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Conditional Probability |
Statistical Inference |
Brian Caffo, Jeff Leek, Roger Peng |
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health |
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io2012 |
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- The probability of getting a one when rolling a (standard) die is usually assumed to be one sixth
- Suppose you were given the extra information that the die roll was an odd number (hence 1, 3 or 5)
- conditional on this new information, the probability of a one is now one third
- Let
$B$ be an event so that$P(B) > 0$ - Then the conditional probability of an event
$A$ given that$B$ has occurred is $$ P(A|B) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(B)} $$ - Notice that if
$A$ and$B$ are independent, then $$ P(A|B) = \frac{P(A) P(B)}{P(B)} = P(A) $$
- Consider our die roll example
$B = {1, 3, 5}$ -
$A = {1}$ $$ \begin{eqnarray*} P(\mbox{one given that roll is odd}) & = & P(A|B) \ \ & = & \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(B)} \ \ & = & \frac{P(A)}{P(B)} \ \ & = & \frac{1/6}{3/6} = \frac{1}{3} \end{eqnarray*} $$
- Let
$+$ and$-$ be the events that the result of a diagnostic test is positive or negative respectively - Let
$D$ and$D^c$ be the event that the subject of the test has or does not have the disease respectively - The sensitivity is the probability that the test is positive given that the subject actually has the disease, $P(+
|D)$ - The specificity is the probability that the test is negative given that the subject does not have the disease, $P(-
- The positive predictive value is the probability that the subject has the disease given that the test is positive, $P(D
|+)$ - The negative predictive value is the probability that the subject does not have the disease given that the test is negative, $P(D^c
|-)$ - The prevalence of the disease is the marginal probability of disease,
- The diagnostic likelihood ratio of a positive test, labeled
$DLR_+$ , is $P(+|D) / P(+|D^c)$, which is the$$sensitivity / (1 - specificity)$$ - The diagnostic likelihood ratio of a negative test, labeled
$DLR_-$ , is $P(-|D) / P(-|D^c)$, which is the$$(1 - sensitivity) / specificity$$
- A study comparing the efficacy of HIV tests, reports on an experiment which concluded that HIV antibody tests have a sensitivity of 99.7% and a specificity of 98.5%
- Suppose that a subject, from a population with a .1% prevalence of HIV, receives a positive test result. What is the probability that this subject has HIV?
- Mathematically, we want $P(D
|+)$ given the sensitivity, $P(+|D) = .997$, the specificity, $P(-|D^c) =.985$, and the prevalence$P(D) = .001$
- In this population a positive test result only suggests a 6% probability that the subject has the disease
- (The positive predictive value is 6% for this test)
- The low positive predictive value is due to low prevalence of disease and the somewhat modest specificity
- Suppose it was known that the subject was an intravenous drug user and routinely had intercourse with an HIV infected partner
- Notice that the evidence implied by a positive test result does not change because of the prevalence of disease in the subject's population, only our interpretation of that evidence changes
- Using Bayes rule, we have
|+) = \frac{P(+~|D)P(D)}{P(+|D)P(D) + P(+|D^c)P(D^c)} $$ and $$ P(D^c||+) = \frac{P(+D^c)P(D^c)}{P(+|D)P(D) + P(+|~D^c)P(D^c)}. $$
- Therefore
|+)}{P(D^c|+)} = \frac{P(+~|D)}{P(+|~D^c)}\times \frac{P(D)}{P(D^c)} $$ ie $$ \mbox{post-test odds of }D = DLR_+\times\mbox{pre-test odds of }D $$ - Similarly,
$DLR_-$ relates the decrease in the odds of the disease after a negative test result to the odds of disease prior to the test.
- Suppose a subject has a positive HIV test
$DLR_+ = .997 / (1 - .985) \approx 66$ - The result of the positive test is that the odds of disease is now 66 times the pretest odds
- Or, equivalently, the hypothesis of disease is 66 times more supported by the data than the hypothesis of no disease
- Suppose that a subject has a negative test result
$DLR_- = (1 - .997) / .985 \approx .003$ - Therefore, the post-test odds of disease is now
$.3%$ of the pretest odds given the negative test. - Or, the hypothesis of disease is supported
$.003$ times that of the hypothesis of absence of disease given the negative test result