diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index ebf5e92..8bee903 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@

diffpy.structure documentation
Software version 3.1.0.
Last updated July 25, 2024.
Last updated July 27, 2024.

The diffpy.structure package provides objects for storing atomic coordinates, displacement parameters and other crystal structure data. diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js index db17918..7f312ee 100644 --- a/searchindex.js +++ b/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"Acknowledgments": [[8, "acknowledgments"]], "Authors": [[8, "authors"]], "Indices": [[8, "indices"]], "Installation": [[8, "installation"]], "License": [[9, null]], "Module contents": [[5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers"]], "OPEN SOURCE LICENSE AGREEMENT": [[9, "open-source-license-agreement"]], "Reference": [[8, "reference"]], "Release Notes": [[13, null]], "Submodules": [[0, "submodules"], [1, "submodules"], [2, "submodules"], [3, "submodules"], [4, "submodules"], [5, "submodules"], [6, "submodules"], [7, "submodules"]], "Subpackages": [[0, "subpackages"]], "Table of contents": [[8, "table-of-contents"]], "Version 3.0.0 - 2019-03-11": [[13, "version-3-0-0-2019-03-11"]], "Version 3.0.1 - 2019-06-27": [[13, "version-3-0-1-2019-06-27"]], "Version 3.0.2 - 2022-10-12": [[13, "version-3-0-2-2022-10-12"]], "Version 3.1.0 - 2022-12-04": [[13, "version-3-1-0-2022-12-04"]], "Version 3.2.0 - 2024-7-2": [[13, "version-3-2-0-2024-7-2"]], "diffpy.structure documentation": [[8, null]], "diffpy.structure package": [[0, null]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure._legacy_importer"]], "diffpy.structure.applications package": [[1, null]], "diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye module": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye"]], "diffpy.structure.applications.transtru module": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.apps package": [[2, null], [5, null]], "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye module": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye"], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye"]], "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru module": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru"], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.atom": [[10, null]], "diffpy.structure.atom module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.atom"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion package": [[3, null], [6, null]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid module": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils module": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod module": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod"]], "diffpy.structure.lattice": [[11, null]], "diffpy.structure.lattice module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice"]], "diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers package": [[4, null], [7, null]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser"]], "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure"]], "diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod": [[12, null]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroups module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroups"]], "diffpy.structure.structure module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structure"]], "diffpy.structure.structureerrors module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structureerrors"]], "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities"]], "diffpy.structure.utils module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.utils"]]}, "docnames": ["api/diffpy.structure", "api/diffpy.structure.applications", "api/diffpy.structure.apps", "api/diffpy.structure.expansion", "api/diffpy.structure.parsers", "diffpy.structure.apps", "diffpy.structure.expansion", "diffpy.structure.parsers", "index", "license", "mod_atom", "mod_lattice", "mod_spacegroup", "release"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1}, "filenames": ["api/diffpy.structure.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.applications.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.apps.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.expansion.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.parsers.rst", "diffpy.structure.apps.rst", "diffpy.structure.expansion.rst", "diffpy.structure.parsers.rst", "index.rst", "license.rst", "mod_atom.rst", "mod_lattice.rst", "mod_spacegroup.rst", "release.rst"], "indexentries": {"__call__() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop method)": [[12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.__call__", false]], "__eq__() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop method)": [[12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.__eq__", false]], "a (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.a", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.a", false]], "abcabg() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.abcABG", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.abcABG", false]], "addnewatom() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.addNewAtom", false]], "alpha (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alpha", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alpha", false]], "alphar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alphar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alphar", false]], "angle() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.angle", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.angle", false]], "angle() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.angle", false]], "anisotropy (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.anisotropy", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.anisotropy", false]], "anisotropy (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.anisotropy", false]], "append() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.append", false]], "ar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ar", false]], "assignuniquelabels() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.assignUniqueLabels", false]], "atom (class in diffpy.structure.atom)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom", false]], "atombaresymbol() (in module diffpy.structure.utils)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.utils.atomBareSymbol", false]], "atomlines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.atomLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.atomLines", false]], "b (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.b", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.b", false]], "b11 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B11", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B11", false]], "b11 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B11", false]], "b12 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B12", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B12", false]], "b12 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B12", false]], "b13 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B13", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B13", false]], "b13 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B13", false]], "b22 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B22", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B22", false]], "b22 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B22", false]], "b23 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B23", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B23", false]], "b23 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B23", false]], "b33 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B33", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B33", false]], "b33 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B33", false]], "base (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.base", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.base", false]], "baserot (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.baserot", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.baserot", false]], "beta (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.beta", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.beta", false]], "betar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.betar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.betar", false]], "bisoequiv (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Bisoequiv", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Bisoequiv", false]], "bisoequiv (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.Bisoequiv", false]], "br (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.br", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.br", false]], "btou (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.BtoU", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.BtoU", false]], "c (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.c", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.c", false]], "ca (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ca", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ca", false]], "car (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.car", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.car", false]], "cartesian() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cartesian", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cartesian", false]], "cb (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cb", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cb", false]], "cbr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cbr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cbr", false]], "cg (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cg", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cg", false]], "cgr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cgr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cgr", false]], "check_group_name() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.check_group_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.check_group_name", false]], "citation": [[8, "index-0", false]], "cleanup() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.cleanUp", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.cleanUp", false]], "cluster_boundary (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.p_xcfg attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.cluster_boundary", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.cluster_boundary", false]], "composition (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.composition", false]], "convertstructurefile() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.convertStructureFile", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.convertStructureFile", false]], "copy() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.copy", false]], "cosd() (in module diffpy.structure.lattice)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.cosd", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.cosd", false]], "cr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cr", false]], "create_module() (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.maprenamedstructuremodule method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule.create_module", false]], "cryst1lines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.cryst1Lines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.cryst1Lines", false]], "crystal_system (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.crystal_system", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.crystal_system", false]], "die() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.die", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.die", false]], "diffpy.structure": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure", false]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure._legacy_importer", false]], "diffpy.structure.applications": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications", false]], "diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye", false]], "diffpy.structure.applications.transtru": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.transtru", false]], "diffpy.structure.apps": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false]], "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false]], "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false]], "diffpy.structure.atom": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false], [10, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false]], "diffpy.structure.lattice": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false], [11, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false]], "diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false]], "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure", false]], "diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups", false]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false], [12, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroups": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroups", false]], "diffpy.structure.structure": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structure", false]], "diffpy.structure.structureerrors": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structureerrors", false]], "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities", false]], "diffpy.structure.utils": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.utils", false]], "dist() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dist", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dist", false]], "distance() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.distance", false]], "dot() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dot", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dot", false]], "element (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.element", false], [0, "id0", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.element", false], [10, "id0", false]], "element (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.element", false]], "eqindex() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.eqIndex", false]], "equalpositions() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.equalPositions", false]], "exec_module() (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.maprenamedstructuremodule method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule.exec_module", false]], "expandasymmetricunit (class in diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.ExpandAsymmetricUnit", false]], "expandposition() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.expandPosition", false]], "extend() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.extend", false]], "find_spec() (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.findrenamedstructuremodule method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule.find_spec", false]], "findcenter() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils.findCenter", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils.findCenter", false]], "findrenamedstructuremodule (class in diffpy.structure._legacy_importer)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule", false]], "findspacegroup() (in module diffpy.structure.spacegroups)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroups.FindSpaceGroup", false]], "fractional() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.fractional", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.fractional", false]], "gamma (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gamma", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gamma", false]], "gammar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gammar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gammar", false]], "generatorsite (class in diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite", false]], "getlastatom() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.getLastAtom", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.getParser", false]], "getspacegroup() (in module diffpy.structure.spacegroups)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroups.GetSpaceGroup", false]], "getsymop() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getSymOp", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getSymOp", false]], "idx2usymbol (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.idx2Usymbol", false]], "inputformats() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.inputFormats", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.inputFormats", false]], "insert() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.insert", false]], "is_identity() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.is_identity", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.is_identity", false]], "isanisotropic() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isanisotropic", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isanisotropic", false]], "isconstantformula() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.isconstantFormula", false]], "isfloat() (in module diffpy.structure.utils)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.utils.isfloat", false]], "isiterable() (in module diffpy.structure.utils)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.utils.isiterable", false]], "isotropicunit (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isotropicunit", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isotropicunit", false]], "isspacegroupidentifier() (in module diffpy.structure.spacegroups)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroups.IsSpaceGroupIdentifier", false]], "isspacegrouplatpar() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.isSpaceGroupLatPar", false]], "iter_equivalent_positions() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_equivalent_positions", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_equivalent_positions", false]], "iter_symops() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_symops", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_symops", false]], "label (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.label", false], [0, "id1", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.label", false], [10, "id1", false]], "label (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.label", false]], "lattice (class in diffpy.structure.lattice)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice", false]], "lattice (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.lattice", false], [0, "id2", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.lattice", false], [10, "id2", false]], "lattice (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.lattice", false]], "latticeerror": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structureerrors.LatticeError", false]], "leading_float() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.leading_float", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.leading_float", false]], "license": [[9, "index-0", false]], "loadstructure() (in module diffpy.structure)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.loadStructure", false]], "loadstructurefile() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.loadStructureFile", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.loadStructureFile", false]], "main() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.main", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.main", false]], "main() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.transtru)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.main", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.main", false]], "makeellipsoid() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeEllipsoid", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeEllipsoid", false]], "makesphere() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeSphere", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeSphere", false]], "maprenamedstructuremodule (class in diffpy.structure._legacy_importer)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule", false]], "metrics (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.metrics", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.metrics", false]], "module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure._legacy_importer", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroups", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.structure", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.structureerrors", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.utils", false], [1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications", false], [1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye", false], [1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.transtru", false], [2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false], [2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false], [2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false], [10, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false], [11, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false], [12, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false]], "msdcart() (diffpy.structure.atom.atom method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdCart", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdCart", false]], "msdlat() (diffpy.structure.atom.atom method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdLat", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdLat", false]], "nearestsiteindex() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.nearestSiteIndex", false]], "norm() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.norm", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.norm", false]], "normbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.normbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.normbase", false]], "nullspace() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.nullSpace", false]], "num_primitive_sym_equiv (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_primitive_sym_equiv", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_primitive_sym_equiv", false]], "num_sym_equiv (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_sym_equiv", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_sym_equiv", false]], "number (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.number", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.number", false]], "occupancy (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.occupancy", false], [0, "id3", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.occupancy", false], [10, "id3", false]], "occupancy (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.occupancy", false]], "orderofrecords (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.orderOfRecords", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.orderOfRecords", false]], "outputformats() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.outputFormats", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.outputFormats", false]], "p_auto (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto", false]], "p_cif (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif", false]], "p_discus (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus", false]], "p_pdb (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb", false]], "p_pdffit (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit", false]], "p_rawxyz (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz", false]], "p_xcfg (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg", false]], "p_xyz (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz", false]], "parse() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.p_auto method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parse", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parse", false]], "parse() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parse", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parse", false]], "parse() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parse", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parse", false]], "parsefile() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.p_auto