Releases: dmnfarrell/pandastable
- Fixed error that broke pip install
- Added column coloring functionality
- Fixed slow adding of multiple rows
- Fix to display row numbers properly for large tables
- Added table operations to main menu
- Added time series resample (table menu)
- Can now undo last change for most operations
- Differential expression plugin
- Element-wise transform menu item
- Added aggfunc to pivot dialog
- Filtering tool highlights filtered rows by default
- Added predefined widget filters to filtering dialog
- Fixed slow drawing of large tables
Adds some miscellaneous improvements. Grouped plots now work better, see A datetime conversion dialog has been added as shown in
- Added datetime conversion dialog
- Changes to make more compatible with matplotlib 2.0
- Can now plot grouped single plots for some plot types (line, bar, scatter)
- Fixed sharey, sharex for grouped plots
- Added ability to choose pre-defined mpl styles
- Fix to memory leak on redraws
- Changes to right click copy behaviour in table
- snapcraft.yaml to create snap package
- Fix for displaying small floats that were rounded to zero
- Added floating precision to table preferences
- Clipboard bug fix
- Improvement to merge dialog
- Fixes to widget styling issues on linux
- Added duplicate column removal in clean data
This minor release adds experimental text annotation support. This allows the addition of arbitrary labels. see Note that new releases mean .dexpl project files from older versions might not load properly.
- Added black and white option for plotting
- Fix to avoid white lines with some colormaps
- Can now add text annotations to plots
- Most plot options are now saved including grid settings
- -t option for launching a test app
- fix to scatter colors
- changed predefined datasets to csv to avoid msgpack issues
This minor release provides updates to allow python 2.7 compatibility. An annotation tab has been added to the plot options to allow adding manual textbox or graphical objects manually later.
- Updated code for python 2.7 compatibility
- Plot labels now in separate annotation tab
- Added color by column value for scatter plots
- Can now only save as messagepack, other formats are under export
- Fix to setup file that prevent plugins from being installed
This release adds several new features. It updates the 3D plotting options so that they are all properly functional. It also adds the ability to create/change columns data using ranges or randomly generated from a distribution. You can now combine different kinds of plots together or from different tables in one plot using the grid layout option.
- Added fill data functions for columns
- Updates to 3D plotting allow working contour, wireframe and surface plots
- Added contour and imshow plots
- Can now display plot tools in vertical orientation
- IPython console plugin
- Combining multiple different plots in a grid layout is now possible
This release adds a simple plugin architecture to allow third party scripts to be easily added. A factor plotting plugin has been added using this method. This will be provided by default. The other major change is to allow table selections and properties to be saved with projects. Plots can therefore be re-loaded from the last selections and plot settings. Finally numpy functions can now be used in the function evaluation bar. Columns generated from functions are remembered so that you can keep track of how the data was made, a bit like a spreadsheet formula.
- Implemented plugin system with sample seaborn plugin
- Moved batch file rename tool to plugins
- Meta data now saved with project files - allows saving plots and selections
- Can add a table to plot using sub-table contents
- Integrated table copy and paste into toolbars
- Changed function evaluation so that math functions work
- Column-wise functions can be applied
- Added ability to show error bars in plots
- Various fixes for table selections
- Added melt function for converting to long form data
This release adds a model fitting interface based on the statsmodels library. This library will be an optional dependency. Other additions such as data cleaning are added that may be useful aids for fitting.
- Model fitting interface using statsmodels
- Added ability to create categorical and dummy columns, useful for fitting
- Clean data options added
- Dialog to apply certain row-wise functions added to column menu
- String operations added to column menu
- Re-did aggregate dialog
- Correlation matrix calculator
- Row index header to show index names
- Display column multiiindexes
- Cell text now fits properly with any font/size
- Convenient copy and paste table menu items for DataExplore
- Added minimal unit tests
Minor fixes
- Added plot save dpi entry
- Fixed missing data files for setuptools install
- Updated scatter to allow multiple subplots
Adds more predefined datasets, file rename utility
- More datasets for testing
- Fix to update groupby comboboxes when table changes
- Added batch file renaming tool