Description: This is a custom Qt Quick Application for Linux Desktop. User has the ability create or remove a new or existing user from its Linux Desktop by providing his/her credentials. Also, the user has the ability to create, rename or remove a group from the system. Last, there is provided an option for a few system related information, like for example: the current real users and groups that exist in the Linux system, the available shells of the target system, the Networking Interfaces, the Routing tableand the Firewall configuration of the system for every possible Firewall Table, like for example Filter, RAW, Security and Mangle.
Manager Interface:
Deployment via CQtDeployer :
Build in Qt Creator in 'Release' mode
Clean project
Enter terminal inside release folder where Manager_v2 is located
install CQtDeployer
Run next command to generate a Distribution/ folder for generate Distribution in out folder :
make deploy
Run this Distribution/bin/Manager_v2 executable to launch application
- Update: December 29, 2020 (tested under Ubuntu 18.04/20.04) Deployment procedure/guide through appimagetool and linuxdeployqt:
$ /home/$USER/Downloads/linuxdeployqt*.AppImage /path-to-this-build-Release-version/Manager_v2 -qmake=/path-to-Qt-qmake/qmake [-unsupported-allow-new-glibc]
Create a Manager_v2.desktop file, like next one (also use a manager_v2.png (256x256) file to be used as the AppImage's icon):
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Linux Desktop Manager_v2 App
Comment=Qt Quick Controls 2 Linux Desktop Application
$ /home/$USER/Downloads/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage /path-to-this-build-Release-version/
- Example I : Adding a new group in the system :