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Champion: Unmanaged constructed types (16.3, Core 3) #1744




Provide a way to take the address of a generic struct provided it does not contain any "managed" (GC-tracked) types.

For example, the following generic type is "unmanaged":

public struct MyStruct<T> where T : unmanaged
    public T field;


Today, users have the ability to declare structs and take the address of it (in an unsafe context) provided that it is not considered a "managed" type.

  • The compiler currently reports generic structs as "managed" types, even though they are not GC-tracked

However, there is nothing in the runtime preventing a user from taking the address of a generic struct and, in certain scenarios, it may be desirable to allow this.

One such example is the System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128<T> type, which contains no GC tracked objects. The type is designed to be used in high-performance and generally unsafe scenarios, but there are certain operations (such as stackalloc, pinning, etc) which cannot be done in C# today.


The C# 6 spec states that an unmanaged_type is:

isn't a reference_type or constructed type, and doesn't contain reference_type or constructed type fields at any level of nesting. In other words, an unmanaged_type is one of the following:

  • sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal, or bool.
  • Any enum_type.
  • Any pointer_type.
  • Any user-defined struct_type that is not a constructed type and contains fields of unmanaged_types only.

This change would remove the restriction that unmanaged_type cannot be a constructed type. Instead, constructed types would be unmanaged if they meet the requirements of general user-defined struct types.


The compiler may need to do additional validation in order to validate that a user-defined generic struct is "ok" to use.


The user will still not be able to take the address of any type, which is possible to do in IL code today.


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Implemented Needs ECMA SpecThis feature has been implemented in C#, but still needs to be merged into the ECMA specificationProposal champion


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