This ihp-openai
package provides streaming functions to access GPT3 and GPT4 from OpenAI.
The package is designed to work well with IHP AutoRefresh and IHP DataSync. The main function streamCompletion
uses the OpenAI Chat API. It was created before the Chat API was available, and the later rewritten to work well with GPT-4. That's why it feels a bit like a mix of the completion and the chat api.
API calls are retried up to 10 times. A retry will continue with the already generated output tokens, so that a user will never see that a retry has happend.
Make sure you're running on the latest master version of IHP
and addihp-openai
to your haskell dependencies:let ihp = ...; haskellEnv = import "${ihp}/NixSupport/default.nix" { ihp = ihp; haskellDeps = p: with p; [ cabal-install base wai text hlint p.ihp ihp-openai ]; otherDeps = p: with p; [ # Native dependencies, e.g. imagemagick ]; projectPath = ./.; }; in haskellEnv
module Web.Controller.Questions where
import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.View.Questions.Index
import Web.View.Questions.New
import Web.View.Questions.Edit
import Web.View.Questions.Show
import qualified IHP.OpenAI as GPT
instance Controller QuestionsController where
action QuestionsAction = autoRefresh do
questions <- query @Question
|> orderByDesc #createdAt
|> fetch
render IndexView { .. }
action NewQuestionAction = do
let question = newRecord
|> set #question "What makes haskell so great?"
render NewView { .. }
action CreateQuestionAction = do
let question = newRecord @Question
|> fill @'["question"]
|> validateField #question nonEmpty
|> ifValid \case
Left question -> render NewView { .. }
Right question -> do
question <- question |> createRecord
setSuccessMessage "Question created"
fillAnswer question
redirectTo QuestionsAction
action DeleteQuestionAction { questionId } = do
question <- fetch questionId
deleteRecord question
setSuccessMessage "Question deleted"
redirectTo QuestionsAction
fillAnswer :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => Question -> IO (Async ())
fillAnswer question = do
-- Put your OpenAI secret key below:
let secretKey = "sk-XXXXXXXX"
-- This should be done with an IHP job worker instead of async
async do
GPT.streamCompletion secretKey (buildCompletionRequest question) (clearAnswer question) (appendToken question)
pure ()
buildCompletionRequest :: Question -> GPT.CompletionRequest
buildCompletionRequest Question { question } =
-- Here you can adjust the parameters of the request
{ GPT.maxTokens = 512
, GPT.prompt = [trimming|
Question: ${question}
|] }
-- | Sets the answer field back to an empty string
clearAnswer :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => Question -> IO ()
clearAnswer question = do
sqlExec "UPDATE questions SET answer = '' WHERE id = ?" (Only
pure ()
-- | Stores a couple of newly received characters to the database
appendToken :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => Question -> Text -> IO ()
appendToken question token = do
sqlExec "UPDATE questions SET answer = answer || ? WHERE id = ?" (token,
pure ()