The project is divided in three folder:
- code: contains code for benchmarking and data analysis purposes
- thesis: contains the thesis written in latex
- data: contains data used for compressing
- NodeJs for running the scripts that generate/collect/compress data
- Java (version 8) for running the project under code/TimeseriesCompressionBenchmarks
- Time Series Benchmark Suite to generate "DevOps data"
- python3 for the data analysis
To generate data, use the following command
cd code/scripts
node generatedData.js
This will invoke the Time Series Benchmark Suite command-line utility. Make sure to have installed it before (refer to the documentation) 250 (50 hosts x 5 data frames) files will be created under the data directory
For this step, you need access to a dynatrace tenant and a valid token. Once you have that information, create a .env file under the folder code/scripts In this file, add the following information
DYNATRACE_URL= url of your dynatrace tenant
DYNATRACE_API_TOKEN= api token with metric read permissions
You can then run the following command to collect timeseries from dynatrace.
cd code/scripts
node collectDynatraceTimeseries.js
8 different metrics will be stored in 8 different files under the data folder. Dynatrace data used for this thesis is stored under data/
You can find taxi data for January 2019 at the following link This data will need some preprocessing to be correctly compressed by the gorilla algorithms. To do so, after having placed the data under the code directory, switch to that directory and run the following
This will save the preprocessed data under the data directory
All the following compression steps assume that you have built the TimeSeriesCompressionBenchmark project already If you have not done so, go to code/TimeseriesCompressionBenchmarks and run the following
./gradlew shadowJar
a jar file will be generated under code/TimeseriesCompressionBenchmarks/build/libs
Simply run the following
cd code/scripts
node compressDevopsData.js
a file with the compression stats will be generated under the data directory
Simply run the following
cd code/scripts
node compressDynatraceData.js
a file with the compression stats will be generated under the data directory
Simply run the following
cd code/scripts
node compressTaxiData.js
a file with the compression stats will be generated under the data directory
The files,, contain some interesting commands for data analysis. They will also generate figures to the folder thesis/figure.