Write a program that will randomly capitalize the letters in a given piece of text a la a ransom note. The text may be provided on the command line
C:\> ./ransom.ps1 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
THe qUICk BrOWn fOX jumPS OVEr THE LAzy DOg.
Or with a file
C:\> ./ransom.ps1 ../inputFiles/fox.txt
THE QUicK BRown fox JuMPS OVER THe laZY dog.
The program should accept a -s
or --seed
option to use as a random seed to ensure reproducibility
C:\> ./ransom.ps1 -s 1 ../inputFiles/fox.txt
thE QUICk BrOWn Fox jumpS OveR tHe LAzY dOg.