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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 19, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Note This project has been merged into the instance manager which can be found here

Instance Database Manager

Quick start

export ACCESS_TOKEN && eval (./ && echo $ACCESS_TOKEN
wget -P ~/Downloads
./ whoami ~/Downloads/dhis2-db-sierra-leone.sql.gz

Token valid by key found in jwks.json

export ACCESS_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjQ3OTYzODQwNzcsImlhdCI6MTY0MDY5MTQ3NywidXNlciI6eyJJRCI6NCwiQ3JlYXRlZEF0IjoiMjAyMS0xMi0yOFQxMDo0NjoxNi44NTEzMzlaIiwiVXBkYXRlZEF0IjoiMjAyMS0xMi0yOFQxMDo0NjoxNi44NTEzMzlaIiwiRGVsZXRlZEF0IjpudWxsLCJFbWFpbCI6InNvbWVvbmVAc29tZXRoaW5nLm9yZyIsIkdyb3VwcyI6bnVsbCwiQWRtaW5Hcm91cHMiOm51bGx9fQ.FnPIu36kV1T-Jix5Wy-HsZeqxQI6Q_7HQ14C1DWKHETIBSk-vLQ_sCMHVPKA42utEDFI3Xpmf6Gyzv9aPU_Cvg-JDazRprfrZBqn4LzSmT6K3HGoKoQ0b5G8exxz0Ote8NQDB1NBZmYvD1gpVVisCvzaewJTRAvRA3DS0n_O4kU5QENdLNPfWFo0rXOC83sLBsEIe2Ce4TiRrepOCSQKE-_rwQQSA3w30MhFmhAY7Ozcd9i69mtfcvqjORdNJ-zREgiw8B2g9oh7byE1h2oxjvoKC3WRfPeSYoRY6GuMHSSWJdzFKIswlZHdWU1GicPJASBbkKGbP5n5O6FXyeo0bw


  •     - name: data
          sizeLimit: {{ .Values.dataSizeLimit }}

dataSizeLimit seems to have no effect and the mounted disk doesn't seem to be a volume... But it is writable

  • Timeout... Eventually we'll need to run the export etc. in a background thread. Should we just return 202 or an id or something else?
  • Don't implement the endpoint on the database manager. Rather implement /instances/:id/save-as on the manager and let that produce an event which will be consumed by the database manager
  • Introduce some sort of status property on the database model... dumped, zipped... ready?
  • Store the dump log on the database model as well. The output from dump.EnableVerbose() and... ? gzip output?


  •     - name: data
          sizeLimit: {{ .Values.dataSizeLimit }}

dataSizeLimit seems to have no effect and the mounted disk doesn't seem to be a volume... But it is writable

  • Timeout... Eventually we'll need to run the export etc. in a background thread. Should we just return 202 or an id or something else?
  • Don't implement the endpoint on the database manager. Rather implement /instances/:id/save-as on the manager and let that produce an event which will be consumed by the database manager
  • Introduce some sort of status property on the database model... dumped, zipped... ready?
  • Store the dump log on the database model as well. The output from dump.EnableVerbose() and... ? gzip output?