A word processing engine built with trie structure than can finish words during typing and correct typing mistakes.
The project will be enhanced with new features in the future (like prediction of the next word based on the previous one).
Engine tries to return the most probable words, and because of that, it stores information about the frequency of each word. Therefore, adding one word multiple times will increase its stored frequency.
You can add words in two ways:
- Manually (one-by-one)
- Read from file
Currently, there are two main mods available:
Engine will try to complete word based on the prefix that was inputted. Possible words will be sorted by their frequency in the engine.
fmt.Printf("hospi...: %v\n", engine.CompleteWord("hospi", 5))
// hospi...: [hospital hospitality hospitably hospitable]
Engine will correct inputted text based on given keyboard layout.
Expected number of mistakes is len(word) / 3
Possible words will be sorted by number of mistaken letters and
by their frequency in the engine.
fmt.Printf("housr?: %v\n", engine.CorrectWord("housr", layouts.English, 5))
// `housr?: [house hoist]`