- Installation
To install the API bundle with Composer just add the following to your
// composer.json
// ...
require: {
// ...
"dlinsmeyer/api-response-bundle": "dev-master"
$ php composer.phar update
Now, Composer will automatically download all required files, and install them
for you. All that is left to do is to update your AppKernel.php
file, and
register the new bundle:
// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new DLinsmeyer\Bundle\ApiBundle\DLinsmeyerApiBundle(),
// ...
- Configuration
###Via Symfony No additional configuration is needed. The app should properly detect all configurations in this bundle.
###Via Silex Since bundles are merely packages in Silex, we need to do some manual service configuration. Specifically, in this case, for our serializer.
- Pull in
- Add the following to your Silex bootstrap file:
* since we can't load bundles proper, we need to register
* the custom types that would be handled via our serializer service here
$callable = Pimple::protect(
function(\JMS\Serializer\Handler\HandlerRegistry $handlerRegistry) {
$handlerRegistry->registerSubscribingHandler(new \DLinsmeyer\Bundle\ApiBundle\Serializer\Handler\MixedTypeHandler());
new JDesrosiers\Silex\Provider\JmsSerializerServiceProvider(),
"serializer.srcDir" => __DIR__ . "/vendor/jms/serializer/src",
"serializer.configureHandlers" => $callable,
- Usage
With the introduction of the SerializationAdapterInterface, there are several more ways callers can utilize the response builder.
###JMS Serializer If no other configuration is made, JMS serializer will be used by default.
* @Inject("acme.repository.document")
* @var DocumentRepository
private $documentRepository;
* @Inject("api_response_builder")
* @var ResponseBuilderInterface
private $responseBuilder;
* Search for documents
* @Route("/api/v{version}/documents/search/{query}.{_format}", name="acme_api_document_search")
* @param string $version
* @param string $query
* @return JsonResponse
public function searchAction($version, $query)
$documents = $this->documentRepository->search($query);
if($someLogicCondition) {
} else {
$errors = $this->getErrors();
->setMessage("Logic condition failed")
return $this->responseBuilder->buildResponse();
return $response;
###JSON Serializer In order to use json_encode serialization, you need to make a config change
api_response_serializer: api_response_serializer.json
Note: By default, this serializer disregards all context-related data such as version, group, etc. Only the response model will be encoded.
Other than that, follow the code sample in the above for usage.
- Extension
###Overriding MixedTypeHandler
A need may arise for you to extend the MixedTypeHandler
class. In such instance, perform the following.
####Create Overriding Class Create a class which extends the MixedTypeHandler. Such as below:
namespace YourVendor\YourBundle\Serializer\Handler;
use DLinsmeyer\Bundle\ApiBundle\Serializer\Handler\MixedTypeHandler as BaseMixedTypeHandler;
* Overrides the default Mixed type to
* do something custom
class MixedTypeHandler extends BaseMixedTypeHandler
* Overrides the core type determinance to point some of our Document/Entity files
* to their models
* @inheritdoc
protected function determineType($value)
$calcualtedType = parent::determineType($value);
//do some custom logic
return $calcualtedType;
####Override service In your calling library's services configuration file, perform the following:
class: YourVendor\YourBundle\Serializer\Handler\MixedTypeHandler
- { name: jms_serializer.subscribing_handler }
###Creating a custom serializer By default, this library comes with JMS and json_encode() serialization by default. To add support for other serializers, perform the following:
Create a class that extends the SerializerAdapterInterface
Create a service definition for that class.
In your config, define the following:
d_linsmeyer_api: api_response_serializer: %YOUR_SERIALIZER_SERVICE_REFERENCE%