):
Usage: ./tumblr.php -u username -p password -b blog [-c conversation] [-f filename] [-s] [-d YYYYMMDD]
First run script only with username, password and blog to get list of conversations.
Then run script again specifying conversation you want to download.
-u, --username (required)
tumblr username or E-mail
-p, --password (required)
tumblr password
-b, --blog (required)
tumblr blog without (required)
-c, --conversation (optional|required)
conversation id from the list
-d, --date YYYYMMDD (optional)
output only log for specified date
-f, --file filename (optional)
output file name
-s, --split (optional) (require -f)
put output in separete files for each day: filename-YYYYMMDD.ext