If you're just looking to install Pocket Casts Android, you can find it on Google Play. If you're a developer wanting to contribute, read on.
- Make sure you've installed Android Studio.
- In Android Studio, open the project from the local repository.
- Go to Tools β Device Manager and create an emulated device.
- Go to Run β Edit Configurationsβ¦ and create an Android App configuration.
- Select the module "pocketcasts-android.app.main".
- Run.
To build, install, and test the project from the command line:
$ ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug # assemble the debug .apk
$ ./gradlew :app:installDebug # install the debug .apk to a connected device
$ ./gradlew :app:testDebugUnitTest # assemble, install and run unit tests
$ ./gradlew :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest # assemble, install and run Android tests
βββ app # Mobile app
βββ automotive # Automotive app
βββ modules
β βββ features
β β βββ account # Create account and sign in pages.
β β βββ cartheme # Automotive resources needed for the account pages.
β β βββ discover # Discover section.
β β βββ filters # Filters section.
β β βββ navigation # Navigation utilities.
β β βββ player # Full screen player
β β βββ podcasts # Podcasts section.
β β βββ profile # Profile section.
β β βββ search # Search pages.
β β βββ settings # Settings pages.
β βββ services
β βββ compose # Shared Compose code.
β βββ images # Image resources.
β βββ localization # Contains the strings in English and localized strings from GlotPress.
β βββ model # The database logic and entities. Also transfer objects required which aren't stored in the database.
β βββ preferences # Stores the user preferences and configuration settings.
β βββ repositories # Provides accessing to the data from the 'servers' and 'model' modules.
β βββ servers # Provides the network calls to the servers. The UI layer should access these through the 'repositories' module.
β βββ ui # Shared UI code for the 'compose' and 'views' modules. This includes the themes.
β βββ utils # Utility classes.
β βββ views # Shred Only the old views code.
Read our Contributing Guide to learn about reporting issues, contributing code, and more ways to contribute.
If you happen to find a security vulnerability, please let us know at https://hackerone.com/automattic and allow us to respond before disclosing the issue publicly.
- Coding Style - guidelines and validation and auto-formatting tools
- Pull Request Guidelines - branch naming and how to write good pull requests
To build a signed release, add these lines to your ~/.gradle/gradle.properties file