method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseFile", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseFile", false]], "parsefile() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseFile", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseFile", false]], "parsefile() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseFile", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseFile", false]], "parseformula() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.parseFormula", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.parseFormula", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.p_auto method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.p_discus method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.p_pdffit method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.p_rawxyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.p_xcfg method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.p_xyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseLines", false]], "pdb_name (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.pdb_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.pdb_name", false]], "pdffit (diffpy.structure.structure.structure attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.pdffit", false]], "pdffitstructure (class in diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure", false]], "placeinlattice() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.placeInLattice", false]], "point_group_name (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.point_group_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.point_group_name", false]], "positiondifference() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.positionDifference", false]], "positionformula() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.positionFormula", false]], "positionformulas() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.positionFormulas", false]], "positionformulaspruned() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.positionFormulasPruned", false]], "posparsymbols() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.posparSymbols", false]], "posparvalues() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.posparValues", false]], "prefix (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.findrenamedstructuremodule attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule.prefix", false]], "pruneformuladictionary() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.pruneFormulaDictionary", false]], "r (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.R", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.R", false]], "read() (diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.pdffitstructure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure.read", false]], "read() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.read", false]], "readstr() (diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.pdffitstructure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure.readStr", false]], "readstr() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.readStr", false]], "recbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recbase", false]], "reciprocal() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.reciprocal", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.reciprocal", false]], "recnormbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recnormbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recnormbase", false]], "reference": [[8, "index-0", false]], "release notes": [[13, "index-0", false]], "rnorm() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.rnorm", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.rnorm", false]], "sa (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sa", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sa", false]], "sar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sar", false]], "sb (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sb", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sb", false]], "sbr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sbr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sbr", false]], "setlatbase() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatBase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatBase", false]], "setlatpar() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatPar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatPar", false]], "sg (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sg", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sg", false]], "sgr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sgr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sgr", false]], "short_name (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.short_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.short_name", false]], "signalhandler() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.signalHandler", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.signalHandler", false]], "signedratstr() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.signedRatStr", false]], "sind() (in module diffpy.structure.lattice)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.sind", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.sind", false]], "spacegroup (class in diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup", false]], "stdbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.stdbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.stdbase", false]], "structure (class in diffpy.structure.structure)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure", false]], "structureformaterror": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structureerrors.StructureFormatError", false]], "structureparser (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser", false]], "supercell() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod.supercell", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod.supercell", false]], "symmetryconstraints (class in diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints", false]], "symmetryerror": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structureerrors.SymmetryError", false]], "symop (class in diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp", false]], "symop_list (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.symop_list", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.symop_list", false]], "t (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.t", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.t", false]], "title (diffpy.structure.structure.structure attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.title", false]], "titlelines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.titleLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.titleLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.p_discus method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.p_pdffit method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.p_rawxyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.p_xcfg method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.p_xyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.toLines", false]], "tolist() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.tolist", false]], "tostring() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.tostring", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.tostring", false]], "u (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U", false]], "u (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U", false]], "u11 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U11", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U11", false]], "u11 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U11", false]], "u12 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U12", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U12", false]], "u12 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U12", false]], "u13 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U13", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U13", false]], "u13 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U13", false]], "u22 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U22", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U22", false]], "u22 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U22", false]], "u23 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U23", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U23", false]], "u23 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U23", false]], "u33 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U33", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U33", false]], "u33 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U33", false]], "ucomponents (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.Ucomponents", false]], "uformula() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.UFormula", false]], "uformulas() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UFormulas", false]], "uformulaspruned() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UFormulasPruned", false]], "uisoequiv (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Uisoequiv", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Uisoequiv", false]], "uisoequiv (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.Uisoequiv", false]], "unitvolume (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.unitvolume", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.unitvolume", false]], "uparsymbols() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UparSymbols", false]], "uparvalues() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UparValues", false]], "usage() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.usage", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.usage", false]], "usage() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.transtru)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.usage", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.usage", false]], "validrecords (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.validRecords", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.validRecords", false]], "version() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.version", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.version", false]], "version() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.transtru)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.version", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.version", false]], "volume (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.volume", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.volume", false]], "watchstructurefile() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.watchStructureFile", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.watchStructureFile", false]], "write() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.write", false]], "writestr() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.writeStr", false]], "x (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.x", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.x", false]], "x (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.x", false]], "xyz (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz", false]], "xyz (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.xyz", false]], "xyz_cartn (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz_cartn", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz_cartn", false]], "xyz_cartn (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.xyz_cartn", false]], "y (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.y", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.y", false]], "y (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.y", false]], "z (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.z", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.z", false]], "z (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.z", false]]}, "objects": {"diffpy": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "structure"]], "diffpy.structure": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "_legacy_importer"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "applications"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "apps"], [10, 0, 