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Implement standard simplifications (#312)
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There are many symbolic simplifications that the semantics require such
as `+0 + x ⇥ x` and `if b then True else False ⇥ b`.  This change
implements those simplifications.
  • Loading branch information
Gabriella439 authored Mar 3, 2018
1 parent 404c97d commit 00c79f5
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 101 deletions.
172 changes: 71 additions & 101 deletions src/Dhall/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1350,53 +1350,38 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
Annot x _ -> loop x
Bool -> Bool
BoolLit b -> BoolLit b
BoolAnd x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn && yn)
_ -> BoolAnd x' y'
_ -> BoolAnd x' y'
BoolAnd x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolOr x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn || yn)
_ -> BoolOr x' y'
_ -> BoolOr x' y'
decide (BoolLit True ) r = r
decide (BoolLit False) _ = BoolLit False
decide l (BoolLit True ) = l
decide _ (BoolLit False) = BoolLit False
decide l r = BoolAnd l r
BoolOr x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolEQ x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn == yn)
_ -> BoolEQ x' y'
_ -> BoolEQ x' y'
decide (BoolLit False) r = r
decide (BoolLit True ) _ = BoolLit True
decide l (BoolLit False) = l
decide _ (BoolLit True ) = BoolLit True
decide l r = BoolOr l r
BoolEQ x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolNE x y ->
case x' of
BoolLit xn ->
case y' of
BoolLit yn -> BoolLit (xn /= yn)
_ -> BoolNE x' y'
_ -> BoolNE x' y'
decide (BoolLit True ) r = r
decide l (BoolLit True ) = l
decide (BoolLit False) (BoolLit False) = BoolLit True
decide l r = BoolEQ l r
BoolNE x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
BoolIf b true false -> case loop b of
BoolLit True -> true'
BoolLit False -> false'
b' -> BoolIf b' true' false'
decide (BoolLit False) r = r
decide l (BoolLit False) = l
decide (BoolLit True ) (BoolLit True ) = BoolLit False
decide l r = BoolNE l r
BoolIf bool true false -> decide (loop bool) (loop true) (loop false)
true' = loop true
false' = loop false
decide (BoolLit True ) l _ = l
decide (BoolLit False) _ r = r
decide b (BoolLit True) (BoolLit False) = b
decide b l r = BoolIf b l r
Natural -> Natural
NaturalLit n -> NaturalLit n
NaturalFold -> NaturalFold
Expand All @@ -1406,26 +1391,20 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
NaturalOdd -> NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger -> NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow -> NaturalShow
NaturalPlus x y ->
case x' of
NaturalLit xn ->
case y' of
NaturalLit yn -> NaturalLit (xn + yn)
_ -> NaturalPlus x' y'
_ -> NaturalPlus x' y'
NaturalPlus x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
NaturalTimes x y ->
case x' of
NaturalLit xn ->
case y' of
NaturalLit yn -> NaturalLit (xn * yn)
_ -> NaturalTimes x' y'
_ -> NaturalTimes x' y'
decide (NaturalLit 0) r = r
decide l (NaturalLit 0) = l
decide (NaturalLit m) (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit (m + n)
decide l r = NaturalPlus l r
NaturalTimes x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
decide (NaturalLit 1) r = r
decide l (NaturalLit 1) = l
decide (NaturalLit 0) _ = NaturalLit 0
decide _ (NaturalLit 0) = NaturalLit 0
decide (NaturalLit m) (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit (m * n)
decide l r = NaturalTimes l r
Integer -> Integer
IntegerLit n -> IntegerLit n
IntegerShow -> IntegerShow
Expand All @@ -1443,35 +1422,26 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
process (x, y) = case loop y of
TextLit c -> [Chunks [] x, c]
y' -> [Chunks [(x, y')] mempty]
TextAppend x y ->
case x' of
TextLit xt ->
case y' of
TextLit yt -> TextLit (xt <> yt)
_ -> TextAppend x' y'
_ -> TextAppend x' y'
TextAppend x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
isEmpty (Chunks [] "") = True
isEmpty _ = False

decide (TextLit m) r | isEmpty m = r
decide l (TextLit n) | isEmpty n = l
decide (TextLit m) (TextLit n) = TextLit (m <> n)
decide l r = TextAppend l r
List -> List
ListLit t es -> ListLit t' es'
t' = fmap loop t
es' = fmap loop es
ListAppend x y ->
case x' of
ListLit tX xs ->
case y' of
ListLit _ ys -> ListLit t (xs <> ys)
t = if Data.Sequence.null xs && Data.Sequence.null ys
then tX
else Nothing
_ -> ListAppend x' y'
_ -> ListAppend x' y'
ListAppend x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
decide (ListLit _ m) r | Data.Sequence.null m = r
decide l (ListLit _ n) | Data.Sequence.null n = l
decide (ListLit t m) (ListLit _ n) = ListLit t (m <> n)
decide l r = ListAppend l r
ListBuild -> ListBuild
ListFold -> ListFold
ListLength -> ListLength
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1499,26 +1469,26 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
v' = loop v
kvs' = fmap loop kvs
Combine x0 y0 ->
let combine x y = case x of
RecordLit kvsX -> case y of
RecordLit kvsY ->
let kvs = Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.unionWith combine kvsX kvsY
in RecordLit (fmap loop kvs)
_ -> Combine x y
_ -> Combine x y
in combine (loop x0) (loop y0)
Prefer x y ->
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y' of
RecordLit kvsY ->
RecordLit (fmap loop (Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.union kvsY kvsX))
_ -> Prefer x' y'
_ -> Prefer x' y'
Combine x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
decide (RecordLit m) r | Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.null m =
decide l (RecordLit n) | Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.null n =
decide (RecordLit m) (RecordLit n) =
RecordLit (Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.unionWith decide m n)
decide l r =
Combine l r
Prefer x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
decide (RecordLit m) r | Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.null m =
decide l (RecordLit n) | Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.null n =
decide (RecordLit m) (RecordLit n) =
RecordLit (Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.union n m)
decide l r =
Prefer l r
Merge x y t ->
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX ->
Expand Down

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