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dotnet list package --vulnerable too verbose / poor SNR #43480



I am using NuGet Audit via dotnet. I would expect the basic experience to have very good signal to noise characteristics, which is particularly important for large solutions. I believe that these is significant opportunity for improvement.

I noticed that the good folks at Jellyfin have adopted CPM, so I used their project as a test bed. In particular, I downgraded their 8.x reference to all 8.0.0 so that I'd find some vulnerabilities. For clarity, this is all artificial; Jellyfin doesn't have any of these vulnerabilities.

This is what I see:

rich@Richs-MacBook-Air jellyfin % dotnet list package --vulnerable

The following sources were used:

The given project `Jellyfin.Server` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MediaBrowser.Controller` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MediaBrowser.Common` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
Project `MediaBrowser.Model` has the following vulnerable packages
   Top-level Package       Requested   Resolved   Severity   Advisory URL                                     
   > System.Text.Json      8.0.0       8.0.0      High

The given project `MediaBrowser.Providers` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MediaBrowser.XbmcMetadata` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MediaBrowser.LocalMetadata` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Drawing` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Emby.Photos` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Emby.Server.Implementations` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Emby.Naming` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Api` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Common.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.MediaEncoding.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Naming.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Api.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Controller.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Data` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Server.Implementations` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Networking` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.XbmcMetadata.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Model.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Networking.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Server.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Server.Integration.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Providers.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Extensions` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.Extensions.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.MediaEncoding.Keyframes` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.MediaEncoding.Hls` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.MediaEncoding.Hls.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.MediaEncoding.Keyframes.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.LiveTv.Tests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `Jellyfin.LiveTv` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.

This doesn't strike me as the desired output. I only want to see vuln hits and not have to search through pages of terminal data to find them. This also isn't a desired machine-readable format. If this was JSON, I could use jq to filter this ouput. grep won't really do it.

This is what Docker Scout does, in contrast.

rich@Richs-MacBook-Air jellyfin % docker scout cves           
    ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 298 packages indexed
    ✗ Detected 11 vulnerable packages with a total of 17 vulnerabilities

## Overview

                    │              Analyzed Image               
  Target            │   
    digest          │  01f928714573                             
    platform        │ linux/arm64                               
    vulnerabilities │    0C     0H     0M    15L     2?         
    size            │ 78 MB                                     
    packages        │ 298                                       

## Packages and Vulnerabilities

   0C     0H     0M     3L     2?  openssl 3.0.13-1~deb12u1

    ✗ LOW CVE-2024-6119
      Affected range : <3.0.14-1~deb12u2  
      Fixed version  : 3.0.14-1~deb12u2   
    ✗ LOW CVE-2024-4603
      Affected range : <3.0.14-1~deb12u1  
      Fixed version  : 3.0.14-1~deb12u1   
    ✗ LOW CVE-2010-0928
      Affected range : >=3.0.11-1~deb12u2  
      Fixed version  : not fixed           
// snip

17 vulnerabilities found in 11 packages
  LOW          15  
  MEDIUM       0   
  HIGH         0   
  CRITICAL     0   

What's next:
    View base image update recommendations → docker scout recommendations

I can then follow that recommendation, too.

rich@Richs-MacBook-Air jellyfin % docker scout recommendations
    ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 298 packages indexed

    i Base image was auto-detected. To get more accurate recommendations, build images with max-mode provenance attestations.
      Review ↗ for more information.
      Alternatively, use  docker scout recommendations --tag <base image tag>  to pass a specific base image tag.
  Target   │   
    digest │  01f928714573                             

## Recommended fixes

  Base image is  debian:12-slim 

  Name            │  12-slim                                                                   
  Digest          │  sha256:19641d0a8330497653423d04744b1c92300f64dadbdd830172d98af7353592bb   
  Vulnerabilities │    0C     0H     0M    12L                                                 
  Pushed          │ 1 month ago                                                                
  Size            │ 29 MB                                                                      
  Packages        │ 125                                                                        
  Flavor          │ debian                                                                     
  OS              │ 12                                                                         
  Slim            │ ✓                                                                          

  │ The base image is also available under the supported tag(s)      
  │ bookworm-slim . If you want to display recommendations           
  │ specifically for a different tag, please re-run the command using
  │ the  --tag  flag.                                                

Refresh base image
  Rebuild the image using a newer base image version. Updating this may result in breaking changes.

That's pretty good!

I propose that NuGet audit move towards a default output with higher SNR that is oriented on vulnerabilities not on packages. This is what Docker Scout does. It would be good if there was a JSON output (perhaps I just missed it).


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