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Repository files navigation


Project Features

- MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel)
- Clean Architecture(Source) - LiveData
- ViewBinding
- Retrofit
- Rxjava (Source)
- Room Database
- Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav)
- Glide (Source)
- Lottie (Source)

Splash Screen

Deezer icon is used for splash screen

Categories Screen

- Categories listed using RecyclerView.
- Clicking on the category image will go to the artist listing page.

Artist Listing Screen

-Artists are listed according to the selected category

Artist Detail Screen

-Albums are listed according to the selected artist

Album Listing Screen

-Tracks are listed according to the selected album
-Clicking the track plays a 30 second preview
-When the heart icon is clicked, if the song is not saved in the room database, it will be saved. If it is saved, it will be deleted from the database.

Favorites Screen

-The user reaches this page by using the favorites tab from the bottom navigation menu and can see it here if any track has been saved before.
-Clicking the track plays a 30 second preview
-When the heart icon is clicked, the selected track is deleted to the room database