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Known Issues

Jonathan Peppers edited this page May 27, 2022 · 8 revisions

.NET MAUI Known Issues

You may encounter the following known issues in addition to verified issues. Each may include workarounds, mitigations, or expected resolution timeframes.

Related known issues:

Upcoming services release:

.NET MAUI templates do not appear in Visual Studio

When installing both Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 7 preview, the .NET MAUI templates may not appear in Visual Studio 2022. To build .NET MAUI projects you must use the latest stable release of .NET 6.

.NET MAUI will be included in a future preview of .NET 7, at which time you could use .NET MAUI side by side from both stable and preview versions.


Either uninstall .NET 7, or create new .NET MAUI projects from CLI with .NET 6.

To pin a directory to .NET 6, create a global.json file with the content:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "6.0.300",
    "rollForward": "latestMinor"

Then from a command prompt within that folder confirm you are using .NET 6, and then create a new .NET MAUI project.

$ dotnet --version

$ dotnet new maui -n HelloMaui
The template ".NET MAUI App" was created successfully.

Now you can ppen the solution file in Visual Studio and proceed.

Some Platform Specifics are not available in .NET MAUI

Platform specifics are APIs built into .NET MAUI for exercising features specific to only one platform. Issue #5856 is tracking the known gaps compared to Xamarin.Forms including:


  • Button
    • UseDefaultPadding
    • UseDefaultShadow
  • NavigationPage
    • BarHeight


  • NavigationPage
    • HideNavigationBarSeparator
    • StatusBarTextColorMode
  • Page
    • UseSafeArea
    • PrefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden
    • PrefersStatusBarHidden
    • PreferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation
  • VisualElement
    • BlurEffect
    • CanBecomeFirstResponder


  • FlyoutPage
    • CollapseStyle
    • CollapsedPaneWidth
  • Page
    • ToolbarPlacement
  • TabbedPage
    • HeaderIconsEnabled
  • WebView
    • ExecutionMode
    • IsJavaScriptAlertEnabled


Use handlers to exercise these APIs at the platform level. See Customize .NET MAUI controls with handlers and Invoke platform code.

Maps control is unavailable

The Xamarin.Forms.Maps NuGet or an alternative control from .NET MAUI is not available in .NET 6.


For platforms such as Android, iOS, and Mac Catalyst that provide maps controls, you can create a handler to surface those controls in .NET MAUI. See Customize .NET MAUI controls with handlers and Creating a .NET MAUI Maps Control blog post.

For platforms without a native control, you can use a web based map and host that within a WebView.

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