This gem creates a select tag and a series of contained option tags for the provided object and method. Helper takes options from model’s constant and translates it according to the translations file (‘composite_attributes` section).
In Gemfile:
gem 'select_options'
For example, you have a model User with the field role and a constant ROLES:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base ROLES = %w(admin user) ... end
in the template you have just write:
<%= f.select_with_options :role %>
In case if you have the constant, named differt from the field name, like this:
class Shape < ActiveRecord::Base DIMENTION_VALUES = [2, 3] ... end
in the template you should use option :source
<%= f.select_with_options :dimention, :source => Shape::DIMENTION_VALUES %>
Translations in en.yml for an ActiveRecord child look like this:
en: activerecord: composite_attributes: user: role: admin: Administrator user: User
or like this:
en: activerecord: attributes: shape: dimention_2: 2D dimention_3: 3D
This code will generate translated collection of options for select tag:
<select name="user[role]"> <option value="admin" selected="selected">Administrator</option> <option value="user">User</option> </select>
Copyright © 2011 Dmitriy Vorotilin, See LICENSE.txt for further details.