, when called with BitmapSizeOptions.FromHeight(16)
, throws ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
Reproduction Steps
// just create a hIcon
var hIcon = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(64, 64).GetHicon();
// this will crash
var bitmapSource = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(hIcon, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromHeight(16));
Expected behavior
The above code will not throw an exception.
Actual behavior
The code above throws ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
It does not seem to be.
Known Workarounds
Do not use Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon
with explicit BitmapSizeOptions
Any API that uses InteropBitmap
with explicit BitmapSizeOptions
may be affected.
.NET 9 / Win10 / x64
It may not, as the problem is in the managed code.
Other information
The problem seems to be caused by the InteropBitmap.FinalizeCreation
method that calls:
_sizeOptions.GetScaledWidthAndHeight((uint)_sizeOptions.PixelWidth, (uint)_sizeOptions.PixelHeight, out var newWidth, out var newHeight);
I assume that the first two arguments of BitmapSizeOptions.GetScaledWidthAndHeight
should contain the original image size instead of _sizeOptions.PixelWidth
and _sizeOptions.PixelHeight