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Migrations always generated for custom type with DBAL 4 #1441



Bug Report

BC Break no
Migrations version 3.8.0
Migrations bundle 3.3.1
ORM 3.2.1
DBAL 4.0.4
Symfony 7.1.2


I have issue with DBAL 4 and custom type, the migrations keep getting generated again and again. Furthermore, the down migration looks totally bogus. This is possibly related to #1435

I know that DBAL 4 dropped requiresSqlHint (in doctrine/dbal#5107 , afterwards some issues were found and fixed - doctrine/dbal#6257 )

So when I am using custom type, I expect the first migration diff to drop the DC2Type comments. However my tables have these fields already dropped and yet the migration is being generated.

enum ActionType: string
    case SUBMIT = 'submit';
    case CANCEL = 'cancel';

class ActionTypeType extends Type
    public function getSQLDeclaration(array $column, AbstractPlatform $platform): string
        $class = ActionType::class;

        $values = [];

        foreach ($class::cases() as $val) {
            $values[] = "'{$val->value}'";

        return "enum(" . implode(", ", $values) . ")";

    public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform): mixed
        $class = ActionType::class;
        if ($value !== null && !($value instanceof BackedEnum)) {
            $value = $class::tryFrom($value);
            return null;

        return $value->value;

    public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform): ?BackedEnum
        if ((!is_int($value)) && !is_string($value)) {
            return null;

        return $class::tryFrom($value);

I then have my entity as

#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: ActionRepository::class)]
#[ORM\Table(name: 'actions')]
class Action
    private string $name;

    #[ORM\Column(type: ActionType::class, nullable: false)]
    private ActionType $type;

and in Kernel.php I set up type mapping inside Kernel::process():

$typesDefinition[ActionType::class] = ['class' => ActionTypeType::class];
$container->setParameter('doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.types', $typesDefinition);

Now I know that the types are assigned correctly, as migrations generate up like this:

    public function up(Schema $schema): void
        $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE actions CHANGE type type enum(\'submit\', \'cancel\') NOT NULL');

but it is generated ALWAYS.

and the down() migration looks even weirder:

    public function down(Schema $schema): void
        $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE actions CHANGE type type VARCHAR(0) NOT NULL');

Everything works fine with DBAL 3, which uses SQL comments


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