Currently the work during grain activation happens outside of the Trace containing the calling client and the message processing on the grain.
It would be useful, if it is feasible, to have an Activate/Activation span to encompass the work being done on grain activation and have that be part of the calling trace.
For example, in the below trace, the two red lines show a point where Activation of the grain happens (I believe that's the correct point in the trace). In this case, there is state hydration that happens (Azure Table Storage Persistence, but it shouldn't matter) but the call to Azure is captured in a separate trace (not pictured) that is unrelated to the calling trace.
There is useful information here that is not correlated, specifically the built-in Persistence hydration. Without this correlated information, it would be difficult to determine why some calls may be slow (if Persistence calls are slow) while others are faster.