"Docker for A.I. Researcher" is a series of Shell script that * allows you to quickly set up your deep learning research environment * supports almost (all commonly used deep learning frameworks)[https://github.com/eungbean/Docker-for-AI-Researcher#Available-tags] with GPU acceleration (CUDA and cuDNN included) * supports the next-generation web-based user interface IDE, Jupyter-lab * supports remote work with laptop OUTSIDE of the lab * includes fancy terminal setup with oh-my-zsh.
- Ubuntu OS 18.04
- Nvidia GPU Driver Installation
- 10 minuites
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/eungbean/Docker-for-AI-Researcher
cd Docker-for-AI-Researcher
Install following packages..
- Terminal tools
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-autosuggestions
- neovim
- spacevim
- powerline font
- GPU Monitoring tools
- gpustat
- glances[gpu]
- git
- ssh
sudo sh ./01-terminal-setting.sh
sudo sh ./02-docker-setup.sh
Install followings..
If the installation is done, the message will be displayed.
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
I strongly recommend to use ufoym/deepo image from scratch.
This image supports almost all commonly used deep learning frameworks.
sudo docker pull ufoym/deepo:all-jupyter
In addition to ufoym/deepo image, I made my own docker image called eungbean/deepo:lab.
This image includes more useful packages to start with.
It will reduce your time to set up initial research environment.
Trust me, you'll happy with it.
sudo docker pull ufoym/deepo:all-jupyter