Add an MSBuild property for disabling any NBGV tasks #568
opened on Mar 23, 2021
It would be great to have something like
> dotnet build -p:NBGV_Disabled=true
Longer version
I'm constantly hitting issues with NBGV in various inner-loop (developer machine, devcontainers, omnisharp, git submodule) scenarios. It usually works great once it's set up and running correctly in the CI environment, but I find myself adding a condition to the package import so I can turn it of when I don't need it, e.g.
<PackageReference Include="Nerdbank.GitVersioning" Version="..." Condition=" '$(NBGV_Disabled)' != 'true' " />
... so I can opt out of it via an environment variable. I usually don't care what the package version turns out to be while working on a project in my IDE. It would be great if something like this would be supported out of the box.