0, "-", "atom"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "expansion"], [11, 0, 0, "-", "lattice"], [0, 4, 1, "", "loadStructure"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "mmlibspacegroups"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "parsers"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "pdffitstructure"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "sgtbxspacegroups"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "spacegroupmod"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "spacegroups"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "structure"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "structureerrors"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "symmetryutilities"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "utils"]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer": [[0, 1, 1, "", "FindRenamedStructureModule"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MapRenamedStructureModule"]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule": [[0, 2, 1, "", "find_spec"], [0, 3, 1, "", "prefix"]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule": [[0, 2, 1, "", "create_module"], [0, 2, 1, "", "exec_module"]], "diffpy.structure.applications": [[1, 0, 0, "-", "anyeye"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.apps": [[5, 0, 0, "-", "anyeye"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye": [[5, 4, 1, "", "cleanUp"], [5, 4, 1, "", "convertStructureFile"], [5, 4, 1, "", "die"], [5, 4, 1, "", "loadStructureFile"], [5, 4, 1, "", "main"], [5, 4, 1, "", "parseFormula"], [5, 4, 1, "", "signalHandler"], [5, 4, 1, "", "usage"], [5, 4, 1, "", "version"], [5, 4, 1, "", "watchStructureFile"]], "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru": [[5, 4, 1, "", "main"], [5, 4, 1, "", "usage"], [5, 4, 1, "", "version"]], "diffpy.structure.atom": [[10, 1, 1, "", "Atom"]], "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom": [[10, 5, 1, "", "B11"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B12"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B13"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B22"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B23"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B33"], [10, 5, 1, "", "Bisoequiv"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U11"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U12"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U13"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U22"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U23"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U33"], [10, 5, 1, "", "Uisoequiv"], [10, 5, 1, "", "anisotropy"], [10, 3, 1, "id0", "element"], [10, 3, 1, "id1", "label"], [10, 3, 1, "id2", "lattice"], [10, 2, 1, "", "msdCart"], [10, 2, 1, "", "msdLat"], [10, 3, 1, "id3", "occupancy"], [10, 5, 1, "", "x"], [10, 3, 1, "", "xyz"], [10, 5, 1, "", "xyz_cartn"], [10, 5, 1, "", "y"], [10, 5, 1, "", "z"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion": [[6, 0, 0, "-", "makeellipsoid"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "shapeutils"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "supercell_mod"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid": [[6, 4, 1, "", "makeEllipsoid"], [6, 4, 1, "", "makeSphere"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils": [[6, 4, 1, "", "findCenter"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod": [[6, 4, 1, "", "supercell"]], "diffpy.structure.lattice": [[11, 1, 1, "", "Lattice"], [11, 4, 1, "", "cosd"], [11, 4, 1, "", "sind"]], "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice": [[11, 5, 1, "", "a"], [11, 2, 1, "", "abcABG"], [11, 5, 1, "", "alpha"], [11, 5, 1, "", "alphar"], [11, 2, 1, "", "angle"], [11, 5, 1, "", "ar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "b"], [11, 3, 1, "", "base"], [11, 3, 1, "", "baserot"], [11, 5, 1, "", "beta"], [11, 5, 1, "", "betar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "br"], [11, 5, 1, "", "c"], [11, 5, 1, "", "ca"], [11, 5, 1, "", "car"], [11, 2, 1, "", "cartesian"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cb"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cbr"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cg"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cgr"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cr"], [11, 2, 1, "", "dist"], [11, 2, 1, "", "dot"], [11, 2, 1, "", "fractional"], [11, 5, 1, "", "gamma"], [11, 5, 1, "", "gammar"], [11, 2, 1, "", "isanisotropic"], [11, 3, 1, "", "isotropicunit"], [11, 3, 1, "", "metrics"], [11, 2, 1, "", "norm"], [11, 3, 1, "", "normbase"], [11, 3, 1, "", "recbase"], [11, 2, 1, "", "reciprocal"], [11, 3, 1, "", "recnormbase"], [11, 2, 1, "", "rnorm"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sa"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sb"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sbr"], [11, 2, 1, "", "setLatBase"], [11, 2, 1, "", "setLatPar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sg"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sgr"], [11, 3, 1, "", "stdbase"], [11, 5, 1, "", "unitvolume"], [11, 5, 1, "", "volume"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers": [[7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"], [7, 4, 1, "", "inputFormats"], [7, 4, 1, "", "outputFormats"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_auto"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_cif"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_discus"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_pdb"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_pdffit"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_rawxyz"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_xcfg"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_xyz"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "parser_index_mod"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "structureparser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_auto"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parse"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseFile"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_cif"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getSymOp"], [7, 4, 1, "", "leading_float"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif": [[7, 3, 1, "", "BtoU"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parse"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseFile"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_discus"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_pdb"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb": [[7, 2, 1, "", "atomLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "cryst1Lines"], [7, 3, 1, "", "orderOfRecords"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "titleLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"], [7, 3, 1, "", "validRecords"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_pdffit"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_rawxyz"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_xcfg"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg": [[7, 3, 1, "", "cluster_boundary"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_xyz"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser": [[7, 1, 1, "", "StructureParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parse"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseFile"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "tostring"]], "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure": [[0, 1, 1, "", "PDFFitStructure"]], "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure": [[0, 2, 1, "", "read"], [0, 2, 1, "", "readStr"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod": [[12, 1, 1, "", "SpaceGroup"], [12, 1, 1, "", "SymOp"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup": [[12, 2, 1, "", "check_group_name"], [12, 3, 1, "", "crystal_system"], [12, 2, 1, "", "iter_equivalent_positions"], [12, 2, 1, "", "iter_symops"], [12, 3, 1, "", "num_primitive_sym_equiv"], [12, 3, 1, "", "num_sym_equiv"], [12, 3, 1, "", "number"], [12, 3, 1, "", "pdb_name"], [12, 3, 1, "", "point_group_name"], [12, 3, 1, "", "short_name"], [12, 3, 1, "", "symop_list"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp": [[12, 3, 1, "", "R"], [12, 2, 1, "", "__call__"], [12, 2, 1, "", "__eq__"], [12, 2, 1, "", "is_identity"], [12, 3, 1, "", "t"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroups": [[0, 4, 1, "", "FindSpaceGroup"], [0, 4, 1, "", "GetSpaceGroup"], [0, 4, 1, "", "IsSpaceGroupIdentifier"]], "diffpy.structure.structure": [[0, 1, 1, "", "Structure"]], "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure": [[0, 5, 1, "", "B11"], [0, 5, 1, "", "B12"], [0, 5, 1, "", "B13"], [0, 5, 1, "", "B22"], [0, 5, 1, "", "B23"], [0, 5, 1, "", "B33"], [0, 5, 1, "", "Bisoequiv"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U11"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U12"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U13"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U22"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U23"], [0, 5, 1, "", "U33"], [0, 5, 1, "", "Uisoequiv"], [0, 2, 1, "", "addNewAtom"], [0, 2, 1, "", "angle"], [0, 5, 1, "", "anisotropy"], [0, 2, 1, "", "append"], [0, 2, 1, "", "assignUniqueLabels"], [0, 5, 1, "", "composition"], [0, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [0, 2, 1, "", "distance"], [0, 5, 1, "", "element"], [0, 2, 1, "", "extend"], [0, 2, 1, "", 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8, 10, 11, 12], "sourceforg": 8, "space": [0, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13], "spacegroup": [4, 7, 12, 13], "spacegrouplist": 0, "spacegroupmod": 8, "spcgr": 0, "spec": 0, "special": [0, 9, 12], "specif": [0, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13], "specifi": [0, 2, 5, 11, 12, 13], "spheric": [3, 6], "spheroid": [3, 6], "sprsde": [4, 7], "spurious": 13, "squar": [0, 10], "sratio": 0, "ssbond": [4, 7], "stackfram": [2, 5], "stand": [4, 7], "standard": [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13], "star": 13, "start": [4, 7], "static": [4, 7], "std": [4, 7], "stdbase": [0, 11], "storag": [0, 10], "store": [0, 8, 11], "str": [0, 4, 7, 10, 12], "strategi": 8, "strict": 9, "string": [0, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13], "strip": [0, 4, 7], "stru": [0, 4, 7, 13], "structur": 13, "structurefil": [2, 5], "structureformaterror": [0, 4, 7, 13], "structurepars": 0, "strufil": [2, 5], "style": [2, 5, 13], "subclass": [4, 7], "subpackag": 1, "substitut": 9, "success": [4, 7], "suffici": [4, 7], "supercel": [3, 6], "support": [0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 13], "switch": 13, 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10, 11, 12], "truste": 9, "tupl": [0, 2, 5, 11], "turn": [4, 7], "tvect": [4, 7], "two": 0, "type": [0, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13], "typeerror": [3, 6], "u": [0, 10, 11], "u11": [0, 10], "u110": 0, "u12": [0, 10], "u13": [0, 10], "u22": [0, 10], "u2213": 0, "u23": [0, 10], "u33": [0, 10], "ucompon": 0, "ueqn": 0, "uformula": 0, "uformulasprun": 0, "uij": 0, "uisoequiv": [0, 10], "uisotropi": 0, "umx": [0, 11], "unchang": 0, "undefin": [0, 10], "under": 0, "understand": [2, 4, 5, 7], "understood": [2, 5], "unew": [0, 10], "uniqu": [0, 4, 7, 10, 12], "unit": [0, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12], "unitvolum": [0, 11], "univers": [8, 9], "unknown": [4, 7, 13], "unpickl": 13, "unset": [0, 10], "unus": 13, "up": [4, 7], "upar": 0, "uparamet": 0, "uparsymbol": 0, "uparvalu": 0, "updat": [0, 8, 10, 11, 13], "us": [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13], "usag": [2, 4, 5, 7], "uspac": 0, "usymbol": 0, "utf": 13, "util": [3, 6], "v": [0, 2, 5, 11], "v2": [4, 7], "valid": [4, 7], "validrecord": [4, 7], "valu": [0, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13], "valueerror": [0, 3, 4, 6, 7], "variabl": [0, 11, 13], "variou": [4, 7], "vc": [0, 10], "vec": [0, 12], "vector": [0, 10, 11, 12], "version": [1, 2, 5, 8], "view": [2, 5, 13], "viewer": [2, 5], "vl": [0, 10], "volum": [0, 11], "w": [2, 5], "wa": 13, "wai": [0, 9, 10], "waller": [0, 10], "warranti": 