#OpenOffice Init Scripts
Systemd, sysvinit scripts to start OpenOffice headless.
This module requires OpenOffice/LibreOffice is installed and the apache user's home dir has been chown'd so apache is the owner.
Clone/unzip onto your server.
Copy the sysvinit/openoffice
file into /etc/init.d
Ensure permissions are 755
To have the opeoffice start on system boot, run the following:
# UBUNTU 14 (or lower):
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d openoffice defaults 99 20
# REDHAT 6 (or lower):
sed -i "s|SOFFICE_USER=www-data|SOFFICE_USER=apache|" /etc/init.d/openoffice
chkconfig --add openoffice
To start the workers immediately:
/etc/init.d/openoffice start
Copy systemd/*
files into /etc/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable openoffice.service
systemctl status openoffice.service
systemctl start openoffice.service
systemctl stop openoffice.service
Having problems or solved a problem? Contact discoverygarden.
Current maintainers:
If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out our helpful Documentation for Developers info, Developers section on Islandora.ca and contact discoverygarden.