This is a mobile application created using Unity to generate a pseudorandom series of simple trivia, math or logic questions for the programmers (game masters) to refer to when conducting the Plants vs Zombies game during NTU SCSE Freshmen Orientation Programme AY1920.
Questions are either generated during runtime or read from JSON or CSV files. Generated questions use templates and lists of objects with arbitrary values.
The series is generated by randomly selecting the next question to appear. The way the next question is selected is by first choosing a random category of question, then randomly selecting or generating a question from that category. Trivia questions have a higher chance of appearing than other types of questions.
The application ensures there will not be any repeated questions appearing close to each other. Only when all questions of a category have been exhausted will the questions for that category repeat. Should there be a need to reset this so all questions have a chance of appearing again, please restart the app.
- Animal facts
- Computing
- What acronyms stand for
- Pop culture/music
- Singapore/Various nations
- Various general knowledge
(These questions are randomly generated at runtime by choosing from a list of animals or a list of shapes.)
(Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication with 2 operands of double to triple digits only. These questions are randomly generated at runtime by randomly choosing the operator, then randomly generating 2 operands.)
These questions are a collection of questions that fellow programmers (game masters) came up with ourselves, or are inspired by trivia questions online. Big thanks to question databases online for references.
There are at least a thousand questions available through this application, and is free to use by others seeking to have their own list of general knowledge questions.