9, "watch": [2, 5], "watchstructurefil": [2, 5], "we": 8, "were": 8, "whatev": 0, "when": [0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13], "where": [0, 4, 7, 11], "whether": 9, "which": [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13], "width": [4, 7], "window": 13, "within": [0, 10, 12, 13], "without": 9, "write": [0, 13], "writestr": 0, "written": [4, 7, 9], "wwpdb": [4, 7], "www": [4, 7], "x": [0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12], "x0": 0, "x3": 0, "xcfg": [2, 4, 5, 7, 13], "xiaohao": 8, "xyz": [0, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13], "xyz0": 0, "xyz1": 0, "xyz_cartn": [0, 10], "xyzsymbol": 0, "y": [0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10], "yang": 8, "yield": [0, 10, 12], "york": 9, "you": 8, "your": 8, "z": [0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10], "z7": 0, "zero": [0, 10]}, "titles": ["diffpy.structure package", "diffpy.structure.applications package", "diffpy.structure.apps package", "diffpy.structure.expansion package", "diffpy.structure.parsers package", "diffpy.structure.apps package", "diffpy.structure.expansion package", "diffpy.structure.parsers package", "diffpy.structure documentation", "License", "diffpy.structure.atom", "diffpy.structure.lattice", "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", "Release Notes"], "titleterms": {"0": 13, "03": 13, "04": 13, "06": 13, "1": 13, "10": 13, "11": 13, "12": 13, "2": 13, "2019": 13, "2022": 13, "2024": 13, "27": 13, "3": 13, "7": 13, "_legacy_import": 0, "acknowledg": 8, "agreement": 9, "anyey": [1, 2, 5], "app": [2, 5], "applic": 1, "atom": [0, 10], "author": 8, "content": [5, 6, 7, 8], "diffpi": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12], "document": 8, "expans": [3, 6], "indic": 8, "instal": 8, "lattic": [0, 11], "licens": 9, "makeellipsoid": [3, 6], "mmlibspacegroup": 0, "modul": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "note": 13, "open": 9, "p_auto": [4, 7], "p_cif": [4, 7], "p_discu": [4, 7], "p_pdb": [4, 7], "p_pdffit": [4, 7], "p_rawxyz": [4, 7], "p_xcfg": [4, 7], "p_xyz": [4, 7], "packag": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "parser": [4, 7], "parser_index_mod": [4, 7], "pdffitstructur": 0, "refer": 8, "releas": 13, "sgtbxspacegroup": 0, "shapeutil": [3, 6], "sourc": 9, "spacegroup": 0, "spacegroupmod": [0, 12], "structur": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12], "structureerror": 0, "structurepars": [4, 7], "submodul": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "subpackag": 0, "supercell_mod": [3, 6], "symmetryutil": 0, "tabl": 8, "transtru": [1, 2, 5], "util": 0, "version": 13}}) \ No newline at end of file +Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"Acknowledgments": [[8, "acknowledgments"]], "Authors": [[8, "authors"]], "Indices": [[8, "indices"]], "Installation": [[8, "installation"]], "License": [[9, null]], "Module contents": [[5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers"]], "OPEN SOURCE LICENSE AGREEMENT": [[9, "open-source-license-agreement"]], "Reference": [[8, "reference"]], "Release Notes": [[13, null]], "Submodules": [[0, "submodules"], [1, "submodules"], [2, "submodules"], [3, "submodules"], [4, "submodules"], [5, "submodules"], [6, "submodules"], [7, "submodules"]], "Subpackages": [[0, "subpackages"]], "Table of contents": [[8, "table-of-contents"]], "Version 3.0.0 - 2019-03-11": [[13, "version-3-0-0-2019-03-11"]], "Version 3.0.1 - 2019-06-27": [[13, "version-3-0-1-2019-06-27"]], "Version 3.0.2 - 2022-10-12": [[13, "version-3-0-2-2022-10-12"]], "Version 3.1.0 - 2022-12-04": [[13, "version-3-1-0-2022-12-04"]], "Version 3.2.0 - 2024-7-2": [[13, "version-3-2-0-2024-7-2"]], "diffpy.structure documentation": [[8, null]], "diffpy.structure package": [[0, null]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure._legacy_importer"]], "diffpy.structure.applications package": [[1, null]], "diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye module": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye"]], "diffpy.structure.applications.transtru module": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.apps package": [[2, null], [5, null]], "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye module": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye"], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye"]], "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru module": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru"], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.atom": [[10, null]], "diffpy.structure.atom module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.atom"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion package": [[3, null], [6, null]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid module": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils module": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod module": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod"], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod"]], "diffpy.structure.lattice": [[11, null]], "diffpy.structure.lattice module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice"]], "diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers package": [[4, null], [7, null]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser module": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser"], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser"]], "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure"]], "diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod": [[12, null]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod"]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroups module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroups"]], "diffpy.structure.structure module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structure"]], "diffpy.structure.structureerrors module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structureerrors"]], "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities"]], "diffpy.structure.utils module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.utils"]]}, "docnames": ["api/diffpy.structure", "api/diffpy.structure.applications", "api/diffpy.structure.apps", "api/diffpy.structure.expansion", "api/diffpy.structure.parsers", "diffpy.structure.apps", "diffpy.structure.expansion", "diffpy.structure.parsers", "index", "license", "mod_atom", "mod_lattice", "mod_spacegroup", "release"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1}, "filenames": ["api/diffpy.structure.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.applications.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.apps.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.expansion.rst", "api/diffpy.structure.parsers.rst", "diffpy.structure.apps.rst", "diffpy.structure.expansion.rst", "diffpy.structure.parsers.rst", "index.rst", "license.rst", "mod_atom.rst", "mod_lattice.rst", "mod_spacegroup.rst", "release.rst"], "indexentries": {"__call__() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop method)": [[12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.__call__", false]], "__eq__() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop method)": [[12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.__eq__", false]], "a (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.a", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.a", false]], "abcabg() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.abcABG", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.abcABG", false]], "addnewatom() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.addNewAtom", false]], "alpha (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alpha", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alpha", false]], "alphar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alphar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.alphar", false]], "angle() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.angle", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.angle", false]], "angle() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.angle", false]], "anisotropy (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.anisotropy", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.anisotropy", false]], "anisotropy (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.anisotropy", false]], "append() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.append", false]], "ar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ar", false]], "assignuniquelabels() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.assignUniqueLabels", false]], "atom (class in diffpy.structure.atom)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom", false]], "atombaresymbol() (in module diffpy.structure.utils)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.utils.atomBareSymbol", false]], "atomlines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.atomLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.atomLines", false]], "b (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.b", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.b", false]], "b11 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B11", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B11", false]], "b11 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B11", false]], "b12 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B12", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B12", false]], "b12 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B12", false]], "b13 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B13", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B13", false]], "b13 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B13", false]], "b22 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B22", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B22", false]], "b22 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B22", false]], "b23 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B23", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B23", false]], "b23 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B23", false]], "b33 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B33", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.B33", false]], "b33 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.B33", false]], "base (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.base", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.base", false]], "baserot (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.baserot", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.baserot", false]], "beta (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.beta", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.beta", false]], "betar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.betar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.betar", false]], "bisoequiv (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Bisoequiv", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Bisoequiv", false]], "bisoequiv (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.Bisoequiv", false]], "br (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.br", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.br", false]], "btou (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.BtoU", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.BtoU", false]], "c (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.c", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.c", false]], "ca (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ca", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.ca", false]], "car (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.car", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.car", false]], "cartesian() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cartesian", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cartesian", false]], "cb (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cb", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cb", false]], "cbr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cbr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cbr", false]], "cg (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cg", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cg", false]], "cgr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cgr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cgr", false]], "check_group_name() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.check_group_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.check_group_name", false]], "citation": [[8, "index-0", false]], "cleanup() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.cleanUp", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.cleanUp", false]], "cluster_boundary (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.p_xcfg attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.cluster_boundary", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.cluster_boundary", false]], "composition (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.composition", false]], "convertstructurefile() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.convertStructureFile", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.convertStructureFile", false]], "copy() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.copy", false]], "cosd() (in module diffpy.structure.lattice)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.cosd", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.cosd", false]], "cr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.cr", false]], "create_module() (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.maprenamedstructuremodule method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule.create_module", false]], "cryst1lines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.cryst1Lines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.cryst1Lines", false]], "crystal_system (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.crystal_system", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.crystal_system", false]], "die() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.die", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.die", false]], "diffpy.structure": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure", false]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure._legacy_importer", false]], "diffpy.structure.applications": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications", false]], "diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye", false]], "diffpy.structure.applications.transtru": [[1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.transtru", false]], "diffpy.structure.apps": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false]], "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false]], "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru": [[2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false]], "diffpy.structure.atom": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false], [10, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod": [[3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false]], "diffpy.structure.lattice": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false], [11, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false]], "diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser": [[4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false]], "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure", false]], "diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups", false]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false], [12, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false]], "diffpy.structure.spacegroups": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroups", false]], "diffpy.structure.structure": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structure", false]], "diffpy.structure.structureerrors": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.structureerrors", false]], "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities", false]], "diffpy.structure.utils": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure.utils", false]], "dist() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dist", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dist", false]], "distance() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.distance", false]], "dot() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dot", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.dot", false]], "element (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.element", false], [0, "id0", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.element", false], [10, "id0", false]], "element (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.element", false]], "eqindex() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.eqIndex", false]], "equalpositions() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.equalPositions", false]], "exec_module() (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.maprenamedstructuremodule method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule.exec_module", false]], "expandasymmetricunit (class in diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.ExpandAsymmetricUnit", false]], "expandposition() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.expandPosition", false]], "extend() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.extend", false]], "find_spec() (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.findrenamedstructuremodule method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule.find_spec", false]], "findcenter() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils.findCenter", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils.findCenter", false]], "findrenamedstructuremodule (class in diffpy.structure._legacy_importer)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule", false]], "findspacegroup() (in module diffpy.structure.spacegroups)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroups.FindSpaceGroup", false]], "fractional() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.fractional", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.fractional", false]], "gamma (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gamma", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gamma", false]], "gammar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gammar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.gammar", false]], "generatorsite (class in diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite", false]], "getlastatom() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.getLastAtom", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.getParser", false]], "getparser() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.getParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.getParser", false]], "getspacegroup() (in module diffpy.structure.spacegroups)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroups.GetSpaceGroup", false]], "getsymop() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getSymOp", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.getSymOp", false]], "idx2usymbol (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.idx2Usymbol", false]], "inputformats() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.inputFormats", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.inputFormats", false]], "insert() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.insert", false]], "is_identity() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.is_identity", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.is_identity", false]], "isanisotropic() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isanisotropic", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isanisotropic", false]], "isconstantformula() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.isconstantFormula", false]], "isfloat() (in module diffpy.structure.utils)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.utils.isfloat", false]], "isiterable() (in module diffpy.structure.utils)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.utils.isiterable", false]], "isotropicunit (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isotropicunit", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.isotropicunit", false]], "isspacegroupidentifier() (in module diffpy.structure.spacegroups)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroups.IsSpaceGroupIdentifier", false]], "isspacegrouplatpar() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.isSpaceGroupLatPar", false]], "iter_equivalent_positions() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_equivalent_positions", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_equivalent_positions", false]], "iter_symops() (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_symops", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.iter_symops", false]], "label (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.label", false], [0, "id1", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.label", false], [10, "id1", false]], "label (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.label", false]], "lattice (class in diffpy.structure.lattice)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice", false]], "lattice (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.lattice", false], [0, "id2", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.lattice", false], [10, "id2", false]], "lattice (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.lattice", false]], "latticeerror": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structureerrors.LatticeError", false]], "leading_float() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.leading_float", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.leading_float", false]], "license": [[9, "index-0", false]], "loadstructure() (in module diffpy.structure)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.loadStructure", false]], "loadstructurefile() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.loadStructureFile", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.loadStructureFile", false]], "main() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.main", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.main", false]], "main() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.transtru)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.main", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.main", false]], "makeellipsoid() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeEllipsoid", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeEllipsoid", false]], "makesphere() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeSphere", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid.makeSphere", false]], "maprenamedstructuremodule (class in diffpy.structure._legacy_importer)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule", false]], "metrics (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.metrics", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.metrics", false]], "module": [[0, "module-diffpy.structure", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure._legacy_importer", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.mmlibspacegroups", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.sgtbxspacegroups", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroups", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.structure", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.structureerrors", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities", false], [0, "module-diffpy.structure.utils", false], [1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications", false], [1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.anyeye", false], [1, "module-diffpy.structure.applications.transtru", false], [2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false], [2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false], [2, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false], [3, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false], [4, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye", false], [5, "module-diffpy.structure.apps.transtru", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils", false], [6, "module-diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.parser_index_mod", false], [7, "module-diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser", false], [10, "module-diffpy.structure.atom", false], [11, "module-diffpy.structure.lattice", false], [12, "module-diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod", false]], "msdcart() (diffpy.structure.atom.atom