A simple html boilerplate with Browser-Sync live reloading through gulp.
- Make sure Node.js, gulp and Browsersync is installed.
- To install gulp:
npm install -g gulp
- To install Browsersync:
npm install -g browser-sync
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/dnlsndbrg/simple-html-boilerplate.git
- Install the dependencies with
npm install
- Start gulp with
- Not much at the moment. Gulp will watch scss files and html files in the src directory and copy it to the build folder.
- Errors in the css or html will be displayed in a popup
- Browsersync will serve the website at http://localhost:3000 and automatically inject or refresh changes.
|—— build/
| |—— index.html
| |—— css/
| | |—— style.css
| |—— img/
| | |—— # image files
| |—— js/
| | |—— # js files
|—— src/
| |—— index.html
| |—— css/
| | |—— style.css
| |—— img/
| | |—— # image files
| |—— js/
| | |—— # js files
|—— gulpfile.js
|—— gulp-logo.png
|—— package.json
|—— README.md