A console of convenience for Loopback API projects
There are two ways to use loopback-console
This will load the console bound to the specified Loopback app. If no app is specified it will attempt to use the current working directory.
$(npm bin)/loopback-console [loopback app root]
It is recommended that you add this to your package.json scripts as follows,
"scripts": {
"console": "loopback-console ."
It can then be executed as npm run console
Integrating the console with your Loopback app gives you the option of configuring
how the console behaves. Make the following additions to server.js
- Include the library:
var loopbackConsole = require('loopback-console');
- Integrate it with server execution:
if (loopbackConsole.activated()) {
// loopback-console config
prompt: "my-app # ",
// ...
} else if (require.main === module) {
Execute your app's console by passing your app argument --console
or setting environment variable LOOPBACK_CONSOLE=1
. For example,
node . --console