This is a resource for Solidity and Ethereum smart-contract programming. Currently under construction. It's a side project with no deadlines, or any form of plan.
- Solidity Systems Tutorial
- Contract-oriented Programming Tutorial
- Advanced Solidity Tutorial
- Solidity Inline Assembly Tutorial
- Blog Posts
- Examples
- External Resources
Contract-oriented Programming I
Contract-oriented Programming II
Advanced Solidity I - Introduction
Advanced Solidity II - EVM Stack and Assembler
Advanced Solidity III - Memory and Calldata
Advanced Solidity IV - Storage
Advanced Solidity V - Solidity value-types
Solidity Inline Assembly I - Introduction
Add - A simple contract for adding two integers using ADD
Loop - A simple contract that uses conditional jump (JUMPI
) to do a for-loop.
IterableAddressSetASM - An iterable address
set written in regular inline assembly.
IterableAddressSetFASM - An iterable address
set written in functional-style inline assembly.
Official Ethereum Page:
Official Solidity Page:
Ethereum SE:
Gavin Wood on condition-oriented programming: