This is the sister app of I thought it would be fun so I did it. Komanda-cli is built using the awesome gocui package.
Would love some help to get it 1:1 with irssi. Maybe embed lua,mruby or something else for the script lang.
usage: komanda [<flags>]
The Komanda Command-line IRC Client
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-s, --ssl enable ssl
-i, --insecure insecure ssl - skip verify. (self-signed certs)
-h, --host=HOST hostname
-p, --port=PORT port
-n, --nick=NICK nick
-u, --user=USER server user
-P, --server-password=SERVER-PASSWORD
server password
nick password
-a, --auto auto-connect on startup.
-c, --config=CONFIG configuration file location
--version Show application version.
esc, right-arrow-key
change to next channelesc, left-arrow-key
change to previous channelctrl+n
change to next windowctrl+p
change to previous windowctrl+alt+p
scroll upctrl+alt+n
scroll downpage-up
scroll uppage-down
scroll downtab
move to next active windowenter
scroll to bottom of window (if input is empty)/help
for everything else
* ==================== HELP COMMANDS ====================
* /exit - exit komanda-cli
* /connect - connect to irc using passed arguments
* /status - status command
* /help - help command
* /join <channel> - join irc channel
* /part [channel] - part irc channel or current if no channel given
* /clear - clear current view
* /logo - logo command
* /version - version command
* /nick <nick> - nick irc channel
* /pass <password> - pass irc channel
* /raw <command> [data] - raw command
* /topic [channel] [topic] - set topic for given channel or current channel if empty
* /window <id,#channel> - change window example: /window #komanda
* /names - list channel names
* /query <user> [message] - send private message to user
* /who <nick> - send who command to server
* /whois <nick> - send whois command to server
* /me [message] - send action message to channel
* /notice <channel/nick> <message> - send notice message to channel or nick
* /shrug - Shrugging Emoji
* /tableflip - TableFlip Emoji
* /kick <channel> <nick> [message] - kick user from channel. /kick #komanda mephux
* /away [message] - set status to away with a message or none to toggle away atatus
* ==================== HELP COMMANDS ====================
- config file support (change colors, time formats etc.)
- irc server auth
- auto nickserv identify
- auto-join channels
- activity monitoring (new messages/highlights)
- color nick
- znc support
- 256 colors
- tab complete
- new window per channel
- history
- cross-platform desktop notifications
debug = false
log_file = "/home/dweb/.komanda/komanda.log"
host = ""
port = "6697" # Common NON-SSL Port 6667
ssl = true
insecure = false
nick = "Komanda"
user = "Komanda"
nick_password = ""
# if you server password and nick password are the same all you need
# to set is this option.
server_password = ""
auto_connect = false
# if you use a IRC bouncer this wont be needed
channels = ["#komanda"]
# filter all IRC join/part/quit messages
filter_joinquit = false
black = 0
white = 15
red = 160
purple = 92
logo = 75
yellow = 11
green = 119
menu = 209
my_nick = 119
other_nick_default = 14
timestamp = 247
my_text = 129
header = 57
query_header = 11
current_input_view = 215
notice = 219
action = 118
message_format = "15:04"
notice_format = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
menu_format = "03:04:05 PM"
- Support for ban/op releated commands
- IRC colors (for notice etc...)
Like komanda-cli? Follow the repository on GitHub and if you would like to stalk me, follow mephux on Twitter and GitHub.