For more information about this image and its history, please see the relevant manifest file (library/gcc
). This image is updated via pull requests to the docker-library/official-images
GitHub repo.
For detailed information about the virtual/transfer sizes and individual layers of each of the above supported tags, please see the repos/gcc/
file in the docker-library/repo-info
GitHub repo.
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project that supports various programming languages. GCC is a key component of the GNU toolchain. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) distributes GCC under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). GCC has played an important role in the growth of free software, as both a tool and an example.
The most straightforward way to use this image is to use a gcc container as both the build and runtime environment. In your Dockerfile
, writing something along the lines of the following will compile and run your project:
FROM gcc:4.9
COPY . /usr/src/myapp
WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
RUN gcc -o myapp main.c
CMD ["./myapp"]
Then, build and run the Docker image:
$ docker build -t my-gcc-app .
$ docker run -it --rm --name my-running-app my-gcc-app
There may be occasions where it is not appropriate to run your app inside a container. To compile, but not run your app inside the Docker instance, you can write something like:
$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp gcc:4.9 gcc -o myapp myapp.c
This will add your current directory, as a volume, to the container, set the working directory to the volume, and run the command gcc -o myapp myapp.c.
This tells gcc to compile the code in myapp.c
and output the executable to myapp. Alternatively, if you have a Makefile
, you can instead run the make
command inside your container:
$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp gcc:4.9 make
View license information for the software contained in this image.
This image is officially supported on Docker version 1.12.3.
Support for older versions (down to 1.6) is provided on a best-effort basis.
Please see the Docker installation documentation for details on how to upgrade your Docker daemon.
If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us through a GitHub issue. If the issue is related to a CVE, please check for a cve-tracker
issue on the official-images
repository first.
You can also reach many of the official image maintainers via the #docker-library
IRC channel on Freenode.
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.
Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.
Documentation for this image is stored in the gcc/
directory of the docker-library/docs
GitHub repo. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the repository's
file before attempting a pull request.