method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdCart", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdCart", false]], "msdlat() (diffpy.structure.atom.atom method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdLat", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.msdLat", false]], "nearestsiteindex() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.nearestSiteIndex", false]], "norm() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.norm", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.norm", false]], "normbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.normbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.normbase", false]], "nullspace() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.nullSpace", false]], "num_primitive_sym_equiv (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_primitive_sym_equiv", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_primitive_sym_equiv", false]], "num_sym_equiv (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_sym_equiv", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.num_sym_equiv", false]], "number (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.number", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.number", false]], "occupancy (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.occupancy", false], [0, "id3", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.occupancy", false], [10, "id3", false]], "occupancy (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.occupancy", false]], "orderofrecords (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.orderOfRecords", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.orderOfRecords", false]], "outputformats() (in module diffpy.structure.parsers)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.outputFormats", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.outputFormats", false]], "p_auto (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto", false]], "p_cif (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif", false]], "p_discus (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus", false]], "p_pdb (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb", false]], "p_pdffit (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit", false]], "p_rawxyz (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz", false]], "p_xcfg (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg", false]], "p_xyz (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz", false]], "parse() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.p_auto method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parse", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parse", false]], "parse() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parse", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parse", false]], "parse() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parse", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parse", false]], "parsefile() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.p_auto method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseFile", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseFile", false]], "parsefile() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseFile", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseFile", false]], "parsefile() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseFile", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseFile", false]], "parseformula() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.parseFormula", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.parseFormula", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.p_auto method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.p_discus method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.p_pdffit method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.p_rawxyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.p_xcfg method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.p_xyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.parseLines", false]], "parselines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.parseLines", false]], "pdb_name (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.pdb_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.pdb_name", false]], "pdffit (diffpy.structure.structure.structure attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.pdffit", false]], "pdffitstructure (class in diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure", false]], "placeinlattice() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.placeInLattice", false]], "point_group_name (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.point_group_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.point_group_name", false]], "positiondifference() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.positionDifference", false]], "positionformula() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.positionFormula", false]], "positionformulas() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.positionFormulas", false]], "positionformulaspruned() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.positionFormulasPruned", false]], "posparsymbols() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.posparSymbols", false]], "posparvalues() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.posparValues", false]], "prefix (diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.findrenamedstructuremodule attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule.prefix", false]], "pruneformuladictionary() (in module diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.pruneFormulaDictionary", false]], "r (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.R", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.R", false]], "read() (diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.pdffitstructure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure.read", false]], "read() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.read", false]], "readstr() (diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.pdffitstructure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.pdffitstructure.PDFFitStructure.readStr", false]], "readstr() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.readStr", false]], "recbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recbase", false]], "reciprocal() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.reciprocal", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.reciprocal", false]], "recnormbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recnormbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.recnormbase", false]], "reference": [[8, "index-0", false]], "release notes": [[13, "index-0", false]], "rnorm() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.rnorm", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.rnorm", false]], "sa (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sa", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sa", false]], "sar (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sar", false]], "sb (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sb", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sb", false]], "sbr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sbr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sbr", false]], "setlatbase() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatBase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatBase", false]], "setlatpar() (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatPar", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.setLatPar", false]], "sg (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sg", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sg", false]], "sgr (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sgr", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.sgr", false]], "short_name (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.short_name", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.short_name", false]], "signalhandler() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.signalHandler", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.signalHandler", false]], "signedratstr() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.signedRatStr", false]], "sind() (in module diffpy.structure.lattice)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.sind", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.sind", false]], "spacegroup (class in diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup", false]], "stdbase (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.stdbase", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.stdbase", false]], "structure (class in diffpy.structure.structure)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure", false]], "structureformaterror": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structureerrors.StructureFormatError", false]], "structureparser (class in diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser", false]], "supercell() (in module diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod)": [[3, "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod.supercell", false], [6, "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod.supercell", false]], "symmetryconstraints (class in diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints", false]], "symmetryerror": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structureerrors.SymmetryError", false]], "symop (class in diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp", false]], "symop_list (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.spacegroup attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.symop_list", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SpaceGroup.symop_list", false]], "t (diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.symop attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.t", false], [12, "diffpy.structure.spacegroupmod.SymOp.t", false]], "title (diffpy.structure.structure.structure attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.title", false]], "titlelines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.titleLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.titleLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.p_cif method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.p_discus method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.p_pdffit method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.p_rawxyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz.P_rawxyz.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.p_xcfg method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xcfg.P_xcfg.