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In the overall website, using HTML for creating web structure, using CSS for give the style on the HTML elements and JavaScript is used to create the interactive effect within the web browsers. My website has six different pages with different contents like, Home, Portfolio, Blog, Gallery, Research and Contact page. Each page share a common style form same external css file as well as some page have internal css and in-line css also for styling the web pages. Similarly, data and time appear in the every page, which is dynamically changed using JavaScript.
As a professional, the basic need for this website is to publish the the web portfolio for knowing as a programmer or any skills to IT industrial company. And as a student, the need for this website is to gain the knowledge about HTML tags like, header footer div, img etc. similarly to gain the knowledge about CSS styling rules like external style sheets internal styles sheets and in-line with HTML components and even to have the understanding the basic concept about JavaScript and its logic.
The features of this project as follows;
- website has proper web components like navigation bar, header, footer and main contents in every page.
- website shows the date and time which change according to the device.
- photo slider is additional feature in this website, it changes the photo in every 5 second.
- Website has six different web pages for different topics like Portfolio page for all about myself and Blog page for my blog in some topics.
- Website has contact page where user can give feedback or company can hire as post (my skills)
- with the features of JavaScript, form can detect the wrong value input by the user and display the proper pop-up message.
This project gives you the basic knowledge on the mark-up language (HTML, CSS , JavaScript) to develop a static as well as dynamic website for personal use, commercial use or for the business purpose and for the students who are willing to learn the mark-up language as well.
Mark-up language are easy to use where the people can write the code even in notepad. There are some others software to write the mark-up language for example sublime text, dream weaver, notepad++, gedit text editors for Linux etc. But, I was used sublime text editors for doing this project.
In this project different types of css has been used to make the pages more attractive whereas JavaScript is used to make the page dynamic.
Sublime text is used to code the mark up language. The sublime text is very easy and convenient to use. It is supported on Mac, Linux and windows so it provides chance for the cross platform therefore sublime was choose to complete the project. The first page of the website is the home page where a massage for the visitors and my short profile is displayed. Also, date and time is considered to be in the home page. It also contains my picture so as to give a good impression to the visitors. Another page of the website is the portfolio section where everything about me is mentioned in detail. My work experience, skills, objectives, awards and achievements, interest and personal information is mentioned. Additionally, if anybody wants to contact me or hire me there is an easy option of reaching upto me. This page describes me in every aspect.
Similarly, the third page of the website is the blog section. The blog is all about how technology has taken over the recent decades and is very helpful in our daily life. It also contains how our daily life has been affected by the use of technology. The advantage of the technology is described in detail. Again there is the connect me option so that people can reach me in case they want. Likewise, the other page is the gallery section which was not not required in the question but to give a website a professional look the gallery section contains my achievements in major fields. Another section is the research section where I have included the links of the websites from where I have taken the major concepts of making websites and style sheets. The links are listed and as we click the link the link expand to give a screen-shot of the original web page. The last section is the contact section and there are two forms. One of the form is the hire form where people can fill form with their details and message. Another form is the feedback form where suggestion, feedback and complain can be given according to people’s interest. So that was all about the website.