A repo that allows running automated Actions on a subset of github repos via Filters
From top level run mvn clean install
java -jar tools.github-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -u USERNAME -f FILTER -a ACTION
Using the jar generated in target (tools.github-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)
Place your credentials in ~/.github as
usage: [-a ] [-f ] [-if ] [-list ] [-of ] [-u ] -a,--action action to do when found -f,--filter filter to apply in search -list,--help list (actions) or (options) -u,--user user/organization to apply filter to
-f is a filter -a is an action
example use cases
clone all private repos
java -jar tools.github-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar -u dpwspoon -a clone\(myRepos\) -f private
delete specific repo
java -jar tools.github-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar -u dpwspoon -a delete -f byName\(gateway.bridge\)
find repos that have .travis.yml files
java -jar target/tools.github-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar -u dpwspoon -f hasFile\(/,.travis.yml\) -a print-names
finds issues that have been updated in last day
java -jar target/tools.github-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar -u dpwspoon -f all -a list-issues-recently-updated
finds issues labeled as bug
that have not yet been assigned
java -jar target/tools.github-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar -u dpwspoon -f all -a list-bugs-not-assigned
finds issues with milestone S10 - 15
java -jar target/tools.github-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar -u dpwspoon -f all -a list-issues-by-milestone\(S10\ -\ 15\)
all Matches all repos
private Matches private repos
hasFile(path,file-name) filters repositories that has file
public Matches public repos
byName(name, name2 etc) gets a repo matching the name
print-names: prints the name of the repo
addTeam(organization,team): Adds a team from an organization to a repository
clone(directory): clones the repo to a directory/name-of-repo
delete: deletes the repo
listOpenPullRequests lists open pull requests
listOpenIssues lists open issues (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
list-bugs-not-assigned lists bugs not assigned
list-issues-recently-closed lists issues recently closed (1 day)
list-issues-recently-updated lists issues recently closed (1 day)
list-issues-by-milestone(milestone) lists issues matching argument milestone
Note: These are not accesible from the command line, rather actions or other apps can build with them.
ALL matches all issues
OPEN matches open issues
CLOSED matches closed issues
CLOSED_WITHIN_DAYS(numberDays) matches issues closed within argument days
UPDATED_WITHIN_DAYS(numberDays) matches issues updated within argument days
HAS_LABEL(label) matches issues containing argument label
HAS_ASSIGNEE(login) login of user, null argument returns issues with no assignee
BY_MILESTONE(milestone) filters by milestone
BY_NAME gets issue matching the name
Compiles and outputs both plain text (command line) and html (out_email.html) of users and key issues. Currently the app is programmed to search for the following by user:
1. Open Pull Requests
2. Issues Updated Recently (within a day)
3. Backlog Issues (issues not updated within a day but have a milestone)
4. Issues Closed Recently (within a day)
The main
takes one optional argument for the login of a user. If a string is passed, the program will
only output the issues (above) for no assignee and for the argument user. If no argument is passed, the
program will output no assignee and then all users.
Future: Perhaps configure utility to send out an email given the html and the plain text output.
Mileage may vary. Most of these have not been fully tested yet. Also, the lib is best used to write your own Java Program