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.p_xyz method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_xyz.P_xyz.toLines", false]], "tolines() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.toLines", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.toLines", false]], "tolist() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.tolist", false]], "tostring() (diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.structureparser method)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.tostring", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.structureparser.StructureParser.tostring", false]], "u (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U", false]], "u (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U", false]], "u11 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U11", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U11", false]], "u11 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U11", false]], "u12 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U12", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U12", false]], "u12 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U12", false]], "u13 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U13", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U13", false]], "u13 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U13", false]], "u22 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U22", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U22", false]], "u22 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U22", false]], "u23 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U23", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U23", false]], "u23 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U23", false]], "u33 (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U33", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.U33", false]], "u33 (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.U33", false]], "ucomponents (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.Ucomponents", false]], "uformula() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.generatorsite method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.GeneratorSite.UFormula", false]], "uformulas() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UFormulas", false]], "uformulaspruned() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UFormulasPruned", false]], "uisoequiv (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Uisoequiv", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.Uisoequiv", false]], "uisoequiv (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.Uisoequiv", false]], "unitvolume (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.unitvolume", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.unitvolume", false]], "uparsymbols() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UparSymbols", false]], "uparvalues() (diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.symmetryconstraints method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.symmetryutilities.SymmetryConstraints.UparValues", false]], "usage() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.usage", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.usage", false]], "usage() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.transtru)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.usage", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.usage", false]], "validrecords (diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.p_pdb attribute)": [[4, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.validRecords", false], [7, "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb.validRecords", false]], "version() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.version", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.version", false]], "version() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.transtru)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.version", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru.version", false]], "volume (diffpy.structure.lattice.lattice property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.volume", false], [11, "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice.volume", false]], "watchstructurefile() (in module diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye)": [[2, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.watchStructureFile", false], [5, "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye.watchStructureFile", false]], "write() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.write", false]], "writestr() (diffpy.structure.structure.structure method)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.writeStr", false]], "x (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.x", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.x", false]], "x (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.x", false]], "xyz (diffpy.structure.atom.atom attribute)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz", false]], "xyz (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.xyz", false]], "xyz_cartn (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz_cartn", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.xyz_cartn", false]], "xyz_cartn (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.xyz_cartn", false]], "y (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.y", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.y", false]], "y (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.y", false]], "z (diffpy.structure.atom.atom property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.z", false], [10, "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom.z", false]], "z (diffpy.structure.structure.structure property)": [[0, "diffpy.structure.structure.Structure.z", false]]}, "objects": {"diffpy": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "structure"]], "diffpy.structure": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "_legacy_importer"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "applications"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "apps"], [10, 0, 0, "-", "atom"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "expansion"], [11, 0, 0, "-", "lattice"], [0, 4, 1, "", "loadStructure"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "mmlibspacegroups"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "parsers"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "pdffitstructure"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "sgtbxspacegroups"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "spacegroupmod"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "spacegroups"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "structure"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "structureerrors"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "symmetryutilities"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "utils"]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer": [[0, 1, 1, "", "FindRenamedStructureModule"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MapRenamedStructureModule"]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.FindRenamedStructureModule": [[0, 2, 1, "", "find_spec"], [0, 3, 1, "", "prefix"]], "diffpy.structure._legacy_importer.MapRenamedStructureModule": [[0, 2, 1, "", "create_module"], [0, 2, 1, "", "exec_module"]], "diffpy.structure.applications": [[1, 0, 0, "-", "anyeye"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.apps": [[5, 0, 0, "-", "anyeye"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "transtru"]], "diffpy.structure.apps.anyeye": [[5, 4, 1, "", "cleanUp"], [5, 4, 1, "", "convertStructureFile"], [5, 4, 1, "", "die"], [5, 4, 1, "", "loadStructureFile"], [5, 4, 1, "", "main"], [5, 4, 1, "", "parseFormula"], [5, 4, 1, "", "signalHandler"], [5, 4, 1, "", "usage"], [5, 4, 1, "", "version"], [5, 4, 1, "", "watchStructureFile"]], "diffpy.structure.apps.transtru": [[5, 4, 1, "", "main"], [5, 4, 1, "", "usage"], [5, 4, 1, "", "version"]], "diffpy.structure.atom": [[10, 1, 1, "", "Atom"]], "diffpy.structure.atom.Atom": [[10, 5, 1, "", "B11"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B12"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B13"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B22"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B23"], [10, 5, 1, "", "B33"], [10, 5, 1, "", "Bisoequiv"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U11"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U12"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U13"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U22"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U23"], [10, 5, 1, "", "U33"], [10, 5, 1, "", "Uisoequiv"], [10, 5, 1, "", "anisotropy"], [10, 3, 1, "id0", "element"], [10, 3, 1, "id1", "label"], [10, 3, 1, "id2", "lattice"], [10, 2, 1, "", "msdCart"], [10, 2, 1, "", "msdLat"], [10, 3, 1, "id3", "occupancy"], [10, 5, 1, "", "x"], [10, 3, 1, "", "xyz"], [10, 5, 1, "", "xyz_cartn"], [10, 5, 1, "", "y"], [10, 5, 1, "", "z"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion": [[6, 0, 0, "-", "makeellipsoid"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "shapeutils"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "supercell_mod"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.makeellipsoid": [[6, 4, 1, "", "makeEllipsoid"], [6, 4, 1, "", "makeSphere"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.shapeutils": [[6, 4, 1, "", "findCenter"]], "diffpy.structure.expansion.supercell_mod": [[6, 4, 1, "", "supercell"]], "diffpy.structure.lattice": [[11, 1, 1, "", "Lattice"], [11, 4, 1, "", "cosd"], [11, 4, 1, "", "sind"]], "diffpy.structure.lattice.Lattice": [[11, 5, 1, "", "a"], [11, 2, 1, "", "abcABG"], [11, 5, 1, "", "alpha"], [11, 5, 1, "", "alphar"], [11, 2, 1, "", "angle"], [11, 5, 1, "", "ar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "b"], [11, 3, 1, "", "base"], [11, 3, 1, "", "baserot"], [11, 5, 1, "", "beta"], [11, 5, 1, "", "betar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "br"], [11, 5, 1, "", "c"], [11, 5, 1, "", "ca"], [11, 5, 1, "", "car"], [11, 2, 1, "", "cartesian"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cb"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cbr"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cg"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cgr"], [11, 5, 1, "", "cr"], [11, 2, 1, "", "dist"], [11, 2, 1, "", "dot"], [11, 2, 1, "", "fractional"], [11, 5, 1, "", "gamma"], [11, 5, 1, "", "gammar"], [11, 2, 1, "", "isanisotropic"], [11, 3, 1, "", "isotropicunit"], [11, 3, 1, "", "metrics"], [11, 2, 1, "", "norm"], [11, 3, 1, "", "normbase"], [11, 3, 1, "", "recbase"], [11, 2, 1, "", "reciprocal"], [11, 3, 1, "", "recnormbase"], [11, 2, 1, "", "rnorm"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sa"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sb"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sbr"], [11, 2, 1, "", "setLatBase"], [11, 2, 1, "", "setLatPar"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sg"], [11, 5, 1, "", "sgr"], [11, 3, 1, "", "stdbase"], [11, 5, 1, "", "unitvolume"], [11, 5, 1, "", "volume"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers": [[7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"], [7, 4, 1, "", "inputFormats"], [7, 4, 1, "", "outputFormats"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_auto"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_cif"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_discus"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_pdb"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_pdffit"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_rawxyz"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_xcfg"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "p_xyz"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "parser_index_mod"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "structureparser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_auto"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_auto.P_auto": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parse"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseFile"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_cif"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getSymOp"], [7, 4, 1, "", "leading_float"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_cif.P_cif": [[7, 3, 1, "", "BtoU"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parse"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseFile"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_discus"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_discus.P_discus": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_pdb"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdb.P_pdb": [[7, 2, 1, "", "atomLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "cryst1Lines"], [7, 3, 1, "", "orderOfRecords"], [7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "titleLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"], [7, 3, 1, "", "validRecords"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_pdffit"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_pdffit.P_pdffit": [[7, 2, 1, "", "parseLines"], [7, 2, 1, "", "toLines"]], "diffpy.structure.parsers.p_rawxyz": [[7, 1, 1, "", "P_rawxyz"], [7, 4, 1, "", "getParser"]], 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