Nancy.BundleIt minifies, obfuscates, concatenates, caches and versions all of your Javascript and CSS files. It uses the well tested and proven Port of Yahoo!'s Java YUICompressor to .NET to minify & obfuscates the code.
- Minify javascript and css using YUICompressor
- Override default YUICompressor settings for each file.
- Bundles files automatically in release mode.
- Support for CDNs
- Force release mode or debug mode
- Force an exception to be thrown when a file is missing.
- If ".min." is detected in file name, BundleIt will use source as is and not compress it.
- Works with .NET and Mono.
- Bundles can be combined to make new bundles. Only need to declare files once!
- In memory caching for optimal performance.
- Aggressive HEADER cache settings. Using ETag and Cache-Control. Only download bundle once!
Nuget will drop a class into your project called "BundleItConfig.cs".
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Nancy.BundleIt;
/// <summary>
/// Configures Nancy.BundleIt assets on application startup.
/// There can only be 1 class that uses the interface IBundleItConfig per project.
/// BundleIt will use the first one it finds.
/// </summary>
public class BundleItConfig : IBundleItConfig
public void Configure(Bundles bundles, ConfigSettings settings)
// Optional settings
//settings.ScriptPath = "_scriptbundle";
//settings.StylePath = "_stylebundle";
//settings.ThrowExceptionWhenFileMissing = true;
//settings.ForceDebugMode = false;
//settings.ForceReleaseMode = true;
// Add scripts based on relative path from root project.
var bundleRactive = bundles.AddScripts("ractive", new List<BundleItFile>
new BundleItFile("app/vendors/ractiveJS/ractive.0.4.0.js", "app/vendors/ractiveJS/ractive.0.4.0.min.js"),
new BundleItFile("app/vendors/ractiveJS/ractive-transitions-fade.js")
// You can also add a CDN and use bundles you have already created.
var bundleBase = bundles.AddScripts("base", new List<BundleItFile>
new BundleItFile("app/vendors/jquery.1.11.0.min.js", "//", true),
new BundleItFile(bundleRactive),
new BundleItFile("app/vendors/lodash.2.4.1.min.js"),
new BundleItFile("app/common/js/toolbox.js")
// Add your CSS also
var base_bundle_css = bundles.AddStyles("base", new List<BundleItFile>
new BundleItFile("app/common/css/common.css")
Remember to add a reference in the "RazorConfig.cs" file.
public class RazorConfig : IRazorConfiguration
public IEnumerable<string> GetAssemblyNames()
yield return "Nancy.BundleIt";
public IEnumerable<string> GetDefaultNamespaces()
yield return "Nancy.BundleIt";
public bool AutoIncludeModelNamespace
get { return false; }
Then call your bundles in the view.
@using Nancy.BundleIt
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Account Dashboard</title>
<b>Account Dashboard</b>
<!-- content -->
It is possible to prevent a local variable, nested function or function argument from being obfuscated by using "hints". A hint is a string that is located at the very beginning of a function body like so:
function fn (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
"arg2:nomunge, localVar:nomunge, nestedFn:nomunge";
var localVar;
function nestedFn () {
The hint itself disappears from the compressed file.
Copyright © 2014 Donny Velazquez and contributors
Nancy.BundleIt is licensed